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Posts posted by jcrawfor

  1. The winners of the current playoff PLUS the loosers from the Champions League playoff will make up the groups for Europa League.


    Winning the league awards roughly €6M in prize money alone, plus TV and box office. Not quite the Champions League, but not bad either, and if it proves successful, I imagine the values might go up.


    I've read the winner gets about 3.7m in prize money...hardly worth 15 games.



  2. You should be called whitepowdernoseyankee :P we all know that will never happen i can see us bringing in one at a push two players who they will be im not sure but i would like Taylor to be one.


    I'm well aware it won't happen that way...if it did this wouldn't be everton! :D

    i think you're right. I'd hope the either we get Banega and Taylor or Davey puts his money in for Hutton and Bentley, obviously i prefer the first deal.

  3. My mates? I have very few people I consider friends on this forum, and none of them have weighed in on this argument. And if they did, I'm sure they'd disagree with my view. But there's a difference between being pessimistic and being tinfoil hat paranoid. And the reason I haven't critiqued anyone else's posts is that I either agree with them or see where they are coming from. You, on the other hand, find new and special ways to astound me.


    Keeping it simple, the most obvious hole is our lack of signings. You seem to think that the executives, directors and even Moyes are in on some sort of conspiracy to falsify transfers to placate the masses. Which is so completely ridiculous it's beyond belief. If a conspiracy was in order, much easier would be to sign 2-3 freebies on middling wages and come out on a PR campaign about how strong our team is and how we just needed some bodies.


    YES PLEASE!!! :P

  4. after getting some assurance from the sigma match this is how i think the lescott saga could best play out...


    Banega gets his permit and signs today.

    Moyes lines up Hutton, Talyor and Bentley (that Bystrov guy is out of our price range).

    Moyes gives sparky a call and tells him he'll take 18 mil + (any player hughes is willing to give)

    Joleon signs for City and 5 minutes later BK cashes the check and immediately hand Davey two checks...

    One is made to Spurs for $12m and the other to NUFC for $9m.

    15 min later Hutton and Bentley sign from Spurs and Taylor put pen to paper. And all in time to destroy

    Sigma next Wednesday.


    If we get those four, a body out of City and only lose Lescott...I'll be a happy camper all the way through


  5. we need players. i don't care if it's done at the end of the window. I had hoped they'd be in earlier this year, but now that i'm getting the idea that this is how moyes will operate in the summer i'm fine with it. as long as it doesn't affect our league standing too much.

  6. I'd like to see..









    Bench: We have one of those?







    Odd formation, but i think we all know Nevs and Rodders can't play CB worth shite.

  7. Talk about self-contradictory statements ¬¬


    I do understand, you do not listen. I am simply trying to talk about how you lot think Moyes has handled what he is trying to do and how you think he should do it. But you cannot see that for yourself as you do not read what I post.


    Perhaps I should have said...players don't want to go to City for football, but for money. Better? City haven't done anything, why would players go for mid-table football?


    You certainly changed your tone...you started saying DM was an idiot for the way he handled this, and now you say you wonder how we feel about it? wanker. We're torn on what he should do, but I don't think many on here will say Moyes has handled this poorly. The fault of all this is on Hughes, he needs to fuck off...he's had two formal bids rejected (both of greater value than the player) and Moyes has publicly stated at least 5 times that Joleon is not for sale. Fuck off, find a new defender and go spew your sky blue bollocks on their forums.

  8. If Citeh come back in Jan and ofeer 12-14 Lescott will not be sold. i still don't think you understand that moyes isn't going to be pushed around by mark hughes' new found riches. money doesn't entitle you lot to every player you fancy and saying that we should 'admit defeat' is arrogant as hell. players don't want to go to citeh, they want money. get over yourself.

  9. cityfan,

    go away please. if you want to actually add something to the conversation, then please stay. otherwise...leave. i for one do not care to hear from some bandwagon city fan that our Moyes is a shit manager because hughes has finally been told no. If Hughes were half the manager Moyes were, city would have finished ahead of us...you guys did have the brilliant signings of Robinho, Kompany, SWP and Jo: you should have killed us. well i guess we can sort it all out in Europe...oh wait.

  10. I want him gone...in january. replacements need to be bought now to give them time to gel before we're relying on them 100%. Moyes needs to sit down in a room with Joleon, tell him that he's going to honor his contract til January, shit even have Hughes sit down with him, so he can hear it for his self. Also, Moyes needs to make it clear to Joleon that, even if he thinks the deal is shit, his World Cup spot is on the line: either he performs for Everton or loses his spot in the England squad. Then put a deal in place (like I'm sure was worked out with CR9). I'd love to see a deal like this.

    Petrov and Dunne come in on loan til Jan now.

    In January, assuming they pan out, we sign them and Joleon goes the other way with 15-18 coming ours.


    Whatever happens, In Moyes We Trust.

  11. blueboy,

    read ALL your posts. you were always arrogant; from the first post, you insult our manager, our fans and our club. after the first post, you got ridiculous. i honestly don't know where you stand on your club getting lescott...because you seem to think he's shit (well at least not good enough for you mid-table boys). sure he's not worth 20mil, but don't say he wouldn't make your sorry excuse for a backline (he's the best FIT cb in england right now).

  12. blueboy,

    you should re-read your posts: they reek of arrogance. You assume that because Citeh have dropped ludacris amounts of cash on a few good players that you're guaranteed success. fact is that as of yet you have done nothing. sure, there is loads of potential, and I'm sure it will be easier for you lot to get 5th this year than it has for us in years past. but let's not make it a forgone conclusion. other posters on this forum have answered your questions of us and have taken a pretty fair stance. if you actually wanna talk footie, fantastic, that's why we're here. but if you're just here to wave the sky blue riches in our face and make outlandish claims based on your shite manager paying out the ass for top4 rejects...well, expect a little less fair response. cheers.

  13. Bill, why do you have so much confidence that this will finally be the year Spuds live up to the hype? i call BS. they're no different than the have been the last 5 years. villa will have a good run through middle of january, and citeh will succumb to the same managerial BS that chelski have put up with the past 3 years. I can see one of them (most likely citeh) finishing above us, and only because they will take 5th on goal dif.

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