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Posts posted by Pearso

  1. Great opportunity indeed.

    I fail to see though how being in CL will attract better players if we can't afford to buy them. We'll attract them OK.....but that's as far as it can go. We'll really struggle after the initial stages when we get into the bigger teams because we won't have the depth of talent to be able to field a competitive side week in, week out in the Prem and in CL. FFS Lukaku is stuffed by the 70th minute in most games as it is let alone any other injury worries.

    Would someone like to explain in words of one syllable how we overcome this, apart from finding a fairy godmother and a rich one at that?

    I am not a chicken-hearted individual either, just a bit of a realist. The question stands however.....how do we do it?


    Keep in mind mate it's only 6 extra games. We'll have Kone, Gibson and Oviedo fit by next year, adding depth to the squad all over, and no doubt Martinez will buy a fair few more players in the off season with the money from Fellaini + revenue created by qualification. Martinez is rotating the squad very well at the moment without stunting the teams performances, and he'll only add to the amount of options to rotate. So I don't think it'll be as bad as many are making out if we do in fact qualify for the Champions League next season.

  2. Question 1

    Lets get it out of the way, what are your thoughts on Manchester United and in particular David Moyes this season who has moved from managing Everton Football club for nearly 12 years to moving to Manchester United?

    I think your squad has been horribly exposed following the departure of Fergie. A lot of your games I watched last season I would think to myself "how are these guys winning the league?". I don't mean that to sound so insulting, it's more a testament to the managerial abilities of Fergie who was just a specialist at grinding out games and getting the 3 points. His departure has removed that effect and I think we're seeing a more realistic return from your current squad, who IMO aren't that shit-hot.

    As far as Moyes goes he lost all my respect when he bid insultingly for Baines + Fellaini. He was a good manager but his negative mindset limits what he can achieve. Maybe that will change over time at United (if he's given the chance), but I wouldn't take him back here given what Martinez has showed our squad is capable of.

    Question 2

    After what has gone on and all that Moyes has done for Everton, are you ready to forgive him?

    No. He knew very well how much condescending rubbish this club has to put up with from the media and the United's, Chelsea's City's of the Premier League. Fans and managers in particular seem so quick to write us off, and Moyes knew that better than anyone. When he came in with that bid for Fellaini and Baines it was a right slap in the face to all the fans and everyone else apart of Everton, and especially given the dignified send off he received at Goodison that day vs West Ham, I don't think I'll ever forgive him.

    Question 3

    After seeing what Robert Martinez has done with your team, do you think he has improved the way you play, and it what way does he differ from David Moyes?

    The style is unquestionably better. Baines and Fellaini seemed the focal points of everything we did going forward last season. Credit to Moyes, he did a decent job to get us to 6th given how one-dimensional it was looking back. As I've said earlier, Moyes was negative minded, and he was happy to sit back and protect 1-0 leads against relegation threatened teams at home. Martinez goes all guns blazing to get the three points. Again, credit to Moyes for getting us to 6th last season given those tactics, but I prefer Martinez attitude.

    Question 4

    Do you think having Lukaku has made a difference to the way you play with his physical presence?

    Not really. More his skill and power on the ball. He gets fed a lot to do his thing, he makes great runs and certainly knows how to finish. Victor Anichebe I think was a player whose physical presence was utilised, because he was just so strong and so good at turning defenders and getting a shot away, but I think Lukaku's game is a lot more finesse based.

    Question 5

    Who is your most hated Manchester United player and why?

    Probably Van Persie. I think the way he left Arsenal was very distasteful. He claimed to be a life-long Gunner fan, and decided to call the quits because he didn't like how Wenger did things financially. Had he stuck around another season he would have been there to see him spend some money once the stadium was paid off, and he could have been fed by Ozil. Arsenal might have stayed in the title race a bit longer this season if he had of stayed.

    Question 6

    What are your thoughts on Martinez? Do you think he is the right manager to get you where you rightly deserve after so many years trying; a Champions league spot?

    Definitely. A few weeks ago I thought all hope was lost and we'd have to settle for 6th/7th, but he's never given up on 4th and obviously drilled it into the players that they're more than capable of pulling it off.

    Question 7

    What does Manchester United versus Everton mean to you as an Evertonian?

