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Posts posted by Cake

  1. Am I missing something? So far as I read into things, the club wanted to modernize the clubs logo. A team was put together (not by Bill) and failed to deliver. How is Bill the fall guy, again?! Or is he just the easiest person to point the finger at?


    Not sure its a badge a rapist deserves, but love the reference ;)

    I wasn't pointing the finger at him.... quite the opposite.... although the post could be taken as loaded with sarcasm and scepticism it was meant in earnest but the intent is perhaps lost because of the feeling from some about Bill in general. Bill is ace and a far more astute and hard-nosed businessman than many give him credit for.


    Oh, and for the record, it's part of a Chairman's role to be an easy target but that, again, was not the intent.


    Peace! :)

  2. Bill Kenwright, Everton Chairman & Marketing Genius!!


    How to shaft 22,000+ people in one fell swoop! This guy would fire Lord Alan Sugar!


    Bill knows the soul of our fan base intimately. He's a fan himself. He knew altering the badge in this way would start this. So, out of nowhere, he comes to the rescue as it transpires Elstone & Co went against his wishes but now they've learned their lesson and so they'll change the badge again for the season after next and the fans can choose it.


    Result! Kerching! Merchandise with 'Limited Edition' badge! "Roll up! Roll up! One season only! When it's gone we'll get some more!!"


    Brilliant, Bill! Genius! He'll limit the number of items people can buy, next..... and then..... "Ah go on, then! Have what you want!"

  3. If I had £1 for every non-Everton fan who has asked me why we have a helter skelter on our badge I would be a wealthy man - really wealthy if I had £100,000 for every time. So, looking at it from their point of view and from my own where I don't have to just smile any longer, while thinking about setting fire, to those who know what it is and are just taking the piss when they call it a helter skelter (because, like it or not, that's exactly what it looked like) changing the design of it to what it resembles more is not a bad thing. Now I'll just have to explain why we have a "Fair Maiden's" hat, like those seen at jousting competitons, without the veil 'streamers'on it, on our badge!


    As we're called The Toffees why not have something associated with toffee on there?


    As we're called/we call ourselves The Dogs of War why not have something to do with dogs or war on there?


    Do you think it wouldn't sell, or something?


    Stuff will fly off the shelves with the new badge on and most of the 14k petitioners will be first in thequeue when their missus' tell them to get up the club shop for Young Dunc's birthday!


    Change! A terrible thing! Bring back vinyl, I say - something tactile!


    We dodged a bullet with Forren. He's nowhere near good enough for the Premier League and if we had bought him we'd have made a loss because of how shit he is. Yet another player who looks the mutts nuts in a foreign league but can't hack it in the English game.


    There are loads of forren players who can't hack it in the English game.....


    ("Taxi for Cake......................!")

  5. There's more of "those I don't want" in that list. If Martinez needs this much time to dump Wigan and come to us and have to talk it over with his wife as well (not meant to be sexist - but he'd hardly have to move house, etc, so why doesn't he consult his neighbours, too) I don't want him - who does he think he is? Sounds to me like he can't make a decision!? Nothing more than The Gnome's "Yes" man - Piss off!


    Lennon - see McLeish at Birmingham/Villa - terrifying!


    None of those ex-players, thanks (not even Brett Angel).


    I'm with the Everton board on Tuchel....... never heard of her.


    Agree with the assessment of Laudrup, above... every chance he's just got lucky.


    O'Neill, Redknapp, Pulis, Malky... simply "No"


    Klinnsman, Di Matteo - like the thought of them but in reality, what are the chances?


    Pereira - number one choice from that list and must be able to keep himself motivated in what is essentially a two and a bit horse race (include Sporting) every year but not every Portuguese is a Mourinho or Villash Boash.


    So, I'll go for somebody British please, someone 'outside the box' (as I suppose Moyes was when he joined us) - don't know who, exactly, but none of the above and not Chris Coleman either!

  6. EH? You mean those wonderful days when the dubbin wore off in the mud and the casey got to be as heavy as a sack of coal and when you kicked it you twisted your ankle, and god help the poor daft sod who headed it.... right on the laces too.

    :lol: beyond me how anyone got the ball up to head height from off the floor! As for the goalie volleying the ball up the pitch.. serious ankle, knee and hip probelms in later life.........

  7. Didn't Van Persie win a league championship medal with Arsenal ? must have joined up just after the last success.


    I don't know who the other player can be.


    Bonus question for today if allowed. Take it or leave it.



    'What was strange or unusual about France's win at the 1984 European Championships'

    It was the first time they won a major trophy?

  8. Everton can confirm initial details of a glamorous pre-season tour to the USA.

    The Blues are in line to face three of the biggest names in football during the three-city tour, which takes place at the end of July and beginning of August.

    Everton will face three of the teams from this stellar list of participants as part of the International Champions Cup: Juventus, LA Galaxy, Inter Milan, AC Milan, Chelsea, Benfica and Real Madrid.

    The first game will take place on Tuesday 30 July in San Francisco. The following Saturday, 3 August, will see the Blues play in Los Angeles, before a third match in Miami on either Tuesday 6 or Wednesday 7 August.

    The list of potential opponents includes global megastars Real Madrid, Italian champions Juventus and their compatriots - star-studded heavyweights AC and Inter Milan.

    Premier League rivals Chelsea are also on the possible list, alongside the team they recently defeated to secure the Europa League title - Portuguese giants Benfica.

    America's own MLS champions LA Galaxy, boasting former Blue Landon Donovan, are also involved in the big-hitting US tournament.

    Kick off times, opponents, venues, as well as evertontv coverage, will all be confirmed in due course on evertonfc.com.

    To find out more about the International Champions Cup, click here.

    Thomas Cook Sport, the official travel partner of Everton, will be offering bespoke travel packages for fans wanting to attend all or parts of the tour. For more details please call 0844 3357 446 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0844 3357 446 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or visit the Thomas Cook store on Church Street in Liverpool city centre.

  9. Dortmund for me. Bayern are the German Barcelona - smug and boring, more of a process to them than a game - that's probably not fair, though - it's just that I can't stand Robben... makes me nervous every time he has the ball with all that stop start 'jumpy' shite with his arms. I would like someone to whack him, good-style!


    What I meant to say was I admire the tenacity and vision of Robben and I'll bet he gets the winner...... doh.gif

  10. Great to have another fifty-something on board!!


    Stick around Cake....you can help me and Rubes (above) bore the kids shitless talking about the sixties & seventies (not to mention the eighties)cool.png.

    Sounds good MikeO....... Ah, those were the days.... biggrin.png

  11. I was born in Everton and raised in the Black Country. Where are you? Welcome friend.


    Halesowen 2007-date

    Stourbridge 1995-2007 (Wollaston, Pedmore, Wordsley & Norton)

    Oldbury 1992- 1995

    Quinton, B'ham 1982-1992

    Edgbaston, B'ham 1981-1982

    Bootle 1959-1981


    Cheers for the welcome, all (top punning by Zoo) smile.png

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