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Everything posted by L_Blue

  1. Cant remember really cant rememnber the last time they stuffed us at Goodison either but I do remember the last time they stuffed us at their place Gobsh*tes last game
  2. Off to see Tool in November in Manchester can't wait.
  3. It says he sustained the injury in the last minute against city so I guess that was why Moyes brought Weir on I know a lot of us were giving Moyes stick for that but maybe we were a little unfair. Last minute of added time Johnson injured I would prob choose to bring another defender on rather than VDM or something.
  4. Be more worried about the left though right we have players who can fill in there
  5. They are a US band came around kinda the same time as the Killers but not as widely liked his voice might be an aquired taste. My Coco would be a good place to start if you want to hear one of their songs. I really liked Stellastarr* and I like the 2nd album it was pretty well criticised in the music press and to be fair it isn't as good as the first but it's still not bad Lost in Time the first track was really good and sweet troubled soul.
  6. Does anyone else think that it's PCism gone mad? I mean if he had made some kind of "F*** off" gesture or something for that I could see a reason for complaints but bearing his arse for 2 seconds who cares? If I had a child and I took then to the game I wouldn't be particularly bothered everyone has an arse and I mean it's not like he got his wang out. From what I understand he got a lot of stick about his brother who deserves everything he got and Joey isnt the same person as his brother and I don't think he overreacted. Football has just become too PC now imho e.g whenever there is a streaker the cameras will pan away and the commentator will launch into some rehearsed speech about idiots ruining the game rather than laughing it off. I think football has enough bad things such as racism diving cynical challenges and corruption to worry about before we complain about Joey Barton's ass, and to those people who saw fit to make a complaint to the police after the game fair enough it was a bit immature but don't you have anything better to do with your time?
  7. Think it's from Primal Scream's new album dunno what it's called last single was Country Girl but not sure it's from that but pretty sure it's Primal Scream.
  8. Nice analogy Goldfish Fixing my PC doesn't quite make me a god amongst men more a slightly nerdier man amongst men. Anyway as others have said watching Everton win always makes me happy, also seeing Utd or Liverpool lose and to a lesser extent Chelski brings a smile to my face. Also Liverpool fans on radio city moaning how they aren't top and haven't won the league in 10 years when they 'deserve' success and how a club like theirs has to win things. There are supporters of about 10 other teams in the league who feel similar and not everyone can win it accept it
  9. get out of your car and cycle or walk or you get the bus and there will be less cars. I can see why cars hate cyclists and vice versa but it's neither's fault really that the road system in this country isn't sorted very well. Cool - 500th post
  10. Hey I am a cyclist some of the time if there were more cycle lanes I would quite happily stay out of cars way I don't wanna be ran over
  11. Melons This is gonna go round in cricles
  12. Wonder what will happen with Vidarssen he seems to have been around forever.
  13. Umm I have quite an easy timetable and am enjoying Manchester at the mo cos I don't have much to do but I guess it will all mount up since it's final year. On the subject of moaning I hate - Student comedy that isn't funny comedy aimed at dickhead student who will laugh at the same repeated w*nk over and over e.g the fast show, Bo Selecta , The Mighty Boosh and now especially Russell Brand COCK! - Also topman and all the twats who seem to live in there with tight yellow and pink shirts and hair that looks like it is out of a wella shockwaves commercial. - Indie cool students who wear scarves when it isn't even cold. That is all I can think of at the moment cos life is pretty good just minor annoyances. Oh and the bus companies for making a week pass £3 a week instead of £2 grrr. P.S. Mike told you to buy a router seperately and also whatever the security suite they are offering you is, it's probably pretty w*nk. Virus checker you can get AVG Free from the internet with regular updates I never have any problems. Firewall XP has one built in but if you think you need one you can get ZoneAlarm for free and AdAware or Spybot are free tools for removing or avoiding spyware. P.P.S Just seen Mark's comments I hate tramps who tell you to have a nice day anyway after you say you have no money as if you are gonna guilt me into giving you money.
  14. Freud cos I cant remember any of Jung's theories at the present moment, not good for a 3rd year psychology student Chinese or Indian? (food)
  15. Wow someone other than me actually listens to Stellastarr* At the drive-in - Non Zero Possibility
  16. you must have some kind of huge hair
  17. She also said she couldn't live without ABBA either so it isn't all good, travelling to the match with dancing queen on repeat enough to drive you mental. She is still hot tho.
  18. Hibbert's card was a red Bramble was totally shite makes Weir and Stubbs look like world beaters. I agree Johnson didnt have the best game but he can't be MoM every week. Happy with a point also think that whilst pretty fast that Martins looked a bit shit, oh and their goal was totally offside.
  19. it's a quicktime vid maybe you dont have the latest version of quicktime
  20. Star Wars Stuart Barlow or Brett Angell?
  21. Blur Carl Tiler or Mitch Ward?
  22. Is that a typo? I don't get it.
  23. I am pretty sure you could connect the old pc to the router via a really long cable if you want but for the sake of about 15£ I would go for a cheap wireless adapter I'm sure you can find a spare USB socket on the back somewhere. Here for example... http://www.ebuyer.com/UK/product/107691 oh also make sure you buy a wireless adapter that supports g speeds rather than b speeds cos they are slow and crap. On a side note no I don't work for Ebuyer
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