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Everything posted by Mogsy

  1. God help anyone who tries to break into their parents houses then!
  2. Anybody know why Wayne Rooney is such a dick? Why does he always kick out or dive in when he gets frustrated? Is he becoming to much of a liability for England. Could you trust him in a semi final if it was a tight frustrating game.
  3. I really hope Moyes starts picking drenthe from the starts, cause he does seem to have settled in well, and seems right up for it. We'll just have to hold on to him then.
  4. Well I for one am glad to see his career has Gone the way he planned after the way he left! No sarcasm there then ! Thanks for that goal though!
  5. Rip a true genius. Revolutionized the technology world. I for one am seriously in love with my iPhone!
  6. I suppose if we built a new stadium, does that theoretical mean we have been invested in and that we have more money for higher profile players? Thus would everton see an increase in it's fan base from people starting to support them because they would possibly become more successful! Has this happened at man city since they were taken over?
  7. Sorry all, this will be my last post on this subject( I know you all will be gutted ) The beard please don't get me wrong, as I've said I know your not condoning it or sympathetic to them and I have no beef with you in particular, I just don't get the understanding part. I suppose it's just that I can't understand why people do this in any way shape or form or even there thinking behind.
  8. I also see, point 4,7,3b, and the last 1b. As far as I'm see it there is nothing to understand with these morons, they are just morons. I suppose I do not have any psychological training or background, so probably don't see this point of view, but I simply don't understand why people have to do that especially over a game of football
  9. Hold on, the point of a forum is to air our views, and if we disagree, then we disagree, there is no witch hunt against The Beard', I just don't agree with his or your use of the word 'understand' v. un·der·stood (-std), un·der·stand·ing, un·der·stands v.tr. 1. To perceive and comprehend the nature and significance of; grasp. See Synonyms at apprehend. 2. To know thoroughly by close contact or long experience with: That teacher understands children. 3. a. To grasp or comprehend the meaning intended or expressed by (another): They have trouble with English, but I can understand them. b. To comprehend the language, sounds, form, or symbols of. 4. To know and be tolerant or sympathetic toward: I can understand your point of view even though I disagree with it. 5. To learn indirectly, as by hearsay: I understand his departure was unexpected. 6. To infer: Am I to understand you are staying the night? 7. To accept (something) as an agreed fact: It is understood that the fee will be 50 dollars. 8. To supply or add (words or a meaning, for example) mentally. v.intr. 1. a. To have understanding, knowledge, or comprehension. b. To have sympathy or tolerance. That's the definitions I've found and I still can't relate it to the actions mentioned previously. Yes I can know they threw coins, it's because they are idiots, I know they are idiots but I cannot understand why they did it or why they or idiots. And as mentioned before I don't think and have stated that I can see The beard doesn't condone it, but the the use of understand I think is wrong
  10. No, I personally think the ref & the FA are more to blame than suarez for allowing this to happen in our game without reprimand!
  11. Totally agree with Avinalaff, 'understand' is completely the wrong word and used in the wrong context. I can't 'understand' why someone shoots or stabs someone or anything The Beard has listed. I'm not and have not said anywhere that he is condoning it, but as I see it there is nothing to. 'understand' why these morons have done this. If my wife calls me a twat, and I punch her in the face, would you 'understand' that? I would hope not, it is simply a stupid morainic Thing to do, in fact I for one will never 'understand' why anybody would shoot, stab, throw coins or whatever, and no I'm not perfect, but I know the difference between right & wrong. So sorry but I could never understand why people would do this.
  12. Agreed! I wouldn't bother rising to his shite, I'm sure it probably gives him a stiffy to think he's winding people up!
  13. I don't see that there is anything to understand, heat of the moment or not. Throwing any object with the intentent to harm is totally out of order, and it doesn't matter which football team it is, or what they do on the pitch, or how there team mates react, it is only a game of football at the end of the day. Come on guys there is absoultly no way anyone can understand why someone would want to do this.
  14. Sorry, but I don't think you can compare being burgled to a footballer taking a dive! I love everton and hate it when thy lose, even more so to Liverpool. But it doesn't bring me out in a rage, and makes me want to harm somebody, it's called self control.
  15. Do wanna argue, I can see your not justifying it, but I don't see how anyone can understand it either. It's a shameful thing to do. And I don't think our clubs fans should accept that from a stupid minority.
  16. Second this, would you walk up to suarez in the street and punch him, same difference.
  17. Unbelievable comment! Your suggesting that we would be happy to see someone succumb to physical harm cause he dived in a game of football? Nothing could justify something like that, especially a game of football!! Granted Suarez is a total knob, but to think he should be harmed in anyway is out of order, and I would have thought I reflect everyone else's opinion as well apart from you!! You are a disgrace to the club fir suggesting such a thing!
  18. I am/was a big fan of jags, but since his injury he's not the same player, a very similar senario as Arteta I think. Yes he should be dropped and jonny h should go in. If he hands in a transfer request then fine, let him go, cause maybe the talk earlier about a bid coming for him has turned his head, or maybe he doesn't want to play for everton anymore, perhaps he thinks he deserves better. I find his whole situation spookily similar to Arteta.
  19. Right, just had confirmation that the sending off was the worst decision of all time! Just shown my misses the incident, and trust me she knows as much about football as I do about quantum physics, her reaction was "he got the ball" "and the guy in the red JUMPS a bit high" Nuff said, perhaps she'll ref a prem match one day!
  20. I bet atkinson is man of the match on all the red Shite forums!!
  21. Join us you know you want to secretly!!!
  22. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/3848617/Red-card-leaves-David-Moyes-fuming.html
  23. Some of the older racing drivers, I'm only 35 but when I see on the telly, stirlling moss, Jim Clark Jackie stewart controlling those old cars it is unbelievable. Steve Redgrave is another icon!
  24. He fucked up Leeds, he fucked up Cardiff and he's fucked plymouth!!! Anyone see a pattern with this guy!!
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