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Everything posted by Randomness

  1. aye, what has moysie got against the kids anyway, is anichebe and Vaughan really spawns of satan who will dye his hair from red to green
  2. nah cahill has escaped. we'll need him vs chelsea. if we can kick aaron lennon out the game then thats good.
  3. not being funny but dickov has a reputation of being a total Wanker on the pitch but off the pitch he's like the nicest guy on the face of the earth, so a move to Everton will ensure he gets sent off regulary and is banned for alleged abuse of refs off the pitch.
  4. From Sky Sports: Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez is convinced Steven Gerrard will not move on from Anfield in the summer. The signs of summer approaching are generally apparent when Gerrard's name starts to crop up in the transfer gossip columns. Chelsea came close to signing him in the last two summers, but the England man remained loyal to Liverpool and Benitez does not expect a change this year. "He is happy here," said Benitez. "His commitment is the best in the club. "Steven's very happy here and has been settled this season." Benitez feels the midfield powerhouse may want a new challenge in the future, but does not foresee him seeking a move this summer. "Maybe in the future, if he has won The Premiership three times, he might like to play abroad," added the Spanish tactician. "You can see it in his game - he doesn't want to go anywhere else." now it wouldnt be right. unless i added this ESPN "For Liverpool fans it's unthinkable that Gerrard could ever don the jersey of another team. And it was those sentiments which led to the protests outside Anfield - including the burning of his shirt - when he announced he would leave the club in July 2005." Liverpool FC Fanzine "Sky’s footage of an irate fan burning a shirt" ICTeeside "The 25-year-old had indicated on Tuesday the time was right to quit Anfield, prompting angry supporters to burn a replica Gerrard shirt." Chelsea Blog "The Reds who burnt their Gerrard shirts for the TV cameras outside Anfield yesterday must feel just a little bit stupid." Anfield Road Gerrard: “I remember a guy burning a Gerrard shirt outside Anfield. I’m not sure if he was a real Liverpool fan, but I’m strong enough to move on from things like that" Good old RS, the moral of the story is, chant that you hate him, but only go on a pilage when the twit moves.
  5. well season ticket holders will be (so sharp i might cut myself) like myself, hopefully after his calamatous attempt at a comical goal PLEASE DROP TEFLON!
  6. that long ball fiasco was just comical, they should dedicate a whole series of "taxi" to teflon i reckon.
  7. who's beattie getting married to? just i heard when he first moved he had the choice of liz mclaron or that ginga one from emmerdale.
  8. ye dunc is very activly involved in charities and stuff. not bad for a thug etc.
  9. i dont care as long as we beat tottenham next week. WE HAVE TO BEAT THEM!
  10. except we had two stand empty nearly, though the atomsphere on the glawdys all night was fantastic! Even to the point where some1 started singing And we love our neville southall NEVILLE SOUTHALL dur dur d dur dur dur d dur dur d (you have no idea how long it took to figure out what to write for that) it got to Kevin sheedy and as it went back some1 was shouting the name then they messed up and said andy gray twice in a row we laughed so hard, then cried as bent missed from a yard out!
  11. dont want to lose to charlon we'll fall behind them and the barcodes if we do, a win will put us above west ham who are playing chelsea and 1 point behind bolton who play the shite on sunday.
  12. so as it stands 6th place is Uefa cup. 4th Spuds 55 5th Arse 53 6th Blackburn 53 7th Bolton 48 8th Wigan 47 9th Wet Spam 45 10th Everton 44 at the moment intertoto cup place is ours because blackburn are in the uefa cup spot.
  13. aye so better get preparing for the world club championship final 2011 Everton CD Vs Everton FC
  14. 31? no he's only a kid 20 Oct 1984 so 21 not 31
  15. ye he went to my primary school p.s Every thread about him now i will bring that up
  16. IF pongollle is going, i'd go in for him. not the others though.
  17. seems Materazzi Learned a few things from dunc. He elbowed Sorin in the face and made him bleed AND HE GOT AWAY WITH IT! well at the moment at least. hit sorin on the eyelid so his eye was closing! He had a good game did marco, just this elbow is what will be talked about for a while.
  18. didn't cahill try to break rooney's leg on the first day of the season? please dont happen.
  19. Though they shudnt be there THANK YOU VERY MUCH Mr. Collina I think for such a small Spannish Club they do play some Great Stuff at times I also realise i should have posted this like months ago but meh!
  20. as it was Nixon who started the Rooney to United media campaign NATIONAL JOURNO BASTARD!
  21. tell you what, i'll email the echo, they always know this kinda shizzle!
  22. shows though what a money can do to a small club.
  23. People From East Anglia are thick, And as farmers, They usually thinking about what type of tractor they will buy next, this must be Teflon is thinking about, and not a game of football! Therefore we shud sell him and let him get back to his Tractor Racing! btw sunday papers today Everton are trying to sign the next Wayne Rooney - Oldham's teenage striker Scott Spencer. (Sunday People) PLEASE Hopkins Anichebe and Vaughan (the latter once he's allegedly off the drugs.)
  24. agree with that jon stead remark. Fucking wright absolutue shocker even crap for teflon's standards. Although one must question why we only played after they scored their goals! and why no urgency to get the 3rd goal at the start of the 2nd half, why wier and stubbs was broken up? Why was arteta not on the starting XI What was naysmith doing He was out of position for the 2nd goal! Sunderland were good today, but we played them off the park........ for 1 whole minute
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