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Betdash Testing And Discussion Thread


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Hi guys,


We've been developing a new sports betting game at Paddy Power Towers for the last while and it's getting ready for launch. Before we do however we need to get some testers in the doors to make sure everything's working ok. I got in touch with Louis who said it'd be cool if I put this up here so here I am!


All testers get a free bet for playing and the guys on the other forums we've tried this on seems to be enjoying themselves so hopefully you lads/lasses will too.


The bonus signup code is: https://www.betdash.com/bonus/JKP6937


Once you sign up you can find each other within the game by hovering the cursor over the "My Account" heading in the top-right hand corner and clicking "Search for Friends". Probably best you post your usernames in the game in the thread as this will make it easiest. The game works better when you play with a few mates so I'd highly recommend this!


Any problems, suggestions or scathing criticism please post them in here and I'll get to them as quickly as possible.




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LOL well I will accept money but not risk it LOL


Just to clarify; there's no deposit or anything else needed to redeem the free bet so there's no risk from your end. It's a fiver you receive to play the game and any winnings you make are yours to keep.


It is gambling at the end of the day though so if you have some sort of objection to it it's probably not the game for you.


Any problems or issues post them up in here and I'll get back to ya asap. Cheers!

Edited by DaireBD
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Just to clarify; there's no deposit or anything else needed to redeem the free bet so there's no risk from your end. It's a fiver you receive to play the game and any winnings you make are yours to keep.


It is gambling at the end of the day though so if you have some sort of objection to it it's probably not the game for you.


Any problems or issues post them up in here and I'll get back to ya asap. Cheers!



Thanks DaireBD, as you say it is probably not the game for me but thank you all the same I am sure it will suit many others.

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i'm shit at better lost 15k in the first day :lol: will have a go again at the weekend but seems a fun idea man!


Cheers for giving it a lash marcopaulo! I'm dahrah in the game if you want to add me and use your challenges etc, the game's much better with those features.


Again, any problems post them up here or PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.



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i'm finally back to 100,000.

I disagree with Saplingg, I think it is fun, all the little graphics make it different and humorous. I also got a friend to join and looking and laughing at his bets as well as him doing the same for mine also adds another element.


I don't think I'd play with my money though because I'm never really sure how much I'm putting on! And after my 8 days (which is what I have left to make a million) what happens then? Do I just lose all the money I've made?

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Hi guys, sorry for taking so long to get back to these two.


I don't understand this game. How do you consider it a game? There is no fun element other than the actual betting. It's like a scammy version of an online bookie, with much poorer odds.


Hi saplingg,


Sorry to hear you didn't like the game. The odds we use are the same as Paddy Power's and we do not alter them.


i'm finally back to 100,000.

I disagree with Saplingg, I think it is fun, all the little graphics make it different and humorous. I also got a friend to join and looking and laughing at his bets as well as him doing the same for mine also adds another element.


I don't think I'd play with my money though because I'm never really sure how much I'm putting on! And after my 8 days (which is what I have left to make a million) what happens then? Do I just lose all the money I've made?


After your time runs out you'll be able to cash out for the amount corresponding to your final bankroll and buy-in amount. If you used the bonus code this is 100 for the million, 50 for 750k, 25 for 500k and so on. There's a paytable just underneath the bankroll and current activity bars that shows you how much you stand to win in real money at any given bankroll level.


Thanks guys!


Again, any more questions PM or post them up here and I'll do my best to answer them.

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