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Posts posted by Matt

  1. i cant wait to see him back and im looking forward to become one of our all time greats, which he has the potential to be.


    also cant wait to see him in midfield with Pienaar and Billy. With Nev/Rodwell holding the midfield... exciting prospects!!!

  2. I like Bill and I make no secret of it. I have no problem with people who don't like him and put forward a rational argument as to why they don't like him. I do have a problem with people (few and far between on here but rife on other forums) who suggest he is in it to line his own pockets and that his search for investment is a smokescreen.


    im with you here Mike. I like Bill, and love the fact that he is a blue. if you dont like him, at least come up with a decent arguement as to why not. im not going to repeat everything thats already been said, theres no point. Just dont forget, we got to where we are today with BKs help.


    the mirror article is spot on too. i think that some evertonians got a taste of relative sucess, got greedy, want more and more but dont want to wait for it. i too want sucess, but im happy to wait for it, knowing that when it comes (and it will come) it will have been won through hard work and team work. it wont be a 'bought' sucess, which will carry so much more meaning to me....

  3. that's a ridiculous shout, crouch gets into the first team because he scores everytime he plays...i think you might be confused with heskey, because i've no idea how you can possibly have a go at the selection of crouch...outrageous


    The newborn giraffe comment is because thats what he reminds me of, because hes so lanky.


    if you read the post i was responding to, you would see that i was defending having Crouch in the team. The one above mine. Go ahead, read it. I'll be waiting...

  4. Yer, I think we can all guess which "rather important muscle" was in the wrong place, good looking this physio was she :rolleyes: popped it back in did she!......right I'm just off for a massage.....on my knee :rolleyes:

    she did have magic hands, but no... unfortunately not that muscle!


    anyway best of luck mate! remember, take it easy, be patient and listen to the recovery time no matter how good the painkillers are or how good it feels!

  5. i dont think we could buy a decent player for £3m, so id be happy for him to stick it out.

    this is true, but an injured player is useless. what would you rather have, a half decent player who is fit and can help in team where there are so many injuries or a player who cant play because hes injured all the time?


    i would like to keep him, but he is as unlucky as i am with injuries. we need people who can play or can warm the bench, there are plenty warming the physio table...

  6. Well Romey, MikeO's advice of asprin and acting hard, probably didn't help my cause much, as the original injury was it seems many years back during my footballing days, should have got it seen to way back as it's only got worse.See the surgeon in a couple of weeks to decide action.That's why I was asking if it was something encountered by anyone on here.


    Jagielka, having got over his main knee problem, has just had an opp for a similar problem.His being a fresh wound will let's hope mean he has no further problems.


    MikeO was saying about broken bones compared to knee tears and ruptures....I think most players would take a standard break to having the knee twisted inside out, as there seems to be more problems when and if they get back.....just look at poor old Vaughans knees.


    God willing Jags and Arteta, Neville and Pienaar....and of course Vaughan, will get back to as good as before, but having done way too much reading on the subject just lately, I have to say there's a small chance they may never be quite the same as before the injury.


    As for our friend galacticaracnid!.....well he's just a walking fuc%ing miracle, that shattered hip socket must have been one hell of a bad landing.....surely not a tackle?

    noone was near me, for any of the breaks actaully! the ball was played at pace in a 5aSide competition, i streched my leg out to deflect it goalwards (and by some mircle it went in and took us to extra time!) but it caught the end of my big toe and as i didnt have a steady stance, somehow dislocated my hip before i fell on it, where it forced its way through the socketwall back into place. the biggest problem was the muscle damage, and it wasnt until last year (8 years on) that a massuse told me that a rather important muscle was in the wrong place... she popped it back into place and ive been back to nearly my best since then! moral of the story? ignore the NHS and go get a massage!

  7. It would be detrimental to the Scottish League; who the hell would want to pay to sponsor that league etc when the two big teams are gone?



    "It could be good for Scottish football to remove the 2 giants from the league, the competition would be fairer and the money that is pretty much earmarked for Celtic and Rangers is available for everyone else".




    Not so good, playing Rangers and Celtic 6 or 8? times in a season is how these teams get the finances to keep their head above water, take them out of the league and other teams will definately go under.

    Rangers and Celtic are in financial trouble themselves, that why they want to come here, our own teams in the championship down to the conference are the ones we should be looking after.


    So its a no from me, the Scottish FA will have to sort themselves out, and dont come down here looking for handouts. ;)

    all fair points. this would only be possible if the same investment could be made into the SPL once they had left, so there would have to be agreement from the SPL and TV sponsors to back the other clubs before they moved.


    I imagine Rangers and Celtic have got themselves in the shit the same way as many other average teams who think theyre the best have done; over spent and underachieved.


    As for the lower leagues, if we introduced Celtic and Rangers in the bottom rung, would that not give the lower teams additional income?


    im rushin my response because im hungry and im being called for the lunch run but will get back soon!

  8. i was thinking that if anyone can get the best out of a youngster, then Moyes is the man. he's 20, fast, skillful and determined. Maybe hes just been frustrated in portugal (and now injured by the looks of things), different style of play etc. i find it hard to believe that there was so much hype around him (even SAF wanted him) that he's not worth lookin into. and as i said before, im bored...


    (apologies to admin! thanks for the move, makes more sense here...)

  9. It's not surprising he wants them here, he could then manage his dream side in a proper league.

    quite a scary prospect, Davey leaving. do you think he would blink?


    what a crowd of pricks they arnt even considering the rest of the scittish lge they will have to go part time or even fold.

    i dont see how, there would be 2 places for Europe freed up in in the SPL for the next 2 best teams, giving those clubs a massive potential finacial boost. I would also assume that if Celtic and Rangers play in the EPL, then they wouldnt be in Scottish Cups, which would allow the prize money from this competetion up for grabs. It could be good for Scottish football to remove the 2 giants from league, the competition would be fairer and the money that is pretty much earmarked for Celtic and Rangers is available for everyone else. from this view, and assuming im not talking out my arse (no guarentee here boys and girls, my knowledge of finaces is beyond appalling and im not an avid follower of the SPL...) i see it as a good thing for Scottish Football.


    However, i do agree with Celtic and Ranger earning the right to play in the EPL. But if they were forced to start in League 2, wouldnt it just be the same as the SPL at the moment; big fish in a little pond? If theyre going to join, they should go into the Championship and no lower, but certainly not straight into the EPL. The statements above saying they should earn their place are spot on, but there needs to be realism in the decesion process.


    Im really on the fence with this, but leaning to the "for it" camp, if im goin to be pushed...

  10. I have to say I find all of this really, really depressing - football fans reduced to talking about 'success' as selling their club to the highest bidder, because that's what most of the people on here wanting Kenwright out are doing, when it boils down to it. You can talk about it being the realities of the modern game all you want, but it's bollox.


    ....... (edit to save space!)


    In the meantime, I say be patient. Kenwright might not be the saviour but he has given us steady progress over the last decade, so i don't really see what everyone's moaning about.

    spot on lad. ive been trying to think of a response for days but well summed up...

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