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Finn balor

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Everything posted by Finn balor

  1. Poor people that have waited for the ballot and queued up. Be interesting to see what players had it. My mates a city season ticket holder and he would have bitten my hand off for a point but think carlo will be happy
  2. Doucoure his energy sets the standard for the rest of the team
  3. They are a pub team and I was pissed off but this season is mad. We are solid now. Let’s keep it up
  4. Three games in 6 games will take a toll but I’m sure DCl and doucs won’t want to be missing games. Especially if we win tonight
  5. Sheff united have a few missing aswell. Chances have been few and far between for DCl so I’m hoping we have the legs to help him out
  6. Still think there’s a player there and he’s still young. He wouldn’t have just stood there and see richy taken out like he did against United. We are too nice and he’s the type to get stuck in at least
  7. Jonas, Holgate, Mina, Keane,Godfrey, doucs,Gilfi,davies, iwobi, DCl. Let’s hope we can get through it. I’d like to think Simms might get on the bench
  8. I don’t want to see tosun upfront. He is shite. Holgate back in at right back for me.
  9. Iwobi and Gordon can play that position. He is on £100k a week to sit on his arse so if we got £10 mill say and get rid of his wages then we have to be all over that to bring in someone in the positions you mention
  10. I’d bring in Olsen and coleman play Holgate for Mina. I want to win a trophy and sheff Utd is the more winnable game with changes made
  11. I’d take Ali on loan with an option to buy deffo. He can resurrect his career here. He is a horrible snide and we need more of that in the team
  12. He’s been really effective these last 6-8 games. It’s obvious bernard will be gone in January now
  13. Godfrey. We have a serious player there. Doucoure, Mina, Keane and DCl were outstanding
  14. Arsenal are a poor side and think arteta will be sacked this week. We weren’t great tonight but you have to put into context. We are missing arguably 3 of our best players. And others in key positions. The nucleus of a good team is there. Godfrey was outstanding and there isn’t many better centre backs than Keane around at the minute
  15. This is the worse arsenal side I’ve seen since I was a kid. We get another goal and it could be 4 or 5.
  16. Fucking beglin on commentary watches the replay of cabellos studding Mina and says Mina didn’t do anything and contact was minimal? Wtf
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