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Brett Angel

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Everything posted by Brett Angel

  1. I might add that if Baines played against west ham last night in place of Oviedo, we wouldn't have got a draw out of that game. For all the dodgy moments Oviedo had last night when it came to the crunch he did what I and probably every evertonian has been crying out for all season. He put his foot through it and drilled it low and hard into a dangerous place. I guarantee Baines would have side footed a inch perfect pass only for it to be hacked away. Sometimes you just need to pit it in a dangerous position and play witht the odds.
  2. This may sound silly but after watching lukaku's display, I would try him behing Naismith. His passing, his running with the ball, his shots from outside the box,all tells me that he wwould do more damage as a number ten. And Naismith would make those intelligent runs.
  3. Yep, obviously gonna get tired with relay's
  4. No pal, a good player knows No mate, a good player knows when to keep it and when to release it. He doesn't
  5. Has anyone thought that Jags felt like he had to act that way due to his own performance
  6. Always said this rust, if he plays deep he can see widescreen what's in front of him and he gets is fifty yards up field in an instance. It's like god tested the lad, gave him world class feet but installed blinkers at the same time. Now get to bed!!!!
  7. Im not denying he had amazing turns, imI'm just saying they still looked laboured and at his pace. What iI think imI'm trying to say is if he turns at this pace and gets past his player it looks really good but if he gets the ball taken off him he looks off the pace. If he always shields the ball though with his strength then he'll be fine. Just think he looks awkward sometimes.
  8. I think Rom will always look slow at turning, slow at controlling but if he can do what he did tonight and shield that ball wherever he goes he'll be fine.
  9. David James is a twat, I'm made up he went bankrupt. Little swipe at the end there.
  10. Barkley can fuck right off the greedy Bastard, I don't care if he scores and shuts me up. I am sick to death of watching players get into position just to watch him try and go showboat and lose the ball. He's a pain in the arse.
  11. The thing that scares me most is, I remember when we would leave the boot in sometimes to let them know we where up to it. It's as if bobbys nice personality has rubbed off on them on the pitch. If we get dragged in at the bottom this something that will make or break us.
  12. Well in Barkley loses it and tackles the ref.... See that mikeO
  13. If distin wants to fucking moan again about being dropped, bobby can just show him this back now.
  14. HHahaha wooooooo shout it from the roof tops. I also have two kids andmy weekends are precious to me with them. Obviously me and you are different.
  15. 25 minutes? Mike am on about most of the games this season. Obviously you pick and choose what games you watch. And leave the WE out, it's becoming desperate mate.
  16. Phil Neville looks like a squirt in the middle of them. He looks like he's borrowed roms coat aswell.
  17. The best think lukaku will learn from tonight is, he can run in a straight line and still beat people cause tonight he is showing the sheer mass he posseses
  18. Am fucking sick of our own fans booing them when they turn back. Gobshites
  19. Absolutely love Rom tonight. Did defenders let him turn he's a beast.
  20. Give Rom dreadlocks and he's the one I remember tonight.
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