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Everything posted by L_Blue

  1. Still seems like the new site is full of too many ads but maybe I will get used to it
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q.E.D. Note: "It is not seen as frequently now, since formal geometry is less commonly taught as a separate subject." <- Showing yr age mac?
  3. Who is this guy trying to kid, maybe he is dillusional
  4. wow just tried it and got the following: Error Code : 404 The page you are trying to reach may have expired, or been moved. If you have followed a link from your bookmarks, please relocate the page and remember to update your bookmarks. What to do: Return to the evertonfc.com homepage View the evertonfc.com sitemap Search evertonfc.com Teething bugs I suspect Not the best start, first impressions I don't like it The news section (which I guess most people will be interested in) now takes up a tiny proportion of the page so we can have loads of ads for EvertonTV Everton Mobile Everton Auction etc. It's like they have just attempted to put in as many ads as poss as Zed predicted. No pop ups so far but am using firefox so maybe I just cant see them.
  5. Not sure you have the right context there licker
  6. A question that you ask but don't seriously expect anyone to be able to give you the answet to. Like why are we here? Admittedly "why does badger eat potato?" isn't on quite the same level but it's something that bugs me none the less
  7. It wasn't a joke it was a rhetorical question if anything
  8. Maybe if you had an average of 43+ posts per day
  9. It's the main site so I can't see it being down for too long plus they have been plannning for this update for a while can see it back up tomorrow
  10. yep add lots of pay per view features great! Maybe I am just being pessimistic
  11. I think it would prepare kids for the real world otherwise they could grow up assuming badgers eat potato and like Chucklevision is educational in one way I suppose it teaches kids that just because your surname is chuckle it doesnt mean you are funny.
  12. Yep day before my birthday that's how I remember it so will prob get it on my bday at some point
  13. well ok he's as irish as Vinny Jones is Welsh I just meant that he plays for the southern irish team.
  14. which male isn't tho really lets be honest people
  15. Well being a badger I don't think that mash would be his foodstuff of choice maybe leaves or small rodents or something.
  16. Why does a badger like mash potato?
  17. Maybe if we sell Timmy it will fund this
  18. I am a student so I think it's my obligation to watch crap tv and moan about it
  19. Carsley is southern irish but he has retired from internationals and I'm pretty sure Smith signed him on the same day as Linderoth which was puzzling since we sacked him like 2 weeks later. The season after Moyes didnt have 2 bits to rub together and I remeber thinking what was the logic in giving Smith 3m to spend on players 2 weeks before he was fired and then telling Moyes we haven't got any money for you sorry.
  20. Yes, I am bored but I have just watched the epic and all important match between Togo and Switzerland two giants of world football. Anyway Chucklevision is on right now and I am wondering if anyone in the world ever actually liked this programme. It was on when I was still a kid and I want to know who watches it cos it must be in it's 50th season or something. Plus I think the title is misleading I have never even sniggered. If Paul or Barry actually read this forum sorry but your brand of comedy just doesn't do it for me. Having said that I have always said Little Britain is complete tosh so maybe everyone else in the country can see something in Chucklevision that I can't.
  21. L_Blue

    Liverpool Joke

    That was pretty shitty
  22. Watched the game thought Oz played pretty well didnt think Tim did too much in the game really didn't think he had too many chances to go forward and I can understand why he brought Kewell on instead, result doesnt change much I dont reckon I think Brazil will beat or at worst draw with Japan. So I think Oz only need to draw against Croatia even if they had got a point today it would be exactly the same case really so it doesn't really matter about today for them.
  23. hopefully he will remain injury prone for Liverpool
  24. Your comments are always so positive fozz, I kinda agree about lazy VDM but just out of curiosity is there anyone who you like and think we didnt pay too much for?
  25. Richardson sucks balls I don't care what Sven or Ferguson think. As for Tim I really don't see how power relations work in this game, even if he wants to leave tough shit he is contracted here till 2010 so we wouldnt have to sell him, what can he do he has signed a contract and if he refuses to play surely we can sue him for breach of contract. I'm sure this wouldn't work and Blue Bill would give in and sell him but I really don't see how, if a player has a 3 year plus contract we would be under any obligation to sell him.
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