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Everything posted by Randomness

  1. i was actually thinking, hold on i've herd rumours from birds i know that cahill is with thier sister. etc. BASTRARD! you had me worried!
  2. with the money saved thats a great night in town!
  3. its not that i dislike naysmith just Nuno has got to be the Fastest Improved Player in the team, And he has pace, and The way He can Bend a Cross Inwards into the "ZOOOONE of uncertancy" Plus he has a cool name Nuno, yes i am Easily Ammused sometimes.
  4. YES A MASSIVE REDUCTION ON MY PRICE! even though i could have got a discount this year ooops £120 Off!
  5. what? that makes no sense, which sounds like BK CRAP no we get 25% and theres nothing man u can do
  6. No B.k Got something Right a whopping 25% sell on clause! 25%
  7. did anyone see last night he came on for inter when they were 2-1 up, and Villarreal attacks were mostly comming from the left hand side, and he shored up thier Right Back position, Plus he manged to get a great header accross goal that Adriano hit and then it was cleared off the line, My Point; BRING BACK MATERAZZI p.s Villarreal may just make the semi's if they improve on thier finishing!
  8. ohhh maaan i would love that. "OI BEATTIE When i said header the bastard i meant the ball" Arteta HOW MANY TIMES LAD, DONT DO SHORT CORNERS! c'mon TEFLON OFF YER LINE LAD! Nice goal pistone Pity its yer own one.
  9. stubbsy to score, just to show the mackems how you use a defender.
  10. did anyone see "the last word" with andy gray on SS1 after the man u birmingham match? i didnt, but apparently the liverpool corner it went out of play and then swung back in. and the fucking lino wasnt paying attention. having said that, i see phil at corners most weeks and he stands square on to the ball, you have to admit the fact that crouch was about caused him to move position and affected the situation.
  11. aye zamora is falling down the pecking order at Upton park, could be worth it.
  12. all we want from officials is consistancy, If VDM Deserved to go (and a lot of ppl agree he did) Then so does Garcia. Argue about intent and Malliciouness all you want, Consistancy its all i want from the officials.
  13. my first game at Goodison 95/96 season we played leeds dave watson got sent off for a tackle on the halfway line. leeds own goal and then Andrei Kanchelskis went on a run and smacked it hit the park end post and rebounded in. i remember that because i was one of them who realise it was going in first and had a chance to see it before all the people blocked the view of a 7 year old kid. in fact before i got my season ticket this season, my attendence to Goodison was less then frequent tbh.
  14. Some positives for Everton 11 vs 11 even without arteta we were starting to push the Red side back. of course with gerrard sent off they had to play more counter attack and we had the iniative.
  15. ahh well the next derby we win, we shall all have to go on thekop.com or watever the liverpoo forums are called.
  16. ye i was not impressed by our fouling the long streak of piss. just let him win the header, RS are useless at the 2nd ball anyway.
  17. hes a man u supporter, at least on the 2003 marks and spencer the complete history of football (ideal stocking filler) thats what he said. But ye biased fuck. What we want is Sheedy and Sharpy doing all our commentary now!
  18. although i was in a pub being had off by 4 female liverpool supporters who go to my school i still predict "we're gonna win 4-3" we were going to win 11 vs 11 liverpool knew it so gerrard got himself sent off so we had to take the initiative which we spectaculary failed to do. Duncan up for it? having a laugh. the substitutions actually made things worse, Shows how bad we are without arteta not once in the 2nd half did we string 5 passes on the deck together. and to cap it all off "Craig Craig" "what" "easy easy easy easy easy easy easy YOU SHUTTTUP" 2 good things come out of this 1) arteta wont make the spain squad 2) Beattie wont make england.
  19. VDm deserved red? he was going for the ball at no point de he look at alonso. and if thats a red card i have one name for you ALAN SHEARER! And if VDM gets sent off what about garcia's Attempt to give kilbane a shiner? Totally pissed off we played better 11 against 11.
  20. so cockneys originate from Liverpool eh
  21. better than Real Madrid 6-3 Eintract Frankfurt ye right
  22. if beattie nets a hattrick i shall demand that number 08 be worn everyweek
  23. dunno why your all raving about dunc we all know its gonna be phil neville Alan Stubbs tony Hibbert and davy weir on the scoresheet.
  24. lol a lot of neutals all agree that moyes to newcastle is a bad move (mainly man u fans who think he's fergie's Successor)
  25. 2 things A) Beattie wont join newcastle, Even if owen returns to Liverpool. arteta wont go to barca unfortunatly as they have quiet a decent squad.
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