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Sunderland service station robbed


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Investigating officers claim some of those involved were wearing Everton tops and they are now working with Merseyside police in a bid to trace those responsible.


Sergeant Paul Footes, of Easington Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “There were 50 people in total in the shop and not all necessarily wearing Everton tops, some of them were.

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Guest blueboy122

Bet they couldnt wait to print this. Just to show that stereo typical badge we cant seem to shake from the 70s 80s. They wouldnt of printed this if it was chelsea fans or mancs etc.

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If (and I stress IF) Everton fans were involved with this, then they bring embarressment to our club and the city.


Sorry, but also have to disagree with the notion that its not a big deal - it is theft. Granted, it may not be the biggest crime of all time buts it is theft. And IF (that word again) our fans can afford the ticket cost then they can afford the cost of a bag of crisps or whatever bits were taken. A couple of quid difference to making a little damage to our reputation.

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If (and I stress IF) Everton fans were involved with this, then they bring embarressment to our club and the city.


Sorry, but also have to disagree with the notion that its not a big deal - it is theft. Granted, it may not be the biggest crime of all time buts it is theft. And IF (that word again) our fans can afford the ticket cost then they can afford the cost of a bag of crisps or whatever bits were taken. A couple of quid difference to making a little damage to our reputation.


Phil, I think Mike was joking. Of course it's a big deal, I think he was playing on the prices of confectionary at service stations :)

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I went into one of these establishments last Sunday near the middle of nowhere and goddamn it, a packet of Richmond Superkings £3-70, I had no choice though, as it was the only place open for miles at the time. Also - No liquor on sale shaking fist.png


Sometimes stealing from these miserable places is the only viable alternative rather than taking out a mortgage and paying extortionate prices. It's not something I'd do myself, as rather pay and be done with it, but you can understand some peoples mentality.


I read the link again and it says 'Everton supporters raid gas station in £500 chocolate snatch' and also, 'They made off with a significant amount of crisps'.


Don't our fans take care of their eating habits?, If I they stole some carrots or celery sticks it wouldn't be so bad maybe, but all that unhealthy eating, I mean they're not doing themselves any favors with this.

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