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Posts posted by badaids

  1. Might aswell have swappes, useless special. Some nice everton goals tho. Lineker had the nack of being in the right place at the right time. Actually he was in the right space all of the time, even if the ball didnt end up in that space. I think that was the reason he scored so many. He always asumed that the ball would be there, never stopped a run. Even if it seemed hopeless


    Lineker is a massive reason why I support Everton. He always knew where the ball would be, and got there half a yard of everyone else. He could also finish masterfully with either foot. Inzaghi has some of the same talent. Brilliant.

  2. Good half. Lots happening around Drenthe. Neville and Gibson invisable apart from when Gibson stole the ball from Maggie. Gibson had a good shot off a corner aswell.


    Now a Gary Lineker special in half time.


    Wanna swap? I've got Al-Jazeera and prick whose name I think might be Angus Scott.

  3. Dont think its Why, think its more a reason of How... I.e How much he would actually cost and how much we have to "spend" because even the Jelavic and Gibson money came from the billy transfer and the money we got from jutkiewicz's move to boro'


    I think that Stracq would love to move to us permanently - surely he can't cost that much and wages not too much by premier league standards.

  4. Dont knock the bald spot, ive got one of those wink.png


    Wasn't knocking it. It's just that the poor bugger is only 24 year's old. He must have a poor diet or something. That and the wintery sun was reflecting off it and burning my retinas.


    Duncan Ferguson in the crowd looks like Hibbert's scrawnier, nastier cousin.

  5. I think that must be Moyes' mantra! Not sure its what you meant though! ha


    Yeh Felli has been an absolute beast.


    Oh big fat cocks, I of course meant that attack is the best form of defence. I must be chanelling Moyes's spirit. Really fucked off that we've not seen Barkley for months now. There must be a problem somewhere. I don'ts likes it.

  6. Straq is only on loan unfortunately (from Tigre) so hopefully they wont ask for too much.


    Cheers GR. If he keeps putting in a shift like he has the last few games, I'd love to see him her on a permanent basis. He's a bit Mick Harford, but he's a tryer and I'll always find it easy to root for a player like that. I've a feeling he won't want to go back to Tigre much after the reception he has had here.

  7. I like Chelsea a lot and feel sorry for AVB, but pleased to see a great team effort and a wonderful Peanuts performance. Imagine where we'd be in the table if we'd played in 5% better in some of those bloody awful early season games...

  8. reemmber


    last year when we scored 2 in ET against united?... Chelsea could still get something out of this game mate lets not get complacent.


    Fair point, but I'm trying to be optimistic rather than complacent. Defence is the best form of attack and all that. Moyes is bringing on defenders and letting them come onto us, even though Chelsea have been pretty poor,

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