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Ian C

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Posts posted by Ian C

  1. Fable 2 is meant to be terrific.


    Football Manager 09 demo is out btw, folks. Match Engine is terrific, though there are an annoyingly large amount of injuries though SI said they'll fix it come release. Everton have 1 million to spend, 65k wages free and at minimum a top half position is required. It's going to be tough, guys.


    I've brought in a load of frees like Edgar Davids, Gravesen, Ljungberg, along with buying 3 players (Enyeama and Loslov and Cacares [Not the famous one]) and loaning in Belleti, with only Turner going the other way.


    I didn't do it for quality folks, because of the injury bug I needed squad depth :P

  2. I don't doubt no matter how well our season is going, a draw to Man Utd. and nearly beating them is a good days work in anyone's books.



    But, is this the turning point? The players have shown that they've got the fight in them now, do you think if Moyes can keep that going that we're looking at starting to rebuild some of last year's form?

  3. How to lose friends and alienate people.


    Terrific until they start turning a bit Hollywood about half-way through. 3.5/5 from me.



    Didn't get into Burn After Reading today, missed the show by 15 mins, decided to go see the Rocker instead, hilarious - 4/5.

  4. Again you'd have to find a better name than the British Isles Cup.


    I personally have no problem, but I know a lot of people find the term British Isles offensive.


    And to quality, I'd say Linfield and Glentoran both have the quality to compete on a A-I level, just as with the SPL/England, the rest of the teams aren't up to much really.



    As to an all British Isles thing, England/Scotland would easily dominate.

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