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Romey 1878

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Everything posted by Romey 1878

  1. You're going a bit far there, Gosling was anonymous and then popped up with a goal. I'm not saying it like all he did was score, but he was no more useful with the ball than Osman.
  2. You're not onas much these days but happy birthday mate
  3. Pathetic. Useless. Outfought. Outthought. Toothless. Gutless. And that was just Osman <_< . Moyes gave that game away before the game had even started with the side he put out there. We had no drive out there at all, I think yesterday showed just how much we rely on Cahill to give us drive. Moyes fucked up, hopefully he'll put it right in our next game. One thing is for sure; our right side needs a major overhaul because Hibbert and Osman slow our play down embarrassingly and they should not start on the same side of the pitch ever again. Yobo had another dodgy one and I'm not confident in our defence with him there. I'm hoping that it's more down to rustiness than him having lost the plot. We need him to step up big time with the loss of Jags. We resorted to hoofball big time yesterday and it clearly wasn't working because they have massive defenders. We have a Plan A and nothing more. Howard - Saved us from a complete mauling, well done Tim. Hibbert - Was absolute shit. He is just not good enough, I don't care that he's an Evertonian. He was put into a position to put the ball in the box on a few ocassions and fluffed every single one of them. He's killing us when we attack down the right. Not only that but his defensive work, which usually gets people to look past how crap he is, is shit as well. He looks absolutely knackered too, jogging back after Robinho when he'd given the ball away! Yobo - I thought he was more to blame (along with others) for their second goal. He actually ran away from their attacker when he was on the edge of the box, allowing him to put the ball in. I'm sat behind it in a state of belief. He needs to get his head out of the clouds and fast, because we're going to be relying on him. Jagielka - He made a few suicide passes and wasn't at his usual brilliant best IMO. That's insignificant after losing him til some time next season though . Baines - I wouldn't say it was up there with his recent performance tbh but he played alright, and worked well with Pienaar as usual. Osman - To call him a bag of shite yesterday would be unfair to a bag of shite. Not only is he slow physically but at the moment he's slow mentally too. The amount of times he was second to a ball and lost possession due to dwelling on the ball was shocking. He needs benching for a few weeks, how Moyes thinks he's earning a starting place is beyond me. Neville - Quiet. Castillo - He didn't do anything wrong but I barely noticed him tbh. Pienaar - Hewas the only one of our midfielders doing anything of note to take us forward. Ran his arse off and looked like one of very few players that gave a toss. My MOTM. Fellaini - Held the ball up well and tried bringing people into the game. He should be jumping more often and winning more headers. How did he not get a penalty? Defenders are being allowed to wrestle him in the box every single week. Saha - One thing is clear about Saha; he is simply not good enough to start games now. He should only be used as a sub from now on. He was totally invisible and when he did have the ball he was on the half way line with it because of how crap we were at getting the ball to anyone!
  4. I'm absolutely gutted for him. He, more than anyone, deserves to play in the FA Cup Final (and hopefully win it) because he has been a man mountain for us this season. I felt like the world had ended for a few seconds when he went down and you could see he was in agony.
  5. We sang at first but then the complete shiteness of the way we played sunk in and the singing got less and less. The City fans are right; we were quiet.
  6. Welcome back, it's about time we got some female members
  7. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/200...15875-21307200/ Well said Moyes
  8. http://www.liverpooldailypost.co.uk/everto...00252-23468044/ Good news. I hope it's knitted together properly by then!
  9. http://www.fansfc.com/Everton/story/10167/7.html
  10. Big Mo should be back http://www.clubcall.com/everton/moyes-boos...urn-893982.html
  11. Currently reading - Christian Cameron - Tyrant
  12. I think they showed him on the big screen at Wembley. I could have imagined it though because I was pretty pissed .
  13. The thing is though, if clubs know we have £25million then they're going to bump the price up a couple of million, meaning we won't get players at the bargain prices we've been able to in past times.
  14. I'm glad we'll be in blue, it's a good omen
  15. I'm keeping my fingers firmly crossed that I'll be able to go, I want to be there so badly!
  16. Wahey, I'm more than half way through my last piece of Uni work!
  17. If Moyes got at least £20million of the fee to buy replacements then I'd be all for it, but we are in debt and I fear a bigger chunk of the fee would be swallowed up by it .
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