    A hell of a lot more now than it did last season. I suppose it used to be (along with games against City, Chelsea, Arsenal) a game where I just wanted the boys to prove that they're not an average team because the club doesn't have stacks of money. Now Moyes is there and I want him to be humiliated at Goodison for his patronising bid in the summer window. The way Fellaini's ego seemed to get in the way a bit also makes me want him to suffer a loss at Goodison, to show him that the grass isn't always greener.

    Question 8

    We have played against each other many times over the years. Which is your favourite game against us, and why?

    As a relatively new fan to the game (only started supporting end of 2011) I'd have to say either the 4-4 draw or the 1-0 win earlier this season. The draw was just classic never-say-die fighting spirit, the 1-0 win obviously a big moment in Everton's recent history. Oviedo's goal is something I'll never forget, and it was a massive statement from Martinez to achieve something in one game that Moyes couldn't do in 11, in beating you at Old Trafford.

    Question 9

    What are your predictions for the game on the 20th of April?

    I think we'll get up in a very close one. Goodison will be absolutely rocking, and such a hostile place for Fellaini and Moyes. I do believe that United will return to the top of the league sooner or later, but I can't see you doing much in the next five games.

  3. Wouldn't it just be classic Everton if we get done at the Stadium of Light? :rofl:


    I think though Martinez will have the squad morale bursting at the seems, and keep the momentum going. On the back of our longest winning streak in years I'd be very surprised if we suffer one of our trademark losses: to a relegation threatened team on the back of beating one of the so called 'big boys'.


    Not even going to try predict what lineup Bobby will send out, I was a bit shocked he had benched Deulofeu and McGeady after their performances vs Fulham but his selections and tactics were spot on against Arsenal.


    If Jags is fit it will be interesting to see whether he comes back in for Stones. I think young John has earned himself a few more starts with his performances, although Martinez might not want to burn him out too quickly.


    Anyway, isn't it beautiful to know that in these last few games Martinez will have the boys looking at the team above them on the table, not the teams below.


    3-1 Everton!



  4. Bit of a long shot here lads but I will be in Sydney, Australia over the weekend and am wondering if we have an Everton supporters club in Sydney, or at least a good sports bar where I can watch the game.


    Any suggestions?


    I like the OPs team for the Arsenal game btw.

    Cheers Bar on George Street mate. Not sure it's much of a supporters club but it's generally where people go to in the City to watch the game on the big screen. There'll be both blues and gooners in there, it's a good atmosphere though, nothing hostile.


    Edit: Mike beat me to it. I might head in there with my mate who's an Arsenal fan, so might catch you in there somewhere.

  5. If City beat Arsenal next week and we win at Fulham we've our faith in our own hands.


    Everton's remainin fixtures:

    Fulham (a), Arsenal (h), Sunderland (a), Crystal Palace (h), Man United (h), Southampton (a), Man City (h), Hull (a).


    Arsenal's remaining fixtures:

    Man City (h), Everton (a), West Ham (h), Hull (a), Newcastle (h), WBA (h), Norwich (a).


    Obviously their run in would still be easier on paper, but at least it's something.


    We've got a game in hand remember. Should we beat Fulham and they lose to city, we'll be within 3 points plus a game at home against Palace. I think it could come down to our fixture against the Arse at Goodison to decide who gets 4th.




    Arsenal are nailed to win those last 5 games.


    Playing City late in the season isn't going to be nice. They'll be fighting to the death for the title.


    They seem very prone to a slip up in their current form. Also, we've got a good record at spoiling title bids - beat City at home and got that 4-4 draw at OT during that Agueerrrooooooo season.

  6. You get the comments like only lost 5 this season. So what we've drew 9. Might as well have lost 6 more and won 3. Yeh, I get goal difference but that's not the point, draws are nearly as bad as a loss in terms of points dropped.

    I know mate I was just taking the piss.



    it is if theyre not good enough :)

    Didn't think of that! ;)


    What I mean is, they both have prem experience, so wouldn't we at the very least tie them to contracts so we can get some dosh for them? Even if it's only a little.


    Edit: Romey beat me to it.

  8. Not sure why people are putting Vellios up for sale, isnt he out of contract?





    Duffy is as well isn't he?


    So the two young players with potential that we have (besides Barkley, already first team quality) are out of favour, and out of contract?


