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Finch Farm to be expanded


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This article is from 2006: http://www.thefreeli......-a0144504223 and outlines what Everton were interested in building under Keith Wyness.


The new plan for the site, which would be called the Everton International Academy, has already been pitched to a meeting of senior officials. It would house a new coach training centre which would take in international recruits,


It seems Robert Elstone wants to continue the project. Everton have held more informal talks about creating a coaching academy in Halewood, near Finch Farm.


I don't know whether the grants etc. still apply. The club are also looking to build accommodation for academy players to live (and presumably opponents to stay so that they can use facilities).

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Just looked through the building contracts, nothing in there. Still only Bellfield, the Car Park near Everton 1 and the £9m stadium extension...which just seems to have disappeared!?


Edit: That's a lie



Latest News


Williams Tarr & Co Ltd have been awarded the main contract.

Posted 3 weeks ago (Monday, 11 July 2011)



Tender News


Work is due to commence in autumn 2011.

Posted 3 weeks ago (Monday, 11 July 2011)


Edited by tenaciousj
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That update was taken from the 'news' section of the Stadium Development page on a website i found ;)


By the looks of things Everton FC sent out a tender notice relating to the project, and William Tarr won the rights based on their application.


It states works starts October '11, commencing for 8 months. Suprised they're doing it during the season but then again, what do i know!?


there's no additional data regarding the car park or Bellfield, usually because nothing has been finalised. At this moment in time the Car Park is deemed a 'small' project and there's not efficient info on it...in regards to Bellfied, it looks as though the application for building on the site has been granted but the tender hasn't been advertised for a contractor yet :)

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