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Everything posted by Hoof_It_Nev

  1. Haha, I went with 3-1 cos I thought we'd concede first. Niasse, DCL, Niasse CMON
  2. Looking good here. Which means s we concede first
  3. Worth a go! Although playing 2 DCMs at home against Burnley still seems a bit stupid. Going for 3-1 Niasse DCL Niasse COYB
  4. Really hope Calvert Lewin gets a goal soon. He deserves it. Also hope the fact we're looking better now with pace will mean Koeman can figure out what's going wrong.
  5. Not klaassen ffs. Need a game changer not someone who needs time to get up to scratch!
  6. Baines on the front of the programme. Guess that means he'll be starting? Edit... or not even on the bench
  7. Half of our problems at the moment are due to too much change in the squad. He won't be making too many changes. I'm guessing Stek will play and he'll rest Rooney - and Holgate might get the nod. Maybe see Ramirez or Klaassen start.
  8. Yeah this is a shame. Taking the shine off a decent ish second half. The recent results are looking dire
  9. Whatever the outcome I'll feel a lot more positive about us than I did before the match.
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