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David Cameron Visiting Liverpool


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You can see the spin in action from the Echo.. he's not said anything bad about Liverpool - he's wanting to reintroduce the conservatives to Liverpool (I doubt they'll do well but I can see some people voting for them).


The report actually has a point but it's been twisted by the media. Have a read:



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The caring conservative eh (now that deffo is an oxymoron Louis :D )?


Clair must've invited him :rolleyes: .


The man's a product of the Tory Central Office covert cloning programme....he has buttons on his back...ie press button A for cliche number 12, button B for platitude 46. Dick.

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Where I'm from the Tories are all but in power, more people voted conservative but because of the political boundaries and Labour and Lib Dem teaming up, it is currently a hung council.


I'm going to watch this conference anyway to see what he has to say for himself, last year I voted Green :)

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I'm going to watch this conference anyway to see what he has to say for himself, last year I voted Green :)


Respect for that Louis....the second bit I mean :lol: .


I've never voted for either of the main two parties in my life, our political system is an anachronism that leaves millions disenfranchised at every election and always will because it's not in the interests of the big two to change it to make it fair.


It stinks and the fact that the two parties are now virtually indistinguishable makes the whole thing a farce, we might as well save the millions that a general election costs and just let them take it in turns :angry: .


Love a bit of political argument me.....been on Question Time on the telly (didn't get to say anything but the bloke next to me asked a question so I had my handsome face on the screen in glorious close-up :P ).

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Respect for that Louis....the second bit I mean :lol: .


I've never voted for either of the main two parties in my life, our political system is an anachronism that leaves millions disenfranchised at every election and always will because it's not in the interests of the big two to change it to make it fair.


It stinks and the fact that the two parties are now virtually indistinguishable makes the whole thing a farce, we might as well save the millions that a general election costs and just let them take it in turns :angry: .


Funny...a lot of us on this side of the pond say the same thing about the main two parties in this country too. Not a dime's worth of difference between them most of the time, it seems like. I took one of those "see which candidates support your position on the issues" quizzes last year - there were about 15 potential Presidential candidates in this quiz, and I didn't agree with ANY of them on even 50% of the issues raised. I think I agreed with Obama's positions about 40% of the time and McCain's about 33% of the time.

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I don't think so - there's no silver spoon in my gob ! :unsure:



but do you have spoons made out of silver? <_<


this whole "abandon the north thing" i think (Bloody Warm Shandy Drinking Poncy) Southeners have figured out, Insult the north and you get a load of free publicity, and your report/statement etc becomes more important.


as for Cameron... Hate him but thats because i do come from an Arch-Labour Family.


And on the Regeneration Point, I dont think city councils should get the money up front, they prove that they have made the best regeneration plan before they get the money, because i wouldn't trust city councils with that much money.

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i hate the lot of them, but im sick to death of labour, i hate to say it but next time i'll probably vote tory. my finances have only seemed to get worse under labour, nothing but tax after tax after tax with that shower of shite, im sure the tories will be no different but a change is needed, and as someone else said, no one else will get a chance anyway

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