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Posts posted by GoldfishMemory

  1. talk about blinkers, you just can't give any credit to Kenwright when it's staring you in the face. I didn't say Kenwright funded transfers personally but he has to sign off on the deals and decide whether to pay £5 for Lescott, plunging us further in to debt, or not. He has backed Moyes and we have reaped the rewards.


    So the chairman of a business deserves credit for listening to their management and signing the cheques? I thought that was run of the mill day to day activity in every business.


    Kenwright's transfer dealings have been nothing short of sensational, how do you know Utd would have paid £30m straight up? The fact is even if that is true, we haven't missed out on £10m, we just have to wait for it. We may not get all of it, but we'll get a lot. I personally think even £20m was a good price for Rooney never mind add ons, he did bugger all for us. If my memory serves me correct, we sold Ball for approx £8m, Jeffers for £10m+, Barmby for £6-7m, McFadden for £5m, Rooney for £20-30m - and 3 of those have gone on to do absolutely nothing in their careers. We've brought in Lescott, Cahill, Yobo, Arteta for about £13-15m and they're now worth anywhere between £40-60m. To say our transfer dealings haven't been excellent is preposterous, we even agreed a fee for Sissoko about £2m less than Liverpool paid for him.


    Our transfare dealings have been excellent but they have fuck all to do with Kenwright, the clubs who bought the players listed offered the dough apart from the faddy deal but dont tell me he negotiated that up, the whole world could see Brum were trying it on and would have raised their offer anyway. As for the ins surly that's down to Moyes? Plus remember Arteta & Lescott those deals nearly fell through because of the way we delt with them, Kenwright deserves praise for that?


    A chairmans involvement in transfares is negotiations and we frequently mess them up


    Of course you have to hand pick an investor - don't you understand, Everton are sitting in a worthless run down stadium on land that has little value. We are the second team in the city in the eyes of the world, we are not a global commodity, we have little catchment area (unlike say Aston Villa, Birmingham) so it's unlikely our fan base will grow a great deal nationally, we have a fair amount of debt - who is going to realistically come in and buy us for big money? especially when there isn't really any viable options in Liverpool to put a new stadium (unless you believe all the conspiracy theorists). We were a run down club going nowhere when Kenwright took over, now we have a young thriving team, a brilliant manager, moving to a new stadium for little money (it may or may not work out) and we're back in Europe getting recognition and potentially opening up new markets. What else could Kenwright realistically have achieved in his role as Chairman in the years he's been there? look at the real picture rather than listening to people on phone ins who are stuck in the past.


    Yeah seriously if we carry on hand picking investors we still wont have one in another 10 years. Can you imagin going to buy a house and the developer wanting to know everything about you before he'd even talk business? You'd just fuck off down the road and buy off another developer.


    All your talk about the stadium is full of extravagent claims backed up with no evidence and if you want to know my opinions on all that bollocks then look in the stadium thread.


    I like Kenwright and I'll back him against the Kenwright bashers but to say he has turned this club around is bollocks,


    The fans by getting rid of Johnson

    Kenwright for stepping into the void

    Moyes for building a team


    Thats who deserves the credit and by my calculations that makes me as worthy of praise as BK he's done nothing special and his legacy like him or not will be the man who moved Everton outside the city to a tin pot stadium because he didnt want to sell out to a foreign investor.


    By the way so you know I dont want a foreign investor either but anyone with money for a stadium would respect the importance of keeping a club like Everton close to it's roots, it's the foundation we are built on and what keeps us apart from the rest off the sell outs in the premier league.

  2. I think turning the club around is a pretty big thing he has done for the club. Moyes has turned this club around, but who chose Moyes? Kenwright that's who.


    The one good thing he's done for us but it's not like he pulled a rabbit out the hat Moyes was on a natural career path to the prem already kenwright just picked the best available british manager. Hard work that!


    Who gave Moyes his transfer funds, risking plunging us into debt?


    Erm the only transfare funds we have had in the Moyes era are prem prize money, money generated from player sales & the loan from Robert Earl or am I missing something. Are you saying Kenwright gave Moyes that money cos he signs the cheques for the business??


    Who's been chairman for our most successful seasons in the last 20 years?


    Lucky boy but we are successfull on the pitch not as a business, he has no involvement in that.


    Who has managed to get us a quite incredible deal with Tesco for a new staidum when there were no other viable options out there and we couldn't afford to redevelop?


    There are other options, the deal is by no means incredible it's second best & with the increased revenues from stasying within the city we would be able to manage a far bigger morgage than the 150M one we are going to have if we move to Kirkby.


    How did he miss out on millions with Rooney? He was a young kid who had done virtually nothing for Everton and we sold him for £20m plus add-ons, it was a fantastic deal and the biggest single factor why Everton are now challenging for Europe when we were going nowhere fast with Rooney in the team.


    United would have paid 30mil up front FACT we got 20mil thats a whole 10million pounds he missed out on. As for the money being a factor in our success your correct but Kenwright had fuck all to do with that as I said the only positive he could possibly have achieved in the Rooney was getting top dollar an he failed.


    The lack of appreciation for Kenwright I find nothing short of disgraceful, here is a man who didn't have to rescue us from the Johnson debacle, but stepped in even though he didn't have the most money in the world and saved us.


    Your right he did but we the fans got rid of Johnson trust me I know I was there. The door was open and Kenwright stepped in. Rescued? Hmmmm he put his money from the bank into one of English footballs gients while we were on our arse at a knock down price, the only way he would loose from that is if we went bust. Was that likely to happen?


    So exactly how did he rescue us??


    Being a chairman does actually involve some work you know, he doesn't just mess around all day smoking cigars and laughing it up, he puts the time in, he's at every match supporting the players, he's stuck by Moyes even when the fans were getting twitchy and he's also managed to keep hold of Moyes for years.


    I'm not saying he doesnt do his job and I know he has a good relationship with moyes but that doesnt deserve praising.


    Kenwright says he would sell if someone came in with the right offer, no one has - that's not his fault.


    Depends who you believe.


    If Kenwright walked out on Everton now and then Moyes left we'd plummet faster than a stone down a well, it's what some fans deserve for their lack of respect and gratitude. Moyes and Kenwright have my 100% support, they've made some mistakes - who hasn't - but they've done a lot more good than bad. But you just can't please some fans.


    If Moyes left tomorrow we would suffer but I believe we are strong enough now as a club to survive, possibly we would struggle to have the same potential for progress but we wouldnt plumet anywhere.


    If Kenwright walked away tomorrow I realy don't think it would make a blind bit of difference to current team performance but it it better the devil you know than the devil you dont I'll give you that.


    In what ways could Kenwright actually be doing a better job, by nailing himself to a cross?

    Transfare negotiations, he's wank at them.


    The stadium, he's handled it so wrong.


    Investement, he needs to stop trying to hand pick the investor and either sell up or find a backer instead of relying on loans from Robert Earl who will by the way want his money back one day!


    Thats about the only major things worthy of praise he has to deal with and he fails in all areas.

  3. I'm neither a fan or a hater of Kenwright but your being a bit blind if you think he's done anything special for Everton. It's moyes who deserves all the credit for the team not Kenwright.


    BK fell right on his feet with the Rooney transfare because although he fucked up the negotiations meaning we missed out on millions he brought in 20M plus which ment we could buy some players. That was initiated by Rooney though and delt with very badly by Kenwright IMO.


    Without using generalisations like 'turned this club around' or 'got us out of debt' can you actually list anything he's done for the club?

  4. Yobo wouldnt make a good captain on the field, maybe club captain because of his impeccable attitude but you need a voice on the field!


    As for Jags he's proved alot wrong after initial expectations were ruined by a shakey settling in period, he seems to have grown in confidence with a few stints at CB. Future captain? Theres a few names on the possible list first for me like Cahill if he grows a calm head over the comming seasons or Lescott.

