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Brett Angel

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Posts posted by Brett Angel

  1. Happy with overall oerformances. Just wish we didn't start hurrying build ups once time starts ticking away in games cause we end up passing when there isn't a pass on... Happy with clean sheet today but Got really lucky as long should have tucked that away at the end.

  2. Just watching the shite on telly now... Everton fans are far too impatiant when it comes to posession and doing something.... We all moan that we what them to get the ball forward quicker yet we don't want to see the long ball constantly.... We seriously do need to be more patient as a crowd when they slowley build up posession otherwise were goin to win more game away than at home.

  3. Hate to say this but I think we should cash in on fellaini. I think he had another good game today but I think for the money would get for him we could buy a defensive mid for a cheaper price who knows only of that position, leaving money over to buy an attacking mid.... Not having a go at fellaini but if we play him deeper like the first half, you don't get much from him. If you play him further up you he's a defenate threat but gives the team a poor excuse to go too direct. What ya think ?

  4. Mirralas could have had the worst game if his career and yet he would have still have given more in that side than that midget Scottish twat...... Anyone who say the old get behind him, he wears the everton badge can fuck off now. Av lost all patience with him. He's just proved why he wastuck in the SPL and cant even get à start in the Scottish national side. He plays like he's won a competition to play with the everton side for the day. Stands out like a swore thumb.... Sorry if the text is incorrect, am shaking with rage.

  5. Barkley needs to see the early pass more and not hold onto it too long, Coleman needs to stop tackling himself when trying to do a ronaldo, distan needs to stop hoofing it when there no pressure on him, Kaman needs to come off, his confidence is very low, and jelly need to stop ducking mianjng, he's reminding me of a poor Torres........ Other than that am pleased with the dominance once again.... The crowds shit by the way.

  6. Everytime i watch Johnny play, u pray he doesn't make a mistake. Only cause he's such a naturally gifted player with the ball at his feet. The only problem is he's just nor that good without it. He always lookstoo relaxed and tries to crowd please too much with some of his decisions... Best bet for all me thinks if we find a buyer sooner rather than later... Sorry to sound so negetive. He will probably re-discover form once he moves.

  7. We all know sarcasm is the lowest form, yet we still try to use it in every reply, don't wr mike....... Am a scouser myself, so why would I be trying to stereotype?.....the fact if the matter is these people are the lowest of the lows, cause they have no regard for others......I stayed that they were unemployed cause that is stooping to the pits to make a quick buck...... But defend them if you must, it only paints a picture of what your about.

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