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Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq


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For those who haven't seen it yet ... disturbing video.


Long version:


Short version:




This wasn't normal warfare .. soldiers are not allowed to shoot at the injured or children, they are not allowed to hit unarmed people trying to evacuate the injured from the battleground.


It's like they're playing a videogame.

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Disturbing is the right word....can think of a few others as well.


Yeah when they were begging the wounded man crawling along the ground to pick up a weapon so they’d have an excuse to shoot him again and then just did it anyway, "disturbed" didn't actually describe what I felt. I can't believe this has only 5,000,000 views .. Maybe I'm too naive to think that this doesn't happen in every war and on both sides of the conflict but those guys should be prosecuted for war crimes.

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Wikileaks, along with websites such as www.infowars.com, www.cryptome.org, www.prisonplanet.tv, www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com have been sharing videos such as this for years, its just taken two mainstream journalists' deaths for it to make mainstream news. Theres a whole world of vile, corrupt going-ons out there if people just take the time to look. What happens in this particular video is no better than the "terrorism" we're supposed to fighting out there. It sickens me.

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This is different. If Alex Jones had released this video he would have been doing a voiceover talking about the police state or what not.. Wikileaks just decoded a video which shows blatant facts. Alex Jones makes montages of scary pictures and newstitles.


That's why this Wikileaks video has gotten so much mainstream attention (although not enough imo) and Alex Jones is treated as an outcast.

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