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Posts posted by Ghoat


    Right. Essentially admitting that you don't value the humanity or equality of everyone around you or certain types of people have to earn that level of compassion.



    You can phrase it that way if you wish. The reality is I didn't understand the specific impact of the legal ramifications of something that didn't impact me or anyone i knew. I had always heard it framed as a religious argument (due in large part to the part of the country I live in) and was tone deaf to it. It wasn't and isn't a matter of not valuing someone's humanity or making someone "earn it". It's about being exposed to a different point of view or having your eyes opened to something you didn't understand and going "Hell, I didn't realize that. That's not right"

    I think this was missed - my point in the whole thing was, sometimes when something comes close to home, more personal or you are exposed to something different, your viewpoint can be changed quickly, regardless of your political point of view.

  2. Schneiderlin had 2 passes in particular that almost opened us up, including the one that was passed sideways across the width of the field. He looked a little rusty in spells, but in other spells he was brilliant. I think he is going to be an excellent addition. I just wonder wonder where Gana is going to fit in with the changes we have made in the last month

  3. I thought Davies provided the biggest threats when he ran at the defense, and did well defensively. Had a few turnovers, but also drew a few penalties. Amazingly calm that kid is. However, I could have just as easily gone with Joel. He has really grown to command his box this year, and had a couple of much needed saves.

  4. Sooooo, Trump got the Republicans to push through a change in the law to avoid challenges from the Democrats on his latest appointment.


    Lesson 101 of a dictator; if the country's laws and democracy stand in your way, just change it to suit your own needs....

    Which law is that?


    If it's the one I think you are talking about, Obama's democrats in the Senate pushed and got it changed from a 60 (of 100) votes to 51 a couple years ago, it wasn't the republicans. I personally didn't - and don't - like it.


    But only 38% think America is setting a good example of how best to confront terrorism.


    So that's a lot of people agreeing with what he's doing while accepting it's not the best course of action. Bit odd that.


    Doesn't seem too odd when you think about it. I am all for what he is trying to do - that's why I voted for him. Doesn't mean i want him to do as much harm as good in the process, yanno?

    We could bring crime to practically zero if we shot everyone after they were arrested. Absurd example, but still.


    I think everyone wants affordable heath care, a better economy, security internal and external. But if we agreed on how, there wouldn't be a "left" and a "right"

  6. This explains the Barca connection. His age seems like the reason he hasn't moved yet.





    Brazilian ticks all the boxes for Koeman

    31 January 2017

    It’s not often you see Barcelona, Everton and Liverpool all linked with the same player. But add to that the fact that the Toffees look to have beaten their rivals in the race to sign someone and we have an incredibly strange case on our hands.

    The man in question is Brazilian prodigy Caio Emerson.

    Currently on the books at Corinthians, the 17-year old wouldn’t be able to move from the Brazilian outfit until next month – when he turns 18.

    But that hasn’t stopped our traders from making Everton the 8/13 favourites for the wonderkid’s signature.

    While the prospect of playing for La Liga giants Barcelona would seem too good to refuse for most youngsters, Emerson’s apparent decision to opt for a move to Goodison Park already tells us he’s got a mature head on his shoulders.

    And Toffees supporters will certainly be walking round Merseyside with a smug look on their faces if the forward turns down a move to their Red neighbours in favour of the Blues.

    Perhaps Emerson has been swayed by the potential game-time he’d likely receive at Everton, especially given the fact that Koeman has already handed senior debuts to three players aged 19 or younger this season.

    Regarded as one of the most exciting prospects in South America, Emerson’s potential arrival to the Premier League would be a huge coup for the division as a whole.

    Click here for a full list of Deadline Day specials.

  7. I had such a debate when I shared that, Steve. Apparently it was irrelevant because it didn't include 9/11. I pointed out then why not include all history of terrorism then and that even including 9/11, you still wouldn't get to the total of Americans killing Americans....


    It got fun :)

    Hell, there have been 5000 murders in Chicago alone in the last decade!


    Pretty good read - http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/29/politics/how-the-trump-administration-chose-the-7-countries/


    Most of the counties on this list are not stable nations because they do not have a stable government. Broadly speaking 2 things keep a nation "stable".

    1) Some for of representative gov - like we see in The West where the people can elect lawmakers and leaders

    2) Authoritarian regimes which generally repress rights and political opposition


    When an authoritarian regime collapses (or is toppled) typically the lid comes off the boiling pot. Those who have been repressed grab for power or settle scores they were prevented from and things go to hell in a handbasket - Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt. Look how long it took The Balkans after Tito died for the chaos in Yugoslavia to play out.


    It makes it even worse when those nations happen to hate the west. Pakistan scares the shit out if me.

  8. The youth team is our depth for the rest of the season it seems, they have certainly proven good enough so far to be given this opportunity. would have liked another striker this window but the prices and availability makes it extremely hard.

    Agree, I think a lot of our depth comes flexibility from formation shifting back 3/back 4 juggling a deep midfield layout etc - the rest, assuming we don't add anyone will come out of the U-23's

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