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Everything posted by troy8

  1. Not a chance in the world of that happening. If we had the cash I'd consider it but we don't so it's a big no.
  2. http://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/2557/news/2010/05/28/1947837/steven-pienaar-claims-evertons-2009-10-campaign-has-been-a
  3. Wouldn't mind him, but I can't see it happening, don't think he'd get much of a run here as well.
  4. http://www.goal.com/en/news/article?contentId=1943948 Nikola Zigic Valencia ------> Birmingham City Never seen him play but from what I've heard he's not all that good.
  5. http://www.goal.com/en/news/11/transfer-zone/2010/05/23/1939072/official-atletico-madrid-sign-fran-merida Fran Merida from Arsenal to Atletico Madrid, 4 year contract. Always seemed like one of the players that got talked about a lot, personally didn't see anything of him, must not have been good enough for their first team.
  6. FUCK THAT. I wouldn't even take 30 Million plus Bellamy, rather we kept Mikel and went without funds for new players. I heard they were interested in Joao Moutinho not so long ago, let them buy him if they want.
  7. All the best Shane, get well soon mate.
  8. I agree, I don't like the idea of him seeing out his contract until next year, because if he did leave at the end of next season for free, we've lost one of our best players and we've got no money to replace him!
  9. It's always fun to be very frank in those situations Spidey
  10. No, he's shit. Didn't even rate him that highly at Blackburn, and certainly don't rate him at all at City.
  11. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,12875_6162523,00.html Ben Foster ----> Birmingham City (around 6 Million) Perhaps not as good as Hart, but for that price they should be happy with that.
  12. Bit early but I thought I'd get the ball rolling, throw in any done deals around Europe which deserve talking about. So far only the one transfer in England, with Antolin Alcaraz heading to Wigan from Club Brugge, but the bigger one around Europe - David Villa to Barcelona! Confirmed: http://www.fcbarcelona.com/web/english/noticies/destacades/n100519111099.html I wonder what this means for Zlatan....
  13. Wouldn't let it happen. I feel as though we're struggling up front as it is; no need to further the problem. If anything we should be bringing one more in, not letting one go.
  14. I'd be willing to offer a special price for City - 132 Million. Sounds about right, should be able to afford it
  15. http://www.goal.com/en/news/11/transfer-zone/2010/05/16/1926840/manchester-united-and-arsenal-set-to-fight-for-everton Don't think it will happen, plus if Lescott can be worth 24 Million, we should be demanding 30 + IMO for Jags, not the 15 being quoted.
  16. Good man. I wish I could be doing the same, unfortunately I am going away at the time, had to reschedule just to make the Sydney game!
  17. Well let's hope Cesc doesn't go back to Barcelona. With that though, as good as Mikel is, would he be a suitable replacement? I'd have thought they might have gone for somebody younger and up and coming...
  18. Certainly am mate, I'm from Sydney so I'll definately be at the game against FC. Are you?
  19. Such a fucking joke, their owners are idiots. Zola was one of the best things at West Ham, and to come out to the media in the past 12 months and say some of the shit they've said, it's the owners who should be on their way not him.
  20. I don't think any of us could pronounce Bilyaletdinov before he arrived .
  21. Another fellow Aussie! Welcome mate.
  22. Pompey only have 6 subs?
  23. It's simple, we should not sell Pienaar even if it meant we were getting somebody else in return plus cash. He's too important in our side, and nobody we could afford at the moment could put in the performances and work rate he puts in. On a side note, Robbie Keane (supposedly a massive Liverpool fan when he was a boy as he claimed when he signed for them), would he really want to sign for Everton?
  24. http://www.premierleague.com/page/Headlines/0,,12306~2043825,00.html http://www.evertonfc.com/news/archive/2010/05/05/-my-everton-season-has-started- Wants to stay.
  25. Agree with you on this Mike. That award shouldn't exist on the basis that as fans of the club you'd hope every player has this type of spirit whenever they play for the club. Obviously that won't always happen but there shouldn't be an award targeted to one or two players out of a whole squad based on the most spirit. EDIT: Removing bold from remainder of original quote.
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