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Posts posted by Zed

  1. At least the fans inside respected the silence. I thought that the "silence" at Wemebly was disgusting. Why some people think that its funny or mature to mock a situation like this is beyond me.


    Unfortunately thats the type of society we live in


    Think there going a bit overboard with the change of strips as well though. Is it just another pr stunt or am I too cynical

  2. What a Fecking liberty ( as that women on the tate show would say)


    Just another greed motivated plan


    But, suppose thats the world we live in. I can see this deffo happening in 3 years now


    what a cock scudamore is, it was suppose to be a secret while they checked it out


    We have the richest, best, most watched league in the world and they just want more


    The average joe who goes the game will be even more fucked in a couple of years

  3. On the up-side, if yak does play again (ive no doubt he'll be straight back after reading), he'll be desperate to make an impact.


    If i have a bad day at work (most days), i often think about my last job cos it really took the piss. It helps me to keep goin...so my message to the yak is...do you wanna go back to boro?! (thought not, so pull your finger out)! :P



    Thats a good analogy that, amybe I should use it in my job when things arent going so well


    I suppose you could also apply it to women


    Oh, the yak is a tit as well

  4. Prison break is best watched with the finger poised over FF. Theres an hour of TV that can be condensed to 30 mins


    I like COME DINE WITH ME LATELY where 5 people host a dinner part each day and they all vote and the winner gets 1000


    I sky+ it every afternoon for t time viewing


    yes, i am an old fart

  5. I wouldnt mind Jags being given another go at right back. Maybe last time with him being new to the squad and all that, plus everyone has off days. Now hes becoming a stead regular, the switch wont be so bad????????????????

  6. great result, means we have a 3 point gap to everyone except Liverpool. a bit loss for them against a relegation battling team.


    of the teams in 4th - 8th only Liverpool won this weekend while us, Pompy and Blackburn took a point each.


    could have been worse.


    Liverpool have their game in hand dont they this week??? Maybe its next week



    But they do play their cup final next week against one of the top four


    Reading will give us a game next week, but we deffinatly need to win that type of game

  7. The scarcity of good players in our squad has cost us in the last two games, osman and fernandes dont look fit carsley and cahill are not playing well and if we had good replacements i think we should have had another 4 points out of the last 2 games.


    should have had a gap of about 7 points tonight, its thanks to our defence that we are still where we are.


    Only 2 points out of two games that we should have won.


    Thats a bit harsh.


    We were the better team in both matches and SHOULD HAVE deffinately won against BB


    Hand ball, clearance off the line, fernandez hit the post, deffo penalty, deffo goal, fernadez should have scored the offer chance


    Spurs have shown how good they are over the last few game and after yesterdays performance against Manu,



    Lets not beat ourselves up too much, our expectactions have risen,which shows how well were doing


    I find some of the comments after the spurs game particulary amusing, saying how shit we were


    Im really not sure what people expect. Some Evertonians baffle me

  8. I think I would like to see 4 x £10MIL players instead of a one off ronaldo type player


    Although 10 mil doesnt buy a lot this season when you see some of the defenders going for near that amount


    I like the old addage of "Dont put all your eggs in one basket"


    If he got injured for manure or has big dip in form he would be a big loss, but they have players of a similar calibre in rooney or tevez, gigs who can do the biz


    Imageing having £40 mil this summer and we brought in 4 players, it would help take us to a nother level

  9. I like that line up, baines back at left back, so hopefully hes shook of those niggles


    Neville is best at RB


    Fernandez Osman and Mikel hopefully clicking in midfield with carsley sweeping up


    2-1 to us Cahill and OSSIE

  10. It was me that mentioned Routledge, not as a permanent fixture but just to get us through this time of need, Pienaar away and now possibly injured, Osman and Manny not yet 1OO% and possibly missing Cahill, So desperate are we for midfielders we had to resort to having De Silva and VD Meyde on the bench, two players who havent been good enough to wear the shirt since they arrived.

    Chelsea go and spend £15m on Anelka to cover for Drogbha and havent dropped a league point, and won 2 Cup semi final games while drogbha has been away. Thats the difference in why they are a top side and we are not.


    Just hope we dont lose our 4th place because we couldnt be arsed to spend £1.5 mill of the McFadden money on some insurance.



    Bit of a bad comparison dont you think. Drogba out, essien out, terry out, lamps out. In comes Alex (ben hiam also) Ballack, sidwell, Anelka or even the italian bloke who cost about 10 mil also


    Although I get you point. I thought after getting shut of Macfad, we would have brought in a lower league player with some hit or miss potential


    I think people forget we are probably skint as usual, we did spend a few bob in the summer


    Grav, pienar, gardner, Fernandez all loans

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