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Jimmy the blue

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Posts posted by Jimmy the blue

  1. The forum went very quiet last Sept, if you remember I tried a controversial post which still rumbles on.......................it worked so hows about more controversy and keep the punters happy :D:D


    Suggested topics.....................i


    Is Mike O Lickers love child. :o


    Why does Louis adore Jenny Seagrove. could explain his hatred of Billy Boy :D


    When did Taxi first become a male prostitute :rolleyes:


    Can the future be told by reading the hemorrhoids on my arse :rolleyes:


    Is Rafa really from another planet <_<


    How big is Rafa's cock :)


    It could also be caused by people avoiding the out of season narks, the total lack of football, the wilderness months if you will.


    More quiz questions, easier ones than we have been having, more jokes and even more pictures of scantily dressed women may do the trick

  2. Said it before but I disagree.

    If Everton won the first twenty-five games of the season and put us thirty points clear at the top of the table would you be bored?

    I wouldn't.


    It's pure sporting excellence; love it. Hope he keeps it up for the rest of the season and obliterates every record in the book.


    I couldn't agree more Mike, he still has to get into the car and win. If some of the comments made here had been made after him winning twenty or thirty races like MS did then I could understand that but we have a guy emerging from the shadows in a totally brand new team producing absolutely flawless racing, we Brits should be shouting our heads off for him :P

  3. Sarah lancashire in any of this god for saken answer. :angry2:


    Sorry mate but no........................the answer is a male actor frequently seen on our screens, too frequently for some people :D


    I did say this was a good one but I admire your determination, as we know you can seldom just wiki these answers :D

  4. Blah Blah Blah ............








    Lick lick lick, slurp God I'm a very rude man :lol::lol:

  5. you can't be certain of this jim ;)


    As it has nothing to do with me Steve of course I can't but the Irvine interview was nearly a year ago mate. What I'm thinking of is the level of interest the casual viewer gets from what is on offer, if the same old thing is there every time they look at these pages then they'll think this place isn't as good as it is...................lets have more interviews then or as I suggest used that section for collating all MOM votes which will be of immediate interest to all viewers

  6. i haven't been watching it really or seen the team so i ask, is the england team made up of the usual lot, or lads from country cricket that play it all the time?


    There are more county players in the squad and some of them have shone, Luke Wright has been excellent with both bat and ball, young Foster as keeper has played well Todays result was the opposite of the Dutch match as we took Pakistan apart, I suspect that the Dutch could well beat them as well any way we have qualified for the next series of matches so all is well.


    I wonder why none of our Aussie friends have mentioned the arse whipping they took from the Windes............strange I thought they loved cricket down there :D

  7. hamiltons quote from today "I didn't have anything left and that's why I'm kind of smiling now - I think I fulfilled my driver potential.

    "Our biggest problem is that, for example, I was losing nearly 0.5 seconds through Turn Eight. The car feels heavy. I'm trying to get the thing round but it just won't go any faster."


    that doesnt sound very good


    Agreed Steve but did you hear what he said immediately before the race started, "I wish those in the front the best of luck" and it was said in the most pissed off manner you could imagine.


    IMO Button was brilliant today absolutely brilliant :D

  8. How would we fill a 60 thousand stadium though ?


    The atmosphere would be pants unless we allowed a larger allocation of away support to every game .

    How would we stand on this ?

    Would there be police objection and FA rules preventing it ?


    And derby days ....

    Wouldn't it be great to have a full stadium half and half ? It wouldn't happen though would it .


    I bet you didn't expect me in tonight :lol::lol::lol:


    IMO Steve has it right, we used to get 70,000 plus years ago, those days could return if parts of the ground had vastly reduced prices thus making the product more widely available to the poorer supporter. It would have to be the case that in the event of derbies the home team should get the highest ratio of tickets with a 50/50 split for cup games and the like, it works well in other places so why not Liverpool :D

  9. I missed this thread, must have been posted close to Cup Final, so I was rather busy on other things haha. In an honest account I would have got numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10. For 3 I would have guessed Barry Horne for some odd reason, for 6 I would have said Big Joe and Walter Smith for 9. ;)


    TBH I was staggered we had no right answer to number 7..........................may try the same again for next years final :lol:

  10. :lol::lol: I've always had him down as the last bloke in the pub at closing time, shouting the loudest and insulting people......maybe he should shut the fuck up :lol: ......... :)


    Well 250 I've just noticed this, nice of you that, you may be right but unlike you I don't have to ask my wifes permission to go to the pub in the first place and as you can see by the drunkens latest comments it seems I was right about him as well:P

  11. For sure jimmy didn't want Moyes around! just have the guts to stand by what you said! You weren't alone I would guess.

    I hold my hand up and admit I was unsure about Jagielka when he first came and in midfield I thought he looked lost, how he proved me wrong!

    The written word can always come back to haunt people.Some people wanted Carsley out a couple of years back!!!......only to turn around and say now that he was the missing link to the start of our season, and what a great undersetimated player he was :huh:


    We all make mistakes and we read players and situations differently, that wont change :)


    If you have the ability to read then you can see that I have invited that thread to be reopened, to put t mildly I couldn't give a shite and as I have already said I stand by what is in that thread so you can do one as well

  12. PLEASE read the abuse you wrote about moyes or are you embarrassed just accept you were wrong and move on go back to the start of the season and look at the team sheets injuries ,when new signings came in etc its that complicated to work out !! i ignore the players you say so do i go every week to just wave to moyes get a life i give up


    If that's the best reply you've got than thank God for that :lol:

  13. Unfortunately they'll be fine, if their owners go into meltdown then someone will come in and buy the club from them quick as anything :angry: .


    I'm not so sure as all the outstanding debts will add to the total cost of purchase and of course the Arabs have invested elsewhere in the meanwhile, as Prof Cannon said on SSN Liverpool have very serious problems

  14. just admit you wanted moyes out! read your old posts please!!! alan irvine is decent manager but not in the same league as moysie! accept it


    Eh why should I accept that, I did not want to pay Moyes over £4 mil a year because this may just surprise you, we can't afford it under the present regime, resurrect that thread if you want it doesn't bother me in the least and by the way you still haven't explained why the team picked up as soon as the contract was signed, there again you might not have read that as you seem to ignore the players totally as you do the point of this argument.

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