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Everything posted by marcopaulo

  1. pretty sure he was in the crowd at wembley to be honest remember seein him
  2. i managed to sign moutinho and villa on fm so it should be me young and good lookin also id be a media darling
  3. baines for me by a mile was fantastic looked to have so much energy despite playin 120 minutes at weekend! mr capello must be thinking after a performance like that!
  4. me neither i mean welbeck has played a few games so has park and gibson and rafael. tevez, vidic and ferdinand three quality players i dont think he had much choice though carrick and rooney were injured and the fa cup was bottom of the list now since liverpool are closing in on them
  5. we all know the waiter is an arrogant prick and you're right the whole footballing world is goin to know soon what an arrogant and useless twat he is! fuck off back to la tasca or summat. i hate him so much!
  6. bollocks to the sake of scottish football thats the sfa's problem leave us out of it! i dont want them here if they want to do summat let them do it but dont come messin up our league its all fine as it is! and if they were to come in come in at conference level why the hell should they get to come in at championship level?
  7. it does crackin to see the lot down there saw arteta and jo sat together! on the point of the yak is there a thread about him and his injury not seen it? if so anyone wanna point a thicky in the right direction will be appreciated! if not anyone wanna start one?
  8. sadly i think we have i mean i couldnt have seen him playin yesterday and now with vaughan back and the yak next year and saha gettin fit again and fellaini proving to be great up front i just cant see him breaking in. hopefully send him on a loan like we did with osman may help him!
  9. it was yeah cos it was on the official site a couple weeks back! shove it barmby mr cahill is blue blue blue now and i liked what he said about if barca came in for him he'd say speak to the gaffer! wont let his head be turned good lad! shite penalty though
  10. last time we won one was against newcastle in the league cup! was so amazin today will never forget that and cant wait to book my seats at wembley!
  11. lovely sisters boyfriend united fan goin fuckin mental haha! love it! girlfriends family all united too i shall enjoy goin round later! my mate text me sayin row z after timmys penalty
  12. guys an idiot to be honest never listen to him myself! if giggs wins it then its a farce! give him a more deserving achievement for his services to football in his whole career not just a pity season! its a joke hes there and even utd fans know it
  13. agreed showing the form he had a few years back when he almost got into the england side! for me it would be Howard Hibbert Jagielka Lescott Baines Neville Pienaar/Osman Arteta Cahill Fellaini Yakubu just dont like pienaar and osman in the same midfield cos up against physical opposition they get knocked off the ball too easy cos of their stature. arteta can play is way out of it a bit and cahill and neville a bit stronger and tougher and then fellaini obviously a big lad and i think he is great up front and cant wait to see him work with the yak!
  14. had a few break ins and his dog was stolen etc its a shame cos he could have been class its just not worked out. he'll be gone in the summer so i dont see a point in this thread anymore? i mean just leave the guy alone and imo hes a better crosser than most of the players we currently play and i do mean more than that one cross
  15. feel silly now didnt even look at the date! haha well i was there still 2nd best day ever
  16. marcopaulo


    welcome welcome welcome hope you enjoy it enough to stick around took me a couple of go's
  17. i was there 8 year old was best day ever!
  18. i think hes a great keeper and yeah hes liable to make these kind of mistakes but if you look at some of the saves he makes aswell he stops far more goals than his mistakes give them away imo. if we had a huge budget maybe look for a new keeper but i see no reason to use any of the money we may have trying to buy one i mean people like craig gordon cost more than two times what howard did and is a worse keeper i think. the guys record is very good i think and he some record set by southall i think? and is only a couple clean sheets away this season from beating another! now considering the start we made i think thats fantastic! the defence hasnt been playing that great either lately i dont think and look at goalkeepers like reina? why is he so good when his defence dont play that well he concedes loads of goals! oly reason he doesnt concede that many is cos of players like carragher and mascherano! howards had a bad spell of late and early this season but when hes on form which i think he has been most his everton career he is terrific!
  19. that is bollocks they should give a reason this guy hates us anyone remember the derby? what a shithouse!
  20. i dunno what osmans best position is to be honest think hes best suited outwide if they are a bit tough in the middle as he is lightweight but if its a skillful centre mid then hes better there as hes got good quick feet. had a blinder against wigan i though and he was mainly on the wings then.
  21. yeah i saw that another bloke text in sayin the exact same thing about where is the mention for everton? just got a sarcastic indeed sorry and that was it. annoys me a bit too but i agree with everyone else also that it benefits us i mean if we're not expected to do it then less pressure on us to in some way i suppose. they'll have to mention us after we win today though
  22. good read very enjoyable and i think most people are fans of kenwright the guys a true blue and not like johnson sellin the best players and even reaching deeper than his pockets should allow really to bring in the players we need! i just hope when an investor comes in kenwright stays in some capacity and still has a lot of involvement!
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