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Credit, Where It's Due

The Beard

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After taking some berating, not just on this site but in general, I think it is time to hold up our hands and give some credit, where it is due to a team that is playing for the cause. After the Wigan debacle, I was first on here bemoaning a sorry state of affairs, however I did say that once that team spirit returned, things would change. Since that disastrous night at the JJB, the Blues have began to resemble a decent outfit. In adversity, with the injuries and small squad, the right men have stood up to the challenge. Take a step forward Messrs. Neville, Arteta, Cahill, Lescott. Just four names that took some stick but with a tinkering of tactics have all improved dramatically, with their input in the past 5 or 6 games. Arteta moving into the middle, with Neville as his minder has been a great move (if only Moyes could make brave decisions like that regularly) and with the gradual introduction of the younger players i.e. Gosling and today Jutkiewicz, will make for a stronger squad and enhance team spirit. Even Anichebe today realised what he needed to do and in his 15 minute cameo won more headers and kept hold of the ball more than he has all season. To me a sure sign that confidence and seeing what others can achieve, rub off. To be honest, the win at Spurs was vital (and deserving) and has kicked start the season and i think we can all realise the blip in the middle of this decent run against Villa was undeserved but that's football. Here's to a great start to 2009 and see you all at Macc. next week

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