    Masterstroke there.

  9. :doh:


    Read my post again. When did this place get taken over by 10 year old kids?!

    Hold on, your original post said you would have snapped someone's hand off at the start of the season if they'd offered you 5-7th. I'm saying at this point in time, with absolutely no negative judgement towards your opinion, that I would be disappointed with 7th.


    Ironic you're calling me a ten-year old; clearly you haven't learned to accept people's opinions that differ from your own.


    For the record, I was pretty much agreeing with your original point that the season has faded to disappointment since our terrific start.

  10. We'd get decent (10m+) coin for Mirallas, Barkley, Baines, McCarthy and Coleman. But to be completely honest, all of them are crucial to the side IMO. There's got to be money floating around that Bill has kept under wraps from the sale of a few players in the last 24 months. I'd be pretty annoyed if any players left in the summer, except for maybe Vellios or Kone. Even Gibson is still a big part of the side. He was quality last season when he was starting centre-mid, and if Barry (should he become permanently signed) or McCarthy get injured he'd be a very capable replacement.


    Very True.


    If you look on the bright side, what if they get knocked out immediately then they don't make that much. if we continue to progress in europa each gate receipt is money we didn't have. plus a liverpool squad that has to play FA cup, league cup, prem league, and champs league will be stretched thin. Suarez and Sturridge can't play every match, and their bench doesn't wow me. In addition they just reported some very large operating losses, so FFP will be coming in to play soon as well. So although we will be stretched thin, I think they will just as equally.


    All valid points, but the specific example of Liverpool isn't exactly what I was referring to. It's more the idea that each season the top 4 clubs qualify for Champions League it's widening the gap between us and them due to the incoming funds strengthening their squads over ours.


    You're right Miguel in that Europa and Champions League have much greater implications in terms of financial reward, but we'd be more immune to the widening of the gap between us and the top teams if we are playing deep into the Europa league and earning prize money, even if it is less than 10m. 6m pounds buys another Mirallas, 2m pounds buys a Gareth Barry.

  12. I think the problem with sitting back and resting on our laurels in terms of wanting to play in Europe until our squad is big enough, is each year that passes the gap between us and the top 4 gets bigger in bigger in terms of finances and quality of squads. We are at the ceiling of mid-table clubs, the only way we can break into that top echelon to expand the depth and quality of our squad is tapping into the financial goldmine of Europe.


    No point waiting around until Martinez has his own compiled squad of decent players, as it's just going to get harder and harder to catch those above us with each season that passes. Look at Liverpool, they've had a stellar season thus far riding on the back of the form of Suarez, Sturridge and Coutinho. You could argue that as a whole we have a more complete and better squad, but imagine how they'll strengthen after they get the increased funds of Champions league football lining their pockets.

  13. THFC6061 I never understood why they sold so many of those players in the summer. Some of the players that were moved on or loaned out were quality, whilst perhaps not title-challenging quality (and it's understandable to raise your ambition/goals) they were players who kept you consistently beating teams of less quality and keeping you up in the top 4/5.


    When Bale left it was a perfect opportunity to build on that strong core squad you had with 3 or so world-class signings, but instead Levy and AVB just went out and put the cleaners through the place and brought in all these foreigners, who were obviously going to take time to settle.


    I think they really got it wrong, I had you guys challenging for the title once the Bale deal was finalised, but now I can honestly say I'll be very disappointed if we don't get the three points today.

  14. Just having a close look at the rest of the fixtures I think we'll be seeing Wembley this year at least once. Touch wood obviously, but two of the big boys out after this round (hopefully Arsenal and City) and should we beat Swansea there's only a 2 in 7 chance we'll draw one of the remaining two heavy weights. Pretty confident the rest of the field we could take care of comfortably, except for maybe Southampton, but you never know.


    I'd love to face Liverpool in the final, give them a fucking walloping!


    You cant be serious? He's had one bad game and that was last night being played out of position and being asked to do something he was never going to be able to do I.E press high up and do what Coleman does going forward. Get a grip.


    I agree. I've personally thought he's been class in his appearances so far. I didn't even think he was that bad last night to be completely honest, just got caught a few times out of position, but as mentioned above, he's been training/playing as a centre half all season.

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