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Posts posted by Hafnia

  1. strangely enough, thinking to when I played FM 2009, when a russian player is out of contract you still end up paying a fair bit of compensation as in millions, so I don't think the transfer system is the same when it involves their players...


    regardless, hopefully this is a player who can give us something different, on the scale of thigs £10m isn't that much any more, to sell the likes of pienaar would take £12m so it's a risk worth taking, if Hiddink rates him, that's good enough for me.

  2. being an Everton fan ain't easy, it's one thing wondering how far we could go if we had a few pound more to support the manager with - especially when we get 5th spot and a place in the final. However it's another thing when we have to wonder what bargain basement player we hope can emerge as a player who can take us forward. We have gone as far as possible by shopping in the lower leagues, we need proven players or players who can change games in an instant. Never has that been proven more than against Arsenal, a free flowing instinctive footballing team who took our 'disciplined' players apart at will.


    There is something going on that isn't right, whether it is getting kirby approved before selling or whether we don't want to pay the going rate, the fans are being insulted by lies and false promises. From being told our transfer targets are exciting to we should see signings in the next 48 hours, something is seriously wrong and the fans are kept in the dark.

  3. If I was City I would increase my offer by just £1m or so - they can clearly see that the mood has dramatically changed since the weekend game. We would probably take £19m now if only to move on. Hopefully they will offer more like £20m or even the £22m that has been mooted, but can't see it going that high now.


    Indeed, if Everton wish to sell, maybe the club should tuen around and say you can have the player for £22m - so agree that figure and be done.


    That is what they want, £25m and that's it.

  4. If ever the club needs some positive things to happen it is now, we are contending with that horrible sod hughes who now says "he understands David's annoyance, it is annoying when a big club comes in for one of your players?" In other words, "Man city are bigger than Everton" not getting into that one.....they won the league twice, nuff said.


    We need freshening up big time, however we do it I don't care, we need a midfield general, could we swap fellaini for defour and throw £5m in there? Fellaini is not good enough, he made Fabregas look like Usain Bolt for his goal.


    Yobo is scary, poor defender . I would throw in Rodwell than have Yobo playing. Need Jags back asap. Really poor start, Arsenal were good and we were extremely poor.

  5. This is a bit like expecting to be taken for a nice 3 course meal and ending up in the queue at mcdonalds.


    Whilst i'm doing that analogy - why not go for a big slap up fancy meal, impress the mrs, and then later on if there is a gap in the belly, grab a cheeseburger just to finish things off. You can bet your bottom dollar if you buy a few cheeseburgers, you don't have the space for a fillet steak.


    We do not need these types of players, Gosling could develop instead of having this lad take up space. We need players who will take us forward, not to increase the number of players who can do a job. Any money we have in the regoin of 2-3m should be used to pay a premium to get a top class player.

  6. Fair points mate.


    As i say it's only my opinion that Lescott is worth X amount. Significantly less than you believe. As you quite rightly stated it is TOTALY up to the owning club to decide how much he is worth to them. However Eto'o Tried to hold City to Ransom and we wouldn't have it. I'm not saying that is what Everton are doing as they have always stated they do not wish to sell. However if one of our players handed in a transfer request, And a decent amount had been offered (which as i say IMO i believe there has) i'd do everything to get shot of him.


    Personaly as i believe i've stated, I'd like to see city pull out of this deal as i don't rate Lescott as highly as some other defenders that are available. And i think Upson is one of the most overated defenders of the last decade. Plus he's now the wrong side of 30. (Upson that is). Hangeland springs to mind as a perfect partner for Toure. Although i feel he would prefer the Champions league football Arsenal could offer. However i feel Both Carvalho and Alex at Chelsea may be tempted.


    I also Disagree that Lescott is better than Toure or Kompany for that matter. But ofcourse this is just personal preference. Kompany's a CB who is also a very effective DM, He played at CB for us quite a bit last year and he looked every bit as amazing as he was rumoured to be. With Barry, De Jong and Zabaleta all competing for the DM place. I'm pretty sure Vinnie will be an out n' out CB this year.


    Post back and let me know what you think mate :)


    I think one of the key facts is that he is english, and if platini get's his way, then city are one of those teams that will suffer with the new additions especially. Hence Johnson at £18m. Problem is now with city and their millions, footballers in some cases (excluding kaka and almost JT) are being shown for their greed. It may well be the case that the type of footballer city are attracting are the ones that look at their bank balance rather than their prozone stats. If that is evident on the field, you may end up with disharmony.


    I just wish the whole thing never started, if we had £25m to plan to spend amonth ago we would be ok, this is all too late in the day and disrupting.

  7. I've recently been told off for being a bit argumentative with you lads. So I promise i'll keep my comments as respectful as they should be (that dosent mean i will not tell the truth as i see it however). You see i can totaly understand all your frustrations as fans of a great club who, if they just had the finances they deserve, would be right along side you cross town rival fighting for real major honours. It just seems that Moyes (as fantastic as he is) will continue to have the Toffee's bang thier heads against the "top4 glass cieling" until that next financial step is taken.


    I think that as much as anything is why Lescott wants a move to city so bad. From a players point of view, they probably see what is happening at Eastlands a very exciting prospect, Probably more so than at Goodison right now. And i mean that with absolutley NO disrespect. That is not to say i believe City are any better than Everton right now. Your 5th place finish and FA cup final spot last term kicks shit out of us limping to a disapointing 10th place.


    However The future potential at City seems quite lttrally boundless. Add that to the oportunity of significantly increasing your weekly wage, and its easy to see how his head will be turned. I don't however believe Lescott is worth anything near the 30mil some of you chaps have quoted. I genuinley don't think he's any better than Toure, Kompany or even Onouah. Richards wouldn't be part of any deal as Hughes seems to love him. And i think he will be our first choice RB for some years. Zabaleta is a better DM than RB. Lescott, if we go on how much a player is actually worth is around 10 - 12mil (IMO), I think 22mil is a fair offer. But of course it's completley up to the "selling" club, The guys he signed a contract for, To decide how much a player is worth to thier club. And indeed if that player is available at all!!! I have nothing but respect for Moyes saying he dosent want to sell the lad, and sticking to his guns, He could have easily backed down and took the money. And i don't think you guys (although you may have been disapointed for a while) wouild have blamed him. "Well Done DM"


    As for this season i believe Everton can finish anywere between 4th and 7th, But i fancy you to get some silverwear. Prehaps the Europa (depending on how seriously Moyes takes that Competition)


    It is Imposible however for me to predict how My own Beloved Citizens will perform??? We could quite litterally finish as Champs (highly unlikely) or even get relegated (equaly unlikely) It just depends how we perform on the road. Plus we have a massive target painted on our backs.....YIKES!!!


    Either way it should be absolutley fascinating for both of us :D


    P.S. As i type this, the news on SSN is that you guys are holding talks with Boro over a possible move for Gary O'Neil......What are your thoughts on that???


    Yep - we hear that you have bid £19 million, maybe £22m would be an acceptable offer in normal circumstances - however to put it this way (quote from wikipedia) "When a footballer is under contract with a club, he can only leave if the club agrees to terminate this contract. As a way of compensation, the club to whom the player is transferring will usually pay a capital sum. This is known as the 'transfer fee'."


    Compensation being the key word. If we keep Lescott, who will you buy? Evidently someone less capable than he is, otherwise you wouldn't be still trying to buy him 4 days from start of season. Now in a way of compensation, Liverpool paid £18m for a similarly capped full back. We have a international left back/centre half who in my opion is the 4th best English centre half behind ferdinand, Jagielka, and Terry. Terry you were prepared to pay £35m for, Rio would be off the scale and Jags is difficult to price. £22m at this stage is not compensating us for losing a player that we would need to replace in two positions - which is why Hughes wants him as back up for Bridge (he is better than bridge defensively and is a threat from corners)


    £25m+ would potentially give us the resource to replace him at centre half and leave some money to strengthen elsewhere. It does get my back up when people say lescott is not worth more than £x million, if we don't want to sell at £x million then he obviously is worth more to us than that sum of money. He is better than Toure, Kompany is a defensive midfielder for you so he is not comparable, and onuha would be in the England squad not under 21's if Lescott was no better.

  8. let's face facts, lescott is not the only centre half capable about doing a good job for us, there are plenty out there who may be cheaper and have more poential, the fact that we are on page 70 of this 'rumour' means that the club will have known about city's interest for quite some time.


    The fact is - the club do not have the excuse of saying "Joleon's request was untimely" - to have any confidence in the people running this club I would like to think that the contingency plan is all there ready to be rolled out. Look at Liverpool, lose Alonso, replace with aquilaini straight away.


    fact is £25m will be good business if we have planned for his exit and put all other deals in place. If we haven't then i'm afraid it's open season on those ath the helm.

  9. The only way we should sell is:


    1. We get £30m - no less. (£22m plus Onuha or Richards)

    2. We have a replacement (not senderos) international quality lined up who can command back line till Jags comes back.

    3. We utilise all money to strengthen other areas of the squad (right back, left winger)


    The whole summer saga routine is starting to really annoy me now. Moyes has worked miracles in ensuring the board are not targetted by the fans in getting us to 5th place, a cup final etc. I am lucky enough to have seen us win the league and the only thing that really irritates is that the whole future of the club is lying in the hands of the man who hasn't got any money to put into the club. Healthy respect for how we do things isn't enough for me, we need to be able to challenge for the league, and for players.


    If Lescott was at Liverpool or Man Utd, City would offer £30m+ because they know they can't financially bully them. City's money men are trying to get Lescott on the cheap because they know we are financially vulnerable.


    To sell for less than £30m would be madness. Look at what Liverpool were quoted for the lad from Hull (all because they had £30m in their pocket)


    Any excessive money gained for lescott will disappear into the hands of a canny club who will make us pay over the odds.

  10. people have always said they prefer city to Man Utd, that's understandable because of the success Utd have had, it's natural to go for the underdog.


    However in chatting to a Man U fan the other day and discussing their growth it became clear that united owe their wealth down to the solid business model they built over the years whilst enjoying the success that came along after discovering the likes of scholes, beckhams etc. With the titles they won etc, they ensured their brand was worldwide, extended the stadium and yes to apoint converted and inherited some glory seeking fans. They have never bowed to player power, they stuck behind ferguson, bought well, sold when the player wasn't good enough and as a result reaped the rewards. Yes I do not like to see united win, especially with rooney there, however, to think that city deserve their time by some fortune of inheriting a vast some of money is madness.


    Maybe as Evertonians we should hope that doing things the way united have done is the right way to success and will therefore get us what we are due. We know how much we have detested the likes of the barcodes, and Spurs for trying to buy their way through. The way we do things is the right way, and when the reward comes along it will be sweeter, and we will find that other fans and neutrals will be happy for us. And no, I do not like united at all!!!

  11. You can understand if its Hull and Stoke, but we are the 5th best team in the best league in the world, players should be making their own way here and breaking the door down to get in.

    If we lose out on Senderos and Elm it will be because we are not selling ourselves properly, or professionally.



    Got to agree, whether or not you agree with the type of player - who they are etc, fact is Moyes has identified them as an achievable target and therefore we should get them. For want of a better word we are abysmal at getting players that other teams are interested in.


    Only when there is a player that no one else seems to want are we able to get them. Unfortunately sometimes you need to get in an auction, that is the nature of the business, matches are often won on who wants it more, why not transfers? (always to a point I may add) Maybe if we acted better, sooner and clinically last year we may have got a more mobile midfielder than Fellaini at a lesser cost. Sorry Felli fans.

  12. City with all "their" millions are about as popular as lottery lout Michael Carroll (remember him?). He may well have had the money to buy a big house next to lesser off successfull businessmen (who built up their fortunes through hard work and graft)


    But when he starts bringing the attention of the media to where he is, dressing up in massive gold chains, flouncing his cash wastefully whilst the local drive around quietly in their Bentleys surely he can't expect to be popular?


    To top it off, he decides he wants to be accepted so he offers his next door neigbour money for his most favoured car which the neighbour does not wish to sell? Even if he gets that car will it take away the fact that he can not act with class and chooses to financially barge his way around, forgetting that he was previously claiming benefits?


    I can't see why that would get peoples backs up?


    It's Friday, analogy day........................

  13. Been told today tha lescott is going for around 20 mil and the only reason the deal ain't done yet is because we haven't found a replacement but he's definitely on his way out. An i also hear that michael owen was supposed to be a done deal for us but man u came in just before he signed an he changed his mind.



