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Posts posted by Joe

  1. Here are the "magic numbers" - the combination of points that Everton need to gain and/or the other team needs to drop to guarantee finishing ahead of them. I'm assuming we win any tiebreakers since the lads are clobbering all these teams on goal differential.


    Bolton - 12

    Tottenham - 10

    Portsmouth - 7

    Reading - 6


    Two wins would basically get the team into Europe no matter what, and even a win and a draw would basically lock it up if the win was over Portsmouth. Anything less than that, and we'll have to count on these other teams dropping a few points. Reading and Tottenham have the easier closing schedules in this group, while Bolton has three games left against teams in the top half of the standings and Portsmouth has four (at Villa, Liverpool, at Everton, and Arsenal). Bolton-Reading next week is going to be huge.


    BTW, I forget who told me to Tivo the game, but I sure wish I had a Tivo after watching it. McFadden's game winner was absolutely gorgeous! :D

    I think it is going to be tough for Pompey given their standing and schedule although their game against us will be huge. Both Tottenham and Reading have an easier schedule and I would assume Tottenham would be a bigger thread than Reading. I am still surprised Reading are where they are in the standings this late. Who knows maybe they may have a bad run of form these last fixtures since Sidwell may be in and out of the lineup (or atleast I hope).
  2. Cracking goal by Faddy, not a very good peformance from the lads but its the results that matter at this stage of the season. We have to play better than that to get the 3 points at Upton Park, it's a 3 points we have to get with Manure the game after that.
    World class goal from Faddy. I was disappointed with how we played today but like you said 3 points is all that matters. From here on out every game is going to be extremely tough. We need all the points we can get.
  3. Away game as well! Is home advantage significant in the NHL Joe...if so a cracking start!
    Home advantage is definitely significant so it was good that the sharks won a game on the road. Although, I am watching the game now and we are losing 2-1 after the first period. There are three 20 minute periods in a game so hopefully we can come back to win.
  4. Double Extra time basically...:)


    At the end of the match if the score is level they go in overtime (extratime) but with a golden goal type rule. In playoffs if its still level at the overtime it goes onto double overtime...then if its level it will go into triple overtime. Basically, it'll keep on going until somone scores.


    Somethin like that anyway, sure joe will correct me if anythin of that is wrong...

    You got it exactly right. On Wednesday night the Dallas Vancouver match went into 4 overtimes. The match lasted 5 and half hours and the vancouver goalie made 72 saves. It was intense. It's funny a lot of Americans who don't follow football call extra time, overtime. It kills me when I hear it :(
  5. http://au.setanta.com/portal/article/footb...02572b500387067


    Is he any good Joe? Full USA international.. apparently a poor mans Robben?

    Wow I am a little surprised but happy :D . I really like Mapp he can give us some speed down the wing. He is a somewhat big guy at 6'1 but he has a lot of pace. He is one of the best U.S talents coming up and is starting to get some action on the national team. A lot of Americans are excited about this guy. I think it will take him a bit to get use to the premiership but he is still young at 22 years old. Good move in my opinion because I don't think he will cost much at all. Dempsey who arguably has the most talent and potential in the U.S only went for 2 million. Like the article said he does very well at crossing the ball, something we could use on the wing. They play on saturday so hopefully i will be able to give it a watch.


  6. do you know what, i do not care what happens as long as Bolton lose, Spurs lose and EVERTON WIN!
    If Bolton win there is a small chance of us being able to grab the 4th spot. Probably very unlikely given our schedule but there still is the opportunity. I think we can catch Bolton though.
  7. Everton's Summer transfers


    Nugnent 4 Mil

    Alan Smith 7 Mil

    Fernandes 7 Mil

    Jay demrit 3 Mil



    Naysmith 3 mil

    Beattie 6 Mil

    Wright 1 Mil

    Is there an actual rumor about Demerit or is it just something you would like to see? I know he wants to stay in the Premiership even if Watford go down. I love Demerit and would like to see him at Everton but I think we could get him less than 3 million. He has had some amazing games this year as well as bad ones but it is his first year in the premiership.
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