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Posts posted by Zed

  1. Good guess :P. Can't believe that Fulham last game of the season AWAY! but as someone said earlier that we will have probably rapped up our season by then anyway.



    Better than getting the big boys at the end when their all fighting for something, fulham will have been relagated (hopefully)


    Is it me or do we always seem to play boro on boxing day?


    Yes we bloody do, I want an exciting match at chrimbo, worst feeling in the world after the boxing day comedown "woo hoo Boro"

  2. Still a startling lack of imagination though when you think of the possibilities, what happened to Scouse humour?


    And what's the point of having a competition for people to come up with good ideas when you call it something so bleedingly obvious.


    It's like having a competition to find a name for a new Blue Peter dog and ending up calling it "New Blue Peter Doggie!"



    YEAH, WHY THE FECK NOT JUST CALL IT "Super Everton Lambanana"

  3. An absolute legend. Deffinitely the best pound for pound boxer of my generation. I though the hitman had a chance, not realising the gulf in quality.


    Will go down in history as one of the best



    I think Calzage deserves more respect, hatton isnt fit to lace his boots, dont know too much about MAyweather though

  4. Your lucky youve got/getting places to skate out here in the country :P we've got to skate round an old industial estate or travell about 1 hour to get to a decent skate park..:angry:



    My heart bleeds


    There was a skater/BMX park in old swan years ago, which has just gone down to ruin, its on the crossroad between edgle lane and st oswalds street, dont know why they couldnt re-develope it or at least make it a park for the kids

  5. Doing work in the library today and I really can't be arsed. Im too fucking tired. I do three jobs as well as my Masters and think i've burnt myself out a little bit too much. However I hand in this essay im working on now on Monday then have the week off from all my jobs, I can't wait. I havn't eve had two days off in a row for about 3 months. This week will be luxurios. Euro 2008 on the telly, my misus is going to her parents for 2 weeks so have the flat all to myself. Perfect



    You'll be bored to death after two days i'll bet

  6. Will we actually sign those quality players that we need though or will we be stuck buying second rate players, like Hunt, who won't improve us anywhere near the amount we need just to stay where we are in the league?



    Id be happy with staying where we are in the league, again next season there will be massive competition and that would continue our stability, but cant see a player like this adding to our squad let alone first team

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