    £20m is disappointing, if they will pay over £30m for John Terry we should be looking at £30m no less. Play hard ball with them, let's face it, English defenders, who is left for them to buy? The lot acrss the park paid £18m for a right back and they are not exactly rolling in cash are they? If we get £30m, spend £15m on defensive replacements and go after Moutinho.

  14. So if Senderos is a no, then what are our alternatives?



    Turner from Hull, Wes Brown, Distin, Cahill, Hangeland, Dunne, Richards, Onuha, Lucas Neill, Carvalho? (would be awesome if we could), Ryan Nelson


    All of these stand out in the mind for being solid, not senderos, go on any Arsenal forum and you will see what they think of him. We can get better than Senderos.

  15. Senderos is a big no from me, just the other day I was stating how poor he is. He is far too error prone, if AC Milan don't want to take up an option to buy at £6m and Arsenal don't want him, why is he good enough for us. Big mistake to buy him. For every good tackle there is a lapse of concentration. Back up for £2m maybe, to replace Joleon, no chance.

  16. Really, I could have sworn that the chairman publicly said there is no pressure to sell and it is up to Moyes.


    That's understandable, it's a bit like giving your kid 50p a week pocket money and saying "don't worry kid, if you want to spend that on midget gems, I won't steal them"


    it's friday - great day for analogy's

  17. In an ideal world, Moyes will have a centre half lined up ready to replace (lad from Hull let's just say - £8m) If they really want Joleon equal to the level that we don't want to sell then £30m+ is the price - JT is out the way - they have highlighted how much they wanted to pay for him which gives us our benchmark, upson is not in lescotts class in the sense he is centre half only.


    I can honestly see Moyes sticking out for £30m - hopefully on his return to the UK he will have identified the players he wants in using the money he feels we will get for Joleon, maybe we will get them agreed in priciple and the the transactions happen.


    That's an ideal situation for me, as much as I want to keep him, £30m could really give us strength in other areas whilst replacing Joleon at a lesser value.

  18. Still over a month of the transfer window left. Transfer market gone a bit mad with Man City and Real Madrid inflating the market place. 60-70% of all transfers are undertaken in the last week of the window, why push things when the market is over valued, give it a week or two to calm down a little.


    Everton standing firm on selling Lescott and he is obviousely not been making a fuss. So good for Everton and good for Lescott.


    Just because we are linked to most middle value players doesn't mean we are actually interested- Do you really think Cana would have joined Sunderland if EFC really had a remote intrest; I don't think so. and are Spurs, Villa and Everton always after the very same players?.


    OK we missed out on Naughton, but my guess that is maybe as much as Everton & Moyes sticking two fingers up to Sheff Utd after them going back on a deal. again, Good for Everton.


    I am glad we are not prepared to be mugged when buying players or with team trying to buy our players.


    My guess Moyes is looking to bring top quality youngsters to bolster the squad rather than high priced names. I would be happy with that, as that has to be the way forward for Everton, we are never going to compeate with the top four and Man City trying to buy 'established' players, waste of transfer budget trying. We need to be more like Arsenal even if it means selling now and then.


    Agree with your sentiments - I think Rodwell may end up playing 80% of the games in midfield as a ball winner for arteta.... however we are in dire straits yet again if we lose a couple of players to injury. We need to insure the core of the team, at this moment we are down on players - we released castillo and van der meyde who were squad back up. Didn't the CEO say he seen our targets and was excited?

  19. I personally think everton should hold onto JL, if we keep selling are best players we will moving backwards rather than forward and am sure moyes will feel frustrated and may feel he can take the club no further and that would be an even bigger loss if moyes pulls the pin.


    But if moyes aproves of the sale of JL, everton should sell for around 25m with JO included in the deal as well as all the money from the sale going into the transfer kitty for moyes to spend on a replacement, cover for CB, LB and a starting RW also maybe a flare player.


    In Moyes I trust!!


    To be honest I would only include Jo if it was negotiated as 'an option to buy at £5m' - in other words if we decide we don't want Jo at the end of next season they pay us a further £5m so to speak. He has a lot to prove for me.

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