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Posts posted by rubecula

  1. Dunno about Torres, but he scares the crap out of me.


    And that my friends is how football should be played. He dishes it out,but accepts it back by putting himself on the line.


    I don't care if he does get some red cards. I want to see him in an Everton shirt.


    Jeezus, remember how big Dunc terrified ManUre.... they would be shitting themselves if Cana was on the team sheet.

  2. I would have thought he'd proper piss Liverpool off by joining us, but joining Man United is going one step further than that



    I just spat my tea all over the computer reading that. :lol:


    Dunno about anyone else, but I would just love to see Owen go to ManUre. (Maybe they would let us have Rooney back at a cut price if they did......j/k )

  3. Cold cider on a hot day is great........ but it ain't ale.


    Mann's Original is ale...... Ooops giving my age away here.


    If you need slang for beer, just call it fizz or something.


    How anyone can think of a spirit as ale? Geezus no wonder they fall over after a couple of pints.


    Just to show how cantankerous an old git like me can be. There is no such thing as PEAR CIDER. It is Perry!


    "I'll drink lager when Benitez shows his arse in a Yate's............... Oh bugger there he goes, he is showing off Gerard to the drunks"

  4. Who is the best winger we could hope for ? Realistically, there isn't one.


    Anyone rate Arjen Robben ? I used to think he was great. Now I suspect he is getting a little long in the tooth. Useful, but no longer great.

    Secretly hoping we could nick him from Madrid while they're buying so many players . Not a snowball in hell's chance


    Anyone better and affordable ? Nope, nobody to fit that criterior. Anyone better we can't afford, anyone we can afford is not much use.



    (Sorry was that a little too pessimistic???)

  5. I have a strong feeling that Red Bull will close the gap on Brawn very quickly. Vettel may even overtake Button for the championship.


    The Red Bull team (formerly Jaguar by the way) has the better car now.


    The Brawn is still pretty good though, so I think it could be very close by the end of the season. I expect it to get a lot more exciting from here on in.

  6. Anyone been watching the Confederations Cup?


    Howard was praised for his performances in goal for USA and he was there in the final. (Pity they lost to Brazil though)


    Pienaar though, was mentioned a few times as possibly being the most influential player in the competition. Apparently there is a vote on who was the best player sometime tonight. His name is in the pile.

  7. If we were to bring a foreign club to Goodison I would vote for Bayern Munich. I was at THAT game and it was fantastic. It would be nice to do it again, even in a friendly.


    Other foreign teams that would be good to see at Goodison.....


    Boca Juniors


    Inter Milan.


    Just a few names from my own ideas. I am sure some of them would be pleased to warm up against us for European football. It would do us good too.

  8. I think it is endemic of being an Everton fan that pessimism is the rule at this time of year.


    I suspect that with us not being in debt to the tune of umpteen million pounds, then there will be some leeway for purchases. Just who to buy though I have no idea. I am sure Moysie will buy someone who has not yet been mentioned. he has a habit of doing that.


    I reckon that by the end of this month there will be a real name in the offing, if we have not already signed him by then.

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