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Boston Toffee

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Everything posted by Boston Toffee

  1. Iwobi just can't finish a bit
  2. Does anyone know if DCL is sitting on bench? Or did he stay in room
  3. If anyone had 5-1 for Everton today stop the contest, give them the title!! Never ever did I see that coming. But loved it!
  4. Not only massive win but helped goal differential as well which could come in handy..
  5. Wow that was the most nerve racking 4 goal win I've ever seen
  6. Best half of season.. rinse and repeat 2nd half
  7. Hoping they rally for the Captain who if healthy would be out there giving every bit he had. Win it for Seamus
  8. I feel Dyche cost us 3 points
  9. What a warrior Seamus is, if everyone else on club had a quarter of his heart we would be ok
  10. I've truly had enough already of Dyche and his stubborness
  11. If its Gray instead of Iwobi it probably hits back of net
  12. What a surprise Gana over target
  13. Well that's it. Poor job today Dyche. Poor job. The honeymoon is over
  14. Once again Dyche waiting too long for changes
  15. Please put Gray in for Iwobi. Not the same guy he was under Frank. Can't shoot and passes ha e been brutal
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