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Everything posted by Btay

  1. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    No worse then giving a player like hazard a free run to the by line and penalty area. It's easy in hindsight it criticise, but Coleman let carzola walk through, now McCarthy. I'm certain Martinez isn't instructing them to give players time or space in that area so for me it's the players not defending to the required levels..
  2. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    I disagree... Any player unless they are incredibly rapid should be showing hazard back inside. McCarthy showed him the line and hazard took it and burnt him... Poor defensive play by our holding mid.
  3. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    It's hard to say... It's individual errors so often. Jags missed offside trap Second was offside Hazard walked past McCarthy and Coleman put it in - Poor D and unlucky From there on we were chasing the game and pushing up...
  4. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    Look it doesn't mean anything now, but on another day the first 2 get called offside, Roms header goes in and the keeper doesn't get to Kevs shot and we've put 5 past a team... Chelsea played to soak up pressure given their 2 goal lead and we still put 3 past them they just got us on the break repeated.. Hard to look into these games to much when we are chasing it. All I can say is we played some really nice stuff and any chelsea team that is playing defensively/counter football (refer to chelsea v Liverpool - Liverpool the most prolific team couldn't make a chance) conceding 3 goals is a huge effort... Re coup over the break, iron out the back 4 and push on. We will get points, don't panic
  5. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    Welcome to the premier leauge
  6. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    Fuck this is a joke
  7. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    What is happening
  8. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    We get one now we will win it
  9. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    That there is why I love this club!
  10. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    Yeh I'm not going to defend that one
  11. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    I understand that, but Barkley often throws a wildly loose pass each game and makes terrible decisions on occasions and look at the price we expect for him and IF he moved on the fans would say the same about him! I agree needs to be better, and it will become better, he is still learning his game
  12. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    He hasn't had a lot of clean ball, and has done okay, let's not forget he's up against 2 quality CB's. His header off the corner was a rocket we just need a bit of luck. Games set up well for him knick one and Eto to win it
  13. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    Drives me nuts that they we're saying it's another Mourinho master class, 2 gammy offside goals and they sit deep... Big second half coming up, Need to get stuck into them and keep the tenacity up..
  14. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    Stoked with that! Now let's get at them
  15. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    Jags is just shambles
  16. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    We need one before half time
  17. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    We are all over them!! These 5 mad minutes each games are just killing us
  18. Btay

    Chelsea (H)

    I saw the second definitely was, and thought the first had to be close...
  19. My word this is a stark reminder of how far our team has come!
  20. Howard's done a fantastic job for this club and over the period we have had him I couldn't think of to many keepers (that we could have realistically attracted). And in regards to your statement, well of course we would rather a billionaire owner, so would every club that isn't mega rich, but it just doesn't happen that easily, instead we have the next best thing which has kept our club going forward without falling apart (Leeds/Pompey ect). Same deal with Howard, although he might not be in the Top 10 keepers of the world, out of the ones our club can Attract at this moment I wouldn't swap him.
  21. Howard's made his mistakes no doubt, but for me, I wouldn't swap him. Passionate man who genuinely cares about this club. I'm proud he is our keeper
  22. Smart signing, I too was reserved but if eto and Kone can chip in a few goals and give lukaku a break here and there then great business... It's been awhile since the idea of us sending out a second team for early cup games could have starters like Eto/Kone,Besic/Gibson, Stones and Oviedo. Squad depth WHEN fully fit is fantastic!
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