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Posts posted by GMorrison183

  1. A host of English clubs are reported to have shown an interest in the 27-year-old, favouring an agreement which would see Zigic move on loan, but still willing to take on his salary.


    Maybe another lad on loan?


    I don't think this will happen.


    I'm 99% sure you can only have 2 players in on loan? That's why Portsmouth had to sign a player before they could bring in Jerome Thomas.

  2. I actually have been thinking ever since AJ moved on that he would be an excellent fit. A striker that can perform at an international level and also is strong enough to hold his own at the top of a 4-5-1.


    Zigic, M'Bia, and Moutinho would put us in a pretty good position (although I still think we need an upgrade in the center of the park, Osman just doesn't offer enough defensively).

  3. panic stations, seriously. if any of the optimists still possibly think we'll be ok even if we dont have any new players, please come forward now with your reasoning, because i for one need convincing. the only tihing im looking forward to is the £200 getting knocked off season tickets in the cocacola championship.

    anyone recon we can fill 50,000 seats in the lower leagues?


    people will think im over reacting, but can anybody see this side (with no orthodox central midfielders what so ever) getting 40 points?


    This side is still capable of getting 50 points in my opinion.


    I think you're forgetting just how bad a team has to be to get under 40 points for a season. If our midfield ran "Baines--Jags---Neville---Osman" I'd still say we could hit 40 points (barely), it just would be some terrible football to watch. I actually bet after the terrible start we'd go through with that midfield Neville and Jags would start learning how to put some decent passes in on the ground when they realized just how much of a problem their hoof it play would be.

  4. In the Daily Star article it says Moutinho has expressed his desire to join us - is that true?


    He has in the past, but not recently. I think all things regarding Moutinho is a new one sentence quote and then the same old information recycled.


    As others have stated, if it takes this long to pull off a transfer then we needed to have done our research ahead of time. I really think we need this lad and M'Bia to maintain our 5th place spot honestly.

  5. How can any true fan be optimistic about the future, from this time last season we have lost stubbs, mcfadden, carsley, fernandes, gravesen, wessel, johnson, and with pienarr out, and cahill, baines, van der meyde, vaughan, hibbet 's injury history, I REALLY FEAR THE WORST.


    God forbid they are gone or injured! They were the key to our .... ? :P

  6. He's a defensive midfielder that can make a pass or two isn't he? It's been awhile since I've seen him.


    He would give us the look of a 5th place club in the starting XI if we were completely healthy (which won't happen, but still).


    If this makes you all feel better, the way I look at our situation is Rodwell was an upgrade over Grav, Tiago should be an upgrade over Carsley, When Manny wasn't in form Gosling is just as good ( :P ) and Howard likes to play anyways, so Turner should cover just fine :D Oh, and Baxter will have us all saying Andy Johnson who?


    If anyone else needs a pair of blue tinted glasses, let me know! :D

  7. Just for a laugh- lets just see what team we could've have and discuss :D



    Andrei Arshavin

    Diego Milito

    Joao Moutinho

    Manny Fernandes

    Stephen M'Bia

    Alan Smith

    Anthony Annan

    Guillermo Ochoa



    Andrew Johnson

    Lee Carsley




    ----------Arshavin or Cahill--------







    Diego Milito

    Manny Fernandes

    Stephen M'Bia

    Leighton Baines

    Guillermo Ochoa

    Alan Smith

    Leon Osman


    Where would we end in the table? :D

  8. Ridiculous price tag. 29 year old player, wants to leave the club, now in a lower league. All these factors reduce the price of a player. Zaragoza are dilusional if they think they will be paid that amount.


    If we were pushing for the top 4, I'd be all for an 8 mil bid.


    Our CURRENT team will be stretched to finish 5th let alone push for the top 4. Lets get some midfielders before we consider this move.

  9. I didnt know we had two Valente's :huh: but i understand what your saying. A very small squad last year has got even smaller, but dont worry there will be 3 or 4 coming in shortly.


    Here is the adjusted current lineup bench (in light of corrections :P )






    Valente--Jags---Yobo---Lescott(out of position)









    JP Kissock?







    Van Der Meyde


    I dare say, no...were we REALLY going to play Van Der Meyde this year? :D With the size of our squad, it sure looked as if so!


    Our squad is missing a couple things:


    A true CM who can move the ball forward (Moutinho would fit this bill)

    A striker who can handle being up top by himself, preferably with UEFA Cup/International Experience (I really think given our current squad McFadden would've been a great fit for this role..but it was definitely a good bit of business at the time)

    A midfielder not afraid to put in a challenge(No one has currently been linked to this role?)

    Last... Size! If we were able to bring in Moutinho, we would truly live up to the "midget gems" title. Not sure if that's a good thing when defending set pieces...


    Cahill: 5'10"

    Arteta: 5'9"

    Pienaar: 5'7"

    Osman: 5'8"

    Moutinho: 5'6"


    In short; I'm for Moutinho, but at the right price and if we still bring in 2-4 more players after him.

  10. but if were never going to sign class players (which cost alot of money) then we will be a midtable team for years to come, one class player could make the team go up that next level.


    Is Moutinho a sure fire class player though? If Man U miss (if Nani doesn't pan out) it's not that big of a deal. If we miss, we can't just simply reload the next offseason.


    There are plenty of other midfielders I'd consider when factoring in the price tag as better options than Moutinho (Toulalan and Bodmer, Alou Diarra). I just don't see him alone turning us into a top 4 team.

  11. I'm a little skeptical about whether he will sign or not, there are murmurings from Portuguese websites that he only said he would like to join Everton because he stands to make £1.5million if Everton put in a bid (even if it is rejected) over £15million.


    I'm skeptical but for different reasons. If we did put in a bid over 16mil, I think we are definitely living beyond our means.


    The fact of the matter is we would have 0 midfielders on our bench if we played the 4-5-1. we would have 1 forward with 1st team experience on our bench if we played a 4-4-2. We are an injury away from Baines playing in the Midfield. Imagine if tomorrow was opening day.





    Valente--Jags---Yobo---Lescott(out of position)










    That type of team won't hold up for an entire season + UEFA cup football.

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