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Some Odd Items That May Have Escaped You


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A 59-year-old chef died after a 50cm Asian swamp eel was put up his bottom. Doctors in Sichuan, China, found the marine creature in the man’s rectum after his death. It had allegedly been inserted after the man passed out drunk, by “pals” playing a prank. Doctors said the eel had devoured his bowels. Sun, 30 April 2010.


Cindy Corton, 35, of Sleaford, Lincolnshire, had a 15cm long toilet brush handle embedded in her buttock after a drunken fall in a friend’s bathroom in 2005. She went to hospital but was sent home with painkillers despite showing medics the wound in her bottom. Four days later, she was in such pain that she went for X-rays, but nothing was found. She suffered two years of constant pain before she was able to convince doctors that the thin serrated plastic handle was stuck in her arse cheek. By then it had become much more dangerous because it was embedded in her pelvis. After two unsuccessful operations in 2007, Mrs Curton agreed to undergo further surgery in June 2009, but died from massive blood loss. Her husband is suing United Lincolnshire Hospi-tals Trust. Sun online, 18 May 2010.


Gardener Sean Sok was eaten alive by a five-legged pig after he tried to chase it off his vegetable patch in Cambodia. News of the World, 25 April 2010.


A woman was killed by wolves in the United States – the first such fatality for 50 years. Candice Berner, 32, was attacked while out jogging near the village of Chignik Lake in Alaska. Snowmobilers found the teacher’s body in a pool of blood and tracks from four wolves in the snow. “The damage to the throat was severe,” said a state trooper. “Wolves, just like big cats, usually attack the windpipe area and try and control the victim that way.” Attacks by wild wolves are extremely rare, with the majority occurring in Russia and Canada. The last recorded fatal wolf attack in North America occurred in 2005 in Saskatchewan. D.Telegraph, 13 Mar; Sunday Times, 14 Mar 2010.


A poacher setting illegal snares in South Africa’s vast Kruger National Park was chased off by hippos, and then eaten by lions. Rangers alerted by two other men who fled found part of a skull and ripped clothing two days later. “It appears the dead man was charged and injured by hippos,” said an official. “It’s impossible to say whether he was alive or dead by the time the lions got to him.” D.Mirror, 25 Mar 2010.


A newly-wed groom was accidentally shot dead by his uncle as he fired his gun in the air to celebrate the marriage. Pankaj Kishore Karotia, 21, was just about to claim his bride and take her from a wedding recept-ion to her family home when his uncle drew his licensed handgun to fire a final shot. As he was loading it, it fired accidentally and hit his nephew in the head. His bride was waiting for him in the car as he died. The uncle was arrested for culpable homicide. D.Telegraph online, 19 Feb 2010.


Richard Butler wanted his girlfriend to think they were just taking a scenic hike in the North Carolina mountains, but he had a secret plan. When they got to the top, he was going to pull out a ring and propose to her. As they reached the summit of Max Patch Bald, near Asheville, on 4 June, lightning struck three times. The third bolt hit the 30-year-old and his girlfriend, Bethany Lott, 25, killing her and giving him third-degree burns. “I was spun 180 degrees and thrown several feet back,” said Mr Butler, from Knoxville, Tennessee. “My legs turned to Jello, my shoes were smoking and the bottom of my feet felt like they were on fire.” Ms Lott’s last words, about 30 seconds before she died, were: “Look at how beautiful it is.” [AP] 9 June 2010.


Estate agent Samuel Allfort showed prospective buyers around an £800,000 house in Notting Hill, west London, on 29 June while the owner lay dead on her sofa. He assumed divorcee Katherine Frame, 55, was sleeping and continued with the pre-arranged viewing. He left the living room to view last in case she awoke in time to meet the buyers. He returned to the house after the viewing as he felt “something didn’t seem right” and noticed Ms Frame had turned a “yellowish” colour. He called an ambulance, and a paramedic discovered that she was dead. An inquest found she had died from “natural causes exacerbated by chronic excessive alcohol ingestion”. D.Mail, Metro, 16 Sept 2010.


A 50-year-old man reported to a British A&E department dribbling urine, suffering painful spasms in his pelvis – and with two ends of a thin telephone wire dangling some five inches from the end of his penis. He’d been unable to maintain an erection since suffering a heart attack four years previously. So, for the last three years, he’d inserted telephone wire into his urethra to obtain an erection suffic­ient for masturbation. Usually, he just pulled the wire out. But this time the cord stuck. An X-ray showed both smooth and coiled telephone wire running along his urethra and ending deep in his bladder. Fortunately, surgeons successfully removed the cable.

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