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Jimmy the blue

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Recently, Royal Marines in Iraq , wrote to Starbucks because they wanted to let them know how much they liked their coffees, and to request that they send some of it to the troops there. Starbucks replied, telling the Marines thank you for their support of their business, but that Starbucks does not support the war, nor anyone in it, and that they would not send the troops their brand of coffee.




So as not to offend Starbucks, maybe we should support them by NOT buying any of their products!




this war might not be very popular with some folks, but that doesn't mean we don't support the boys on the ground, fighting street-to-street and, house-to-house.




If you feel the same then pass this along.


Thanks very much for your support.


Sgt. Howard C. Wright 1st Force Recon Co 1st PLT.








Also, don't forget that when the Twin Trade Towers were hit, the fire fighters and rescue workers went to Starbucks because it was close by for water for the survivors and workers, and Starbucks CHARGED THEM! ! !








There are 227 Starbucks stores across the UK, and there's no doubt that our soldiers would get the same response from this company, so let us do our bit and boycott Starbucks to show them how despicable their actions are.

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I think we should keep political stuff like that out of the forums :)


I think it's OK as long as people respect each other's views and it doesn't start to get abusive. We have a fairly good record on here in that respect, and someone tends to cut in with the "agree to differ" clause if things look like getting silly.


The exception to this rule is, of course, anyone who disagrees with me. They are then obviously plainly deserving of limitless derision and ridicule :D .

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Guest efctaxi

First off , the above mail is out of proprtion to the original one written by Sgt Wright .

Here is the real one :


Dear everyone: Please pass this along to anyone you know, this needs to get

out in the open. Recently Marines over in Iraq supporting this country in OIF

wrote to Starbucks because they wanted ! to let them know how much they

liked their coffee and try to score some free coffee grounds. Starbucks wrote

back telling the Marines thanks for their support in their business, but that

they don\'t support the War and anyone in it and that they won\'t send them the


So as not to offend them we should not support in buying any Starbucks

products. As a War vet and writing to you patriots I feel we should get this out

in the open. I know this War might not be very popular with some folks, but

that doesn\'t mean we don\'t support the boys on the ground fighting street to

street and house to house for what they and I believe is right. If you feel the

same as I do then pass this along, or you can discard it and I\'ll never

know. Thanks very much for your support to me, and I know you\'ll all be there

again here soon when I deploy once more.


Semper Fidelis, Sgt Howard C. Wright

1st Force Recon Co

1st Plt PLT RTO


Thank you!


Starbucks wrote to him and explained their side of the story , and their policies .

The same Seargent sent another mail out expressing his appologies :


Dear Readers,




Almost 5 months ago I sent an e-mail to you my faithful friends. I did a wrong thing that needs to be cleared up. I heard by word of mouth about how Starbucks said they didn\'t support the war and all. I was having enough of that kind of talk and didn\'t do my research properly like I should have. This is not true. Starbucks supports men and women in uniform. They have personally contacted me and I have been sent many copies of their company\'s policy on this issue. So I apologize for this quick and wrong letter that I sent out to you.




Now I ask that you all pass this email around to everyone you passed the last one to. Thank you very much for understanding about this.




Howard C. Wright




1st Force Rcon Co


1st Plt PLT RTO



All a load of nonsense passed around by one guy ...... who got it wrong :) or is it all a load of internet bollox in the first place ?

Let's look at ...err... hum... another letter by the said Seargant :


Guess I will not be eating Oscar Meyer hot dogs any more!


Recently Marines in Iraq wrote to Oscar Meyer because they wanted to let them know how much they liked their hot dogs and to request that they send some of it to the troops there.


Oscar Meyer replied , telling the Marines thank you for their support of their business, but that Oscar Meyer does not support the war, nor anyone in it, and that they would not send the troops their brand of hot


dogs. So as not to offend Oscar Meyer, maybe we should not support them by buying any of their products! As a war vet writing to fellow patriots, I feel we should get this out in the open. I know this war might not be very popular with some folks, but that doesn\'t mean we don\'t support the boys on the ground fighting street-to-street and house-to-house for what they and I believe is right.


If you feel the same as I do then pass this along, or you can discard it and no one will never know.


