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Posts posted by scouse

  1. i look forward to hearing how Fiorentina keep face with their fans when they try to offload him after their claim to paying £3.5 million for the lad.


    will another club agree to lie about their fee in order to help them out?!


    Hey if thats the case hopefully we got a % of next sale in the deal and hopefully Udinesse didnt!

  2. Give him a break! he ran a whole season as a single striker working his socks off! I don't know about you guys but i appreciate his contibution rather than 6Million fat ass who was either injured,suspended or not botherd to chase down opponent like how bent did for us!.... for the price we paid, Bent delievered more than his worth,as for Mr BT of 6Million, i am awaiting to see his worth.... :)


    Did you not see him in his last couple of games especially against Arsenal chased everything down, scored a goal that he had no right to win that ball against 2 very strong and fast centre halves. Given he could have scored another but I think he is starting to come good, as he is settled into this club and he is having a run of games.


    I wish Bent well at his new club, I have Darren Bent in my dream team and when i heard that Bent had scored I was made up until I realised it was the wrong one!.


    As for bent getting more than Beattie I doubt it beattie has a 5? goal head start.

  3. are you bein stupid. How the hell were we gonna pay £10m for owen or kuyt. Moyes must be lyin bout da money cos teams might up the price for us to pay. Of course we've got enough money. Hope tekke comes tbh


    Ermm the same place the 14 mill for Shearer that time etc we bid below other clubs, to make us look ambitious to sell season tickets. Plus the fact as mentioned on here BK and KW thought that one of these would score the goals to put us into the group stages or even a better run in Eufa cup thus more or less paying for themselves.

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