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Posts posted by dunlopp9987

  1. Uhhhh....

    Lord...I was joking. Can't anyone joke around here?


    Anyways, one thing I learned from today's match was one of my biggest concerns heading into this season: we need a new center half. Jags has looked mediocre at best thus far, and Syl's age looks like it's finally starting to show. Not to mention I'm not totally sold on Stones (at least at this point in his career). We need a proven, near-world class center half.

  2. Hey, if we finish the other 36 matches with 2-2 draws, it would put us at 76 points. Which should be enough for a top 4 finish.....


    I hate trying to look on the bright side. It's too bright.

  3. No rumour as such but just watching the City vs Olympiakos game and Boath has impressed me as a CB. He just went to sleep a little then but he has read the game well and his 1 v 1 defence has been excellent. He is decent on the ball too so I would think a few teams would be after him in some capacity this summer.


    Guidetti to I has also come on in this second half and without being given any great opportunities I think he has done enough to suggest he could make an impact as our 'loan' striker. Movement, energy, can hold the ball up well and seems to read the game quite well. He has been quite frustrated and whilst he works hard defensively he isn't the best tackler but I could see him make an impact. I don't know how he did on loan at Stoke at the end of last season and he looks as though he needs more minutes to sharpen him up but there is promise.

    Who is Boath?

  4. Hi Ben, I really don't want to sound harsh and I am happy you have chosen everton as your preferred team but I have never fathom how someone can just pick a team and start supporting them.


    It's either drilled into you or an experience has made this choice for you.


    Supporters really do baffle me nowdays. When I was young I never listened or toll on board anything my dad said but due to him supporting everton and me being around that experience I was hooked. It's like something you cannot choose. I could have taken a easier more smug, glory hunting path when I was younger and followed man utd or liverpool for that matter but it chooses you.

    If you want, all of us who weren't as lucky as you to be an Evertonian from birth can go away and stop giving money to the club that then gets used to buy new players....


    I'd like two players in every position (plus the youngsters) and three up top. So another winger (preferably a right winger as I'd like to see Mirallas get his chance on the left this season) and another centre forward and I'd be made up.

    I don't see us going for another center forward. Lukaku, Kone will hopefully be back, Henen is an option, plus Naismith and Mirallas could play up there if need be. I think winger is a priority. And as little as it's talked about, I think we need another center half. Alcaraz is a joke, and Syl is one wrong step away from a broken hip.


    Where did I say I'm against loan moves? Nowhere. I don't want Lukaku on loan again. If we can't get him permanently then I don't want him at all and want us to go out and buy a main striker.

    Don't want another loan deal.

    This was right after someone posted about a loan deal for Atsu. I thought you were referring to that post, and thus referencing ANY loan deals. My mistake.

  7. Fuck England. Everton first for me.

    Was talking with a buddy of mine about this. He's a lifelong Evertonian, born and raised in Liverpool, now lives in Minneapolis. This I think is the biggest difference between American and English football fans. For us Americans, our national team is #1, no doubt about it. But the majority of English people I've talked to, they couldn't give two shits about the national team.


    (To be fair, I wouldn't give two shits about them either. The Kings of under achieving :)

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