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Romey 1878

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Everything posted by Romey 1878

  1. He won't fight again (I doubt it anyway). He's just been absolutely humiliated after all.
  2. Happy Birthday to our Belgian member . Once Everton has touched you nothing will ever be the same eh?
  3. I thought he'd lose but not that quickly. That will be the end of Ricky for sure.
  4. We are indeed. Carson flatters to deceive, Robinson is shite, Hart doesn't play for City any more, Almunia is just as error prone as James. So who else is there? EDIT - I forgot about Foster (thanks Martin). If he playing regularly for United then maybe, but we can't have a first choice international keeper who doesn't start for his club.
  5. There wasn't much of it to watch!
  6. Today is a must win after the results of yesterday's games. I hope the boys can pull it out of the bag, otherwise we could be in for a disappointing end to the season.
  7. http://www.toffeeweb.com/season/08-09/rumo...dex.asp#090503b http://www.imscouting.com/global_news_item.aspx?id=1906
  8. Hopefully this is a sign that this summer we're looking to fill out our squad. It looks like we're going after (cheap) youngsters as well which is something we'll definitely be needing to do. I hope we look to make a bigish signing to go along with these sort of signings though.
  9. http://www.teamtalk.com/football/story/0,1...5271567,00.html Do they really need to get better?
  10. Mayday Parade - Take This To Heart I love this.
  11. Revision. That's pretty much it because these are my final exams and I want a 2:1.
  12. http://www.nsno.co.uk/e107_plugins/storyli...gn-young-german
  13. Merson is going for Sunderland http://www.skysports.com/opinion/story/0,2...5263761,00.html
  14. Still saying he wants to stay http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/...ed-Everton.html
  15. http://www.football365.com/story/0,17033,8...5263247,00.html I didn't know he was a blue
  16. So as you get older you start looking Welsh then?
  17. Jesus, I never want to get old. It seems that as you get older you need to have your arse investigated .
  18. As others have suggested, I'd just add a homepage. It'd give it a more professional look IMO, and if people found the homepage on google for example and then visited it may encourage more people to sign up to the forum and then post.
  19. I don't like him that much tbh; he's a bit error prone. Hart isn't going to play anyway because he's second choice at City now, so James is simply the best of a bad bunch!
  20. I actually rate Hleb highly tbh, he's a player I'd love in our midfield.
  21. Exactly, if that is the deal then it's shocking and you'd have to question whoever made the kit deal with Le Coq Sportif.
  22. http://www.evertonfc.com/news/archive/moye...t-re-think.html Perfectly put Moyesy.
  23. Sounds good, hopefully it'll mean increased funds for Moyes! The Le Coq Sportif deals seems a bit crap though - is it £3million over the duration or £3million per year? If it's over the duration then that is a terrible deal the club have made.
  24. http://www.teamtalk.com/football/story/0,1...5263486,00.html
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