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Everything posted by Mogsy

  1. Please please please please please do not let him within a 100 sq miles of our club!!!
  2. To be honest I'll be happy with a draw today, the way their front line have started and the fact that they can afford to have tevez on the bench still hate them though and would love a win, but can't see it.
  3. 1-0, drenthe with a last minute goal, Mancini has a paddy cause drenthe is right on the offside line, refuses to shake Moyes's hand, so Moyes sticks one on him!!!
  4. Yeah, but has there ever been a vast difference in finances between the top teams and everyone else as there is now. I don't think the shite and us in 80's where that much richer than most teams were they?
  5. I suppose it's just cover incase one of them is injured, looks like Moyes will be looking for a goalie in January.
  6. From the BBC preview In days of olde, King John's rich noblemen used to ride through Sherwood Forest petrified that they would be robbed and humbled by a shadowy figure clad in green - the champion of the poor - none other than Robin Hood. These days, football's moneyed elite tread with equal trepidation as they fear a good old gubbing from those infamous merry men dressed in blue - Everton! There's nothing proud Evertonians would love more than to rob the rich and leaving them squealing like Maid Marian. Not only do Everton have a better recent record than any other Premier League club against money-bags Chelsea - they are also well accustomed to stuffing mega-bucks Manchester City, who should be wary going into Saturday's early kick-off. So, test your football knowledge with these six brain teasers - answers below! Q1: Who was the last team to score a home win against Manchester City? Q2: Who was the last team to score an away win against Manchester City? Q3: Who were the only side to do the double over City last season? Here's a clue - they did it the season before as well. Q4: Which side has won all of their last four visits to Eastlands? Q5: Which side has won seven of their last eight games against Manchester City? Q6: Who is 5-2 ON to win Saturday's game? Answers: Q1 - Everton. Q2 - Everton. Q3 - Everton. Q4 - Everton. Q5 - Everton. Q6 - Man City.
  7. Yeah it's a bloody nightmare at the moment
  8. Yakubu ha ha ha ha no serious, another vote for milla
  9. As the stronger teams generallly field weaker teams for the carling cup is this the one to go for so long as we don't do a Birmingham!
  10. What would you rather see, Moyes focusing on us winning the carling cup(or maybe FA cup) and mid table in the league, or as higher position in the league as possible. I don't think we will achieve a champion league spot this season so I would love us to win a cup as it's been to long. Which would be more financially rewarding, 5th/6th and Europe or a cup, maybe 8th/9th and European footie?
  11. Even more of a touch than Jason Scotland??
  12. My dad said Jimmy greaves played for Milan as well, so that's five possibilities! I have a sneaky feeling beckham didn't have a cap whilst there
  13. Mind you was beckham capped when he was there?
  14. Yeah and mark hateley is another, don't know the forth.
  15. He is gonna be legend!! Let's hope we can keep hold of him.
  16. Ok, we might want to keep him at RB then, at this rate he might ever score!!! SSSSHHHOOOTTT!
  17. Yeah gotta be given, keane kilbaine and Staunton
  18. Yeah agree. Have Colman at right back.
  19. Did he play well last night in the reserves?
  20. Not seen the match, will do on MOTD tonight, was Moyes right to start with Cahill up front?
  21. Was excited at today's match, disappointed now. Why not chuck the newbies in, it might have worked, if not substitute them. Very disappointed.
  22. Or does the first division mean the top division?
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