  5. He's a proper mony man an has no understanding of the soul of football.


    The sad thing is theres so much money around football clubs want business acumen not understanding of football these days, having said that if theres so much money why do we need to sell out for a few quid more.


    We're rich already this is just greed!

  6. I have said before, I believe we need a new stadium and I have no real preference except to redevelop Goodison. I do not run the club so will go and watch the boys wherever they play.

    On the other hand, I do not like the constant Wyness/Kenwright bashing that some Everton fans see intent on doing despite what they have done and will do for the club. The stadium move (wherever it might be) is just an excuse to start more shit about them.


    Thing is nobodys bashing anyone or at least I'm not & I know that isnt Louis's game. We mearly offer the alternative opinion, structured arguments, evidence & questions that realy need to be answered before we can accept this move. The problem is the club and a small section of fans feel the need to question us and our motives without actually offering a counter argument.


    Feel free to ask for evidence to substansiate peoples opinions & concerns regarding their anti kirkby view points but remember you can only realy question people when you can back up your argument. Thats where your opinion seems to fall apart for me. You have questioned in various topics claims regarding parking, transport, cost, viability of alternative sites & people motivation for making a stand. You have however offered no counter argument or evidence to back your claims.


    The truth behind this is the club may deliver exactly what they promise but it's the people pushing & questioning them that will make that happen not the people blindly turning their back and dismissing stastements made by Tesco, Knowsley & Kirkby residents. IF we push KW & BK all the way we will get the stadium we were promised or possibly something better. If we sit back and leave them too it and it all goes tits up who exactly will you blame for that??


    I'm happy being proactive in achieving 'Nil Satis Nisi Optimum' if your hoping you can sit back and BK an his fat sidekick (who by the way has proven he has no fucking understanding of Evertonians with his statement about these plans to play abroad) will make all your dreams come true I very much expect you will be disappointed. So when your in the pub in 10 yerars time moaning about the shitty stadium BK palmed you off with before he sold up at a massive profit & the way the fans don't sing anymore or turn up in their thousands like the good old days remember it's your attitude and those of like minded Evertonians that realy made this happen.


    I'd rather have egg on my face for trying to stop the kirkby deal if it turns out good than have egg on my face for supporting the kirkby deal if it goes bad!!

  7. Born in view of paddy's wigwam, brought up in Sefton (Litherland) with Park Road Heritage.


    So I'm a scouser to some and not to others depends on how you read it but it realy does piss me off when people living in Fazakerly & Croxteth etc bable on about purple wheelie bins when they were born in Fazakerly hospital and spent their lives living further from town than me :huh:


    Isnt there a point in town and "true scousers" were born within a mile of said point? Or have I just heard that in some pissed up debate / argument??

  8. ur goin to need a lot of goes to get ur reaction time better, and i dont think any1 in the tournament has had more than 5 practices at curveball before they went proper.


    edit... Fish use your 2 games u have left, stop waiting to see if mike beats ur 1st score!!


    And why would I do that? Silly boy! ;)

  9. Good point goldfish. would you have the balls? who would you give a chance to this season and in what type of game?


    I think the one definate who we should have seen over the past 18 months is Paddy Boyle we have had trouble at left back and I believe the kid should have been thrown in at the deep end and a proper decision made on him.


    I also think playing Richard Wrong agsinst manure last season was a joke, we have seen him play and we all know he's shite. Whatever the level of the two young keepers I firmly believe one of them should have played in goal that day.

  10. Our youth policy puzzles me we let most of them go and only hang onto a couple who we give no chances to before letting them also move on.


    Then the flip side is we buy decent prospects from other clubs and as yet we've given them no chance to step up either :huh:


    Then theres the added kick in the nuts of the majority of young players flying around for good money in the summer (barton, Nugent, Jagielka, baines?? and theres a few more) all passed through the EFC academy at some point. Are we ever going to give a young player a chance to prove himself at this club?


    Before anyone shouts Vic & Vaughan its piss easy to throw a striker in the mix but takes balls to put a mid / defender / keeper in.

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