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Posts posted by rubecula

  1. Ok what are our finances like?


    The reds are apparently over 40 million in debt according to reports. They may even have to sell. Their new stadium is a no go (for now)


    I admit most of this comes down to their American owners, but they are supposed to be a 'rich' club. If they are in trouble, what are our finances like?


    Have we anything to fear that may come creeping out of the woodwork?


    Anybody know anything????

  2. Spurs are better now than they were before Harry took over. They have a lot to play for I think and in that event will prove to be a tough nut for us to crack.


    I suspect it will be a close game and it will probably end at 2 - 1.


    I am just not sure which way.


    Hopefully to us.



  3. Like a lot of other folks I have Sky at home.


    (Actually I have to have it as a TV aerial wont work here too well.)


    Anyway I see that there are channels for Man U tv, Chelski tv, Celtic, Rangers, Reds.....et al


    But there is no Everton TV on there.


    Does anyone know why not? Is there a reason for this? Money? Interest? Or whatever?

  4. You guys are brilliant. I know I asked an awkward question at the start of this, but not only do I feel a lot better about things now, I have seen a great discussion from you all. Varied opinions and equally varied possibilities. One thing you all have in common is an abundance (or at least as much as is humanly possible) of confidence in the outcome.


    Thank you for helping me take heart in our achievements and looking for a historic winning final.



  5. No, my son (raised properly as a blue) and his 2 stepsons (1 converted to the faith and the other teetering on the edge)

    Other half is a bit miffed 'cos it's her birthday but hey ho......... :D


    Well, if it's her birthday...................... get her to pay for the tickets. :lol:


    (Tell her I said hi by the way rofl)

  6. I am a raging toffee, :D and I am very pessimistic. :o Which seems to be par for the course. :P


    So with the injuries we currently have, I feel very nervous about the cup final all of a sudden. :mellow:


    Can anyone say something to make me feel more confident?


    (We did beat some big teams to get there so I should be feeling better than I do. But I just feel nagging doubts with every little bit of news I hear coming from the camp....or on some of the sites on the web.) <_<

  7. Neutral section is the way to go if you have little or no purchase history for away games (Already have mine) It's right next to the Everton section and generally about 70/80% blues anyway!


    I must be tired. I could have sworn that said Natural Selection is the way to go.


    Anyway Iggy me ol' mate. Just make sure you enjoy it. (Taking the missus too?)

  8. The talk about Ebanks Blake reminds me of another Wolves striker who never went anywhere else despite being touted as one of the greats at the time. Remember Steve Bull?


    If I am correct there was a lot of talk at the time he was coming to us. Or going to ManUre. or Arsenal. He never did any of that and simply stayed where he was.


    Loyalty? Or did he just realise he would be rubbish in Top Flight football?


    Can the same be true of Ebanks Blake?

  9. I am probably in the minority here (I can accept that) But the Yak was deffo turning his gme around when he got injured.


    I rate Saha as well. I am sure that with a little encouragement from Moyes he can be a great striker for us. He has skill and ability and if anyone can take the Yak and make hime 'energetic' I am pretty sure Saha will be no real problem.


    As for Jo. Hmmmmmm Well he has shown what he can do, and how badly he can play at times too. But nobody is perfect. I would like him to stay, but I can't see it myself. If I had to pin my hopes on anyone out of those three I would be choosing Saha, with the Yak a close second.



    I would like to see the Yak and Saha partnering up front when they are both at the top of their game, with Cahill playing behind them.

  10. Very doubtful after this season. I'm not sure if he's shite because he's well past it or if he's shite because he's at Newcastle. Could be either in all fairness. 6 months ago I would have been more keen, now, not so much.


    Agree 100%


    Used to think he would be useful and that he would like a return to Merseyside.


    Now if he signed for us I would be buying shares in medical supplies.


    He was good once. Now he is just overpaid, over priced and over his best years.

  11. I like the site pretty much as it is to be honest.


    Iggy, if he is around used to run a very similar one where I was a regular. (As did Rafa Beneathus) So I feel right at home here. Honest opinions easily expressed, friendly banter and informed interests make the place pretty good.


    Incidentally, a link appeared once on that site of Iggy's which I followed to a Spurs site. (Just out of curiousity) I still visit there, they have treated me very well indeed concidering I was totally open about being a Toffee... (for a while I was even on the list of staff there, although I felt it was not right for me to be so, and I relinquished the position.)


    Anyway, that site is set up a little differently, so Louis, if you want to take a peek and perhaps look for some ideas the link is:




    If you do take a look, please be as nice to them as they have been to me. (They have an anti swear word auto censor too, a good idea if kids look at the site)


    I don't recommend that you register and become a regular there however. That is a decision totally up to you. But you may get a few good ideas by reading about the place a little bit.

  12. You do realize we are playing at Villa Park and not Goodison dont you?


    Well yes I do realise that THIS YEAR we are playing away.


    But my thoughts on the matter still stand.


    I do not want to appear contentious on this. I am merely voicing my own honest opinion and feelings in the matter.


    I can not see football being played in an Islamic country on their holiest day of the year. No I do not attend church, nor am I particularly religeous. But I do try to respect the beliefs of the folks who still do believe fervently in Christ.


    I also don't mind those who disagree with me. We all have beliefs and opinions. I just think we should be respectful.

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