Thanks very much for your support. I know you\'ll all be there again when I deploy once more.


\"Semper Fidelis.\"

Sgt Howard C. Wright

1st Force Recon Co

1st Plt PLT





Anyone see a trend ?


I rest my case :)

Edited by efctaxi
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I was sent that snippet by a mate of mine who has his lad out in Afghanistan, my nephew had not long returned from Iraq. My posting was in good faith, no political ends meant in anyway. I hate the fact that lads are being sent to fight in these places but it is their jobs and hence duty. What I wholeheartedly believe is that each and every one of them deserve our support, all criticism should be aimed at the politicians.................................I much prefer Costa coffee any way :P

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I think it's OK as long as people respect each other's views and it doesn't start to get abusive. We have a fairly good record on here in that respect, and someone tends to cut in with the "agree to differ" clause if things look like getting silly.


The exception to this rule is, of course, anyone who disagrees with me. They are then obviously plainly deserving of limitless derision and ridicule :D .



Well, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna get abusive. Any mail that starts with the words "Dear Starbucks, I really like your coffee" are clearly from people that

A- Don't know what coffee is;

B- Have lost all sense of taste.


If there's any yanks around, can you please answer me one question?

Do you have any class in school that teaches you how to ruin coffee grounds?


Because quite frankly, of all the times I've been to the US, I've never drunk a decent cup of coffee. So i'm wondering if it's something you learn over there... It's the same in those breakfast dinners, Starbucks, McDonalds, etc.


Any ideas?

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Well, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna get abusive. Any mail that starts with the words "Dear Starbucks, I really like your coffee" are clearly from people that

A- Don't know what coffee is;

B- Have lost all sense of taste.


If there's any yanks around, can you please answer me one question?

Do you have any class in school that teaches you how to ruin coffee grounds?


Because quite frankly, of all the times I've been to the US, I've never drunk a decent cup of coffee. So i'm wondering if it's something you learn over there... It's the same in those breakfast dinners, Starbucks, McDonalds, etc.


Any ideas?


Like you S4E i believe that Starbucks coffee is crap. the best i've ever had was Italian at a bistro in the central square of Verona, pure exquisite taste.


I also vehemently object to Muckdonalds, their food is crap and they will not serve vinegar with chips (french fries my arse). At one time the customer was always right until that load of conmen came along :angry::angry::angry:

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Guest efctaxi

Aaargh , McDonalds ........ The only company in our beloved country that is allowed to advertise it's products in all their photographic glory for you to choose from , before having to pay before you get it , then realise the beautifully garnished item that they promised is nothing but a cardboard tasting melted mush ...... and get away with it :angry:


Burger King any day of the week .


BTW , if you get into Garston by turning off the Ford road , there is a Kebab shop at the lights 1/2 a mile down that does the most amazing cheeseburgers with salad , on a toasted barm , cooked on a charcoal grill ...... for about £2 :P Fantastic !!!

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Well, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna get abusive. Any mail that starts with the words "Dear Starbucks, I really like your coffee" are clearly from people that

A- Don't know what coffee is;

B- Have lost all sense of taste.


If there's any yanks around, can you please answer me one question?

Do you have any class in school that teaches you how to ruin coffee grounds?


Because quite frankly, of all the times I've been to the US, I've never drunk a decent cup of coffee. So i'm wondering if it's something you learn over there... It's the same in those breakfast dinners, Starbucks, McDonalds, etc.


Any ideas?


Agreed - and as a Canadian, I'm both proud of the fact that good coffee is available all over this country, and saddened by the fact that Starbucks is all over the place and, as a result, some really great coffee shops have closed, unable to compete for some reason that totally escapes me. When I travel to US on business, I ensure my room has a coffee machine, and I take my own coffee.

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Agreed - and as a Canadian, I'm both proud of the fact that good coffee is available all over this country, and saddened by the fact that Starbucks is all over the place and, as a result, some really great coffee shops have closed, unable to compete for some reason that totally escapes me. When I travel to US on business, I ensure my room has a coffee machine, and I take my own coffee.



I honestly don't get it... I get more caffeine out of our expressos (although we don't call 'em that) than i get from one of them large cups at starbucks. Even their damned expressos taste like... well, not coffee ;)

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