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Posts posted by scouse

  1. Wouldnt say it was a fair result, we outplayed them for 60 minutes. Give Rhoeder his due his has organised them well since Suey left. He knows they are not good defending set pieces so he places two men on the posts which worked twice!


    Their first goal as Licker said was a push on Valente I am at a loss to why nobody appealed against it, second goal was a cracker not much we could do.


    Davies in the centre of the park was disapointing again, I was expecting alot more from him the season, Arteta should play centre with Cahill as they are our best players.


    Score line flattered them and Given made a great save from an Arteta Free Kick. Beattie missed another great chance at 2-0, would have been a consolation maybe but our goal difference needs all the help it can get at the moment. Why Moyes persists in player Kilbane is behond me especially when Faddy is finally finding for. They have a young in experience Right Back in Ramage but we didnt test him.


    Yobo at right back aswell is a no no Farrari is much better in that position. I think its time to revert to farrari and Yobo at centre half to get them used to eachother for next season.


    Again we dropped 3 points due to the lack of a goalscorer to play along side Beattie.


    I also see that Blackburn have applied for the Intertoto cup.

  2. My Dad had a works season ticket to take him plus a "Client" me and my older brother used to take turns of peace to attend the matches. I would have been more of a football fan than him playing and watching so in the end he just used to take me. First game was againts Spurs I remember Gazza coming on as a sub and me dad saying to me watch this fella he is a genious, little twit tho!!


    The atmosphere was amazing cant remember the score for my sins. I remember crying when my dad left for another company as I had to give up the ticket!


    I then was big and ugly enough to buy my own season ticket which I had for 8 seasons before shipping off to Dublin..

  3. An ugly woman walks into a shop with her two kids.


    The shopkeeper asks: "Are they twins?"


    The woman says: "No, he's 9 and she's 7. Why? Do you think they look alike?"


    "No", he replies "I just can't believe you got laid twice"

  4. 3 scousers and 3 mancs are travelling by train to a football match in London.

    At the station the 3 mancs each buy a ticket and watch as the 3 scousers buy just 1 ticket between them.

    " How are the 3 of you going to travel on just 1 ticket "? asks one of the mancs.

    "Watch and learn" answers one of the scousers.

    They board the train .... the 3 mancs each take to their respective seats but all 3 of the scousers cram into a toilet and close the door behind them. Shortly after the train has departed the conductor arrives to collect the tickets. He knocks on the toilet door and says "tickets please" the door opens just a crack and a single arm emerges with the ticket in his hand..the conductor takes it and moves on.

    The mancs are mightily impressed by this, so after the game they decide to copy the scousers on the return trip to save some money.

    When they get to the station they buy a single ticket for the return trip...to their astonishment the scousers don't buy a ticket at all !!! "How are you going to travel without a ticket " asks the perplexed mancunian.

    "watch and learn " says one of the scousers.

    When they board the train the 3 mancs cram into a toilet and soon after the 3 scousers pile into another nearby. The train departs...

    Shortly afterwards one of the scousers leaves the toilet and sneaks across to the toilet where the mancs are hiding, he knocks on the door and says.................

    " Tickets please "

  5. Im I the only one who thinks this is a good move?


    He is not as bad as people are making out, he brings with him good experience aswell wasnt he in goal for Liverpoo when then won those 5 Trophies?


    Speaking with some Kopite mates they think it is a good moved and most of them rated him and cant believe he wasnt getting a game for Pompey.


    I would say he will play ainst the Toon at the weekend need an experienced head in goal in front of 55k plus screaming Geordies.


    Ruddy is young enough to understand the decision he will expect it I would say.

  6. David Busts was much worse than Smiths, his bone popped out of his skin and snapped, Cisse and carragher has over come similiar injuries to Smith, the only problem with Smith is that he is getting over two long term injuries at once. I think he is a good player gives 100% ever game which can lead to him making rash challanges as Rowlo says, but alot of the time he stands over people its because they are diving as apposed to being injured.


    Wouldnt wish that injury on anyone terrible, wish him all the best and a speady recovery that reckon he is out for 12 months at least

  7. Two Scousers are riding along the M62 from Manchester to Liverpool on a motorbike. They break down and start hitching a lift. A friendly trucker stops to see if he can help and the scousers ask him for a lift. He tells them that he has no room in the wagon as he is carrying 20,000 bowling balls but will take a look at the bike for them. He tries everything he knows but is unable to repair it. Time is getting on now and he's late for his delivery so he tells the scousers he has to leave.

    The scousers put it to the driver that if they can manage to fit in the back with the 20,000 bowling balls, will he take them, so he agrees. They manage to squeeze themselves and their motorbike into the back of the wagon so the driver shuts the doors and gets off on his way. By this time he is really late and so puts his foot down.

    Sure enough PC Plod of Greater Manchester Police pulls him up for speeding. The good officer asks the driver what he is carrying to which he replies with sarcasm "Scouse eggs". The policeman obviously doesn't believe this so wants to take a look. He opens the back door and quickly shuts it and locks it.

    He rushes back to his cruiser and gets onto his radio and calls for immediate backup from as many officers as possible. The dispatcher asks what emergency he has that he requires so many officers.

    "I've got a wagon with 20,000 Scouse eggs in it - 2 have already hatched and the f *ckers have managed to nick a motorbike already."

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