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Everything posted by Mirallas

  1. Because poor individuals like us are very easily replaced.
  2. Trump 2016. MOTM 10/10. Best goalkeeper ever, It's like building a wall. That said, so dreadful this game was, could have easily been 5 or 6 goals for Sunderland. In the bigger picture, I'm kind of happy for them though, how in the last 2 games they managed to climb their way up and guarantee their place in the EPL next year at the expense of their greatest rivals.
  3. In about half an hour we'll know if Jordan will be in Belgium's European Cup squad. If he is, chances are quite real you'll be able to see him play in a good team. He wasn't too bad in the friendly against Portugal, But I still have my doubts if he's really cut for the EPL. I said before that I find him more of a Championship sort of player. Edit: Indeed, Jordan has been selected for Belgium's provisionary European Cup squad. Main squad, not reserve.
  4. I hope this is not too nitpicky, but don't these topics belong more to the matchday category?
  5. Here it is, guys! Battlefield 1... because World War 1 I presume. Can NOT wait till October
  6. I have that emotion with the game called Orcs Must Die! Unchained. Massacring waves of orcs/baddies who shout random song lyrics with creative killbox contraptions of traps you build.
  7. As an outsider to the old DOOM games, I'm actually only intersted in the multiplayer, because I did play the beta weekend and the dynamic and map designs were so satisfying. I don't care for the whole hellish demonic theme tbf. If there's a mod that replaces the textures with daffodils and sugarclouds, I might consider it. That flawlessly transitions us into the theme of shooter games and there's a few upcoming in the near future that really drew my attention! First of is the slightly controversial Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare I am not a CoD person, but the community was bummed out by it and they wanted a feet-on-the-ground modern/world-war themed shooter. This is actually the first trailer that manged to spark my interest in the game, I think that I just might pick it up. Space combat, heck yeah. (visit the youtube page of the trailer below and look at the like-bar for more information) Secondly is a game that doesn't really make a big splash in the main stream gaming community. But it did really grab my attention: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands. Everything about this game's theme and athmosphere screams to me: this is what the latest Far Cry game should have been and not that bullshit caveman arcