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Posts posted by flaminfox

  1. I asked a question in the thread title. Obviously I'm not viewing my personal opinion of the site owner as gospel.


    I've had 3 accts :sniggers: brett angells left foot. Got banned when he told me to pipe down, for sticking up for Moyes - to which I replied "why what are you gonna do? Ban me?......LOL.. Got a temp ban.


    Second acct. I was Chaser. Got banned after somebody said "we all know you want to be the the top dog on here" to which I replied "Nah, already been banned once, goodbye and lots of love from Brett Angells Left Foot"


    My most recent acct. was Moyes Is The Man. Got banned apparently for swearing in every post, which is ironic seeing as 'swearing' is totally acceptable if you change the fucken spelling.


    I know you hahah ... unsure.png


    Everyone has there own experiences, depends on the situation.

    he did however not answer a pm i sent the other day.. TT is definitely better than that.


    I only go there for a bit of a laugh but TT is better for actual Everton discussion xD

  2. i'm from rome and i think that liverpool is a great shit


    though it might be fake... best first post ever rofl.gifrofl.gifrofl.gifrofl.gif


    You guys think he will be playing right mid or striker? I think moyes was hinting he would play behind the striker but I would prefer him on the right.

  3. "Take the Naismith transfer for example, the lad comes and has a medical and people find out about it. Then everyone expects the deal to be concluded immediately but because transfers are complex nowadays they generally take a bit of time, as a result some ‘respected ITK’ claims that the lad has failed his medical and the transfer has collapsed. Cue the typical Everton hysteria that followed before they then start to listen to others who state it actually has not collapsed and the world is a brighter place again ! Until this ‘respected ITK’ says something else that they all believe until it doesn’t happen again and so the wheel continues to turn.


    What I am alluding to here is to be patient and to take every rumour with a pinch of salt. Just because someone says we are in for a player doesn’t mean we will get that player or in fact that we are actually in for them."


    Bit smugmellow.png ?


    Does any Evertonian with half a brain really need that explaining to them? Specially in such patronising termsdry.png.

    You might be surprised, some idiots actually do.


    Every rumor that comes out of a newspaper or a random site people go straight to lcab and THT to ask if it is true.


    I am sure they get annoyed after a while.

  4. Kenwright out because an Airtricity league player signed for Reading? I'm sure if Everton wanted him he would have joined us with Seamus and Shane here.


    I think he was joking, I wasn't bothered by this guy not coming though. We have plenty in that position plus Duffy and Hammar are coming through and hopefully they will start.

  5. I think they both look cheap. Prefer the white bands, because like I prefer cheese and pepperoni pizza to just cheese pizza. Doesn't really fuss me, but I might as well have the little extra.

    Will be more disappointed with Nike than I expected to be if either of them kits are the real thing, and I had low expectations with Nike to begin with. Templates and no tradition sad.png.

    On a side note Puma kits are kick-ass this year.


    I was really hoping for puma, i have loved almost every kit they have put out. Shame really..

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