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Everything posted by Mirallas

  1. I'm in my twenties... I can't judge on previous generations enough for a list like this. This list is current day only and therefore off topic Manuel Neuer Luis Suarez Cristiano Ronaldo Andres Iniesta Lionel Messi Phillip Lahm Giorgio Chiellini Neymar Paul Pogba Kevin De Bruyne
  2. He was given the Golden Ball award at the 2014 world cup though. I remember that... it was so ridiculous and clearly a marketing move on fifa's part
  3. Even if Messi isn't as likely to be judged like Ronaldo... I still just wanna draw some attention to the element of expectation and pressure. Even someone as (over?) decorated as Messi can still feel like he's not living up to some of these expectations. I think the presence of Suarez and Neymar have relieved him a bit on club-level. Being called the world's best by most of the people is very flattering and all that,... but damn for a man expected to perform to that standard week in week out, that's heavy stuff, no matter how much talent you got.
  4. Your notions on how Belgians estimate their national team are as misinformed as your notions on chocolate. Edit: I deleted the rest of my comment, because I don't want the discussion to go this way. Just keeping that bit up here ^
  5. He's quitting as an Argentine international. He says it didn't work out for him. You see it often that a big star doesn't quite live up to it in their national squads. Ronaldo, Hazard, Messi... They're under such great pressure. Ronaldo keeps going for it, though. And he's getting better and better bit by bit at Portugal. Upon Kompany's injury, Hazard was given the captain's armband at his national team and suddenly unleashed his class. Messi... well Messi gave up. We'd be criticizing the living daylight out of Ronaldo if he did this, but he didn't. Good guy Ronaldo.
  6. Bale is one of the only things I like about Wales. TBF I have nothing personal against the Welsh, but purely because all the media are telling me that the welsh people are so amazing because so and so, makes me just dislike the living daylight out of em, and I don't even know any Welshmen I hope they lose next Friday, even if their opponent weren't Belgium.
  7. TBF, Wales were unleashed in those qualification games and Belgium were relatively reserved. It remains to be seen how it will pan out this time. I could go both ways, definitely since Vermaelen will be suspended, he's been huge for Belgium in the past few games.
  8. Well afterwards: Great game! All players were great. Just like Germany earlier, I do enjoy a good faceroll every once in a while. Hazard motm, but he's been good in every game so far, just like Vermaelen. Hungary was actually not that bad.
  9. I hope it too, but Belgium are always underperformers under Wilmots.
  10. By the way... Captain Seamus Coleman, the Irish skipper
  11. Well Ireland starts off with a penalty after panic defending due to sloppy French organisation :/
  12. The strongest rumors suggest he'll be moving to Stoke. They're putting together a nice squad over there.
  13. I wonder if we can now close the topics of foreign players in the rumourama folder who aren't internationals for their country. However, taking a quick look at the list of players in there... They're pretty much all internationals, apart from the rare exception here and there.
  14. WOAH I have rearely seen such a scissor kick been taken so purely and so nicely placed. We've seen some nice goals so far, but this one I enjoyed the most.
  15. I'll just repost my question
  16. I feel like this is the kind of subject where both camps exaggerate their arguments... All I want to know is; what are the impications. For instance, does leaving the EU have any impact on UK's membership of the Schengen zone or the European Economical Area? Are those off the table now? Or not? Or do they have to be re-negotiated? And how about programmes like Erasmus?
  17. Why was Dele Alli taken out of the starting line-up? Was it a tactical choice or maybe an injury?
  18. So that's a wrap. Saturday 25 JuneSwitzerland - Poland Wales - N. Ireland Croatia - Portugal Sunday 26 JuneFrance - Ireland Germany - Slovakia Hungary - Belgium Monday 27 JuneItaly - Spain England - Iceland the red side will provide one team to the finals and blue side will provide the other (have fun, England).
  19. Damn. Meunier is pretty good, has won all 3 4 duels with Zlatan... and to think this guy is mostly spacefilling on rightback because Belgium ran out of stars. He's on par certainly.
  20. I am so happy with Iceland going through Even after the past 3 years, people still keep underestimating them. I did think they'd go through though for that exact reason (proof @ fantasy euro 2016 topic ) who knows what they'll do now.
  21. Well apparently they had inside information, cause no one is so daft to come up with such a line up on their own.
  22. That's the dumbest attempt at a lineup prediction I've seen in a long while.
  23. He played wonderfully, gave the assist for the second goal and launched Hazard for the third goal. Damn, not bad for who's by far the lowest profile player on the pitch. The Daily Mail is such a fucking joke for calling Kevin De Bruyne MOTM. Hazard, Witsel, Dembele, Vermaelen, Meunier, Lukaku, Mertens.... basically everyone else was better. De Bruyne needs some training on his passing before he can lay claim on an MOTM performance.
  24. Ireland sure is getting a lot of gratuitious free kicks...
  25. Meunier, the right-back is the only player from the Belgian competition and he's actually from my home team who are now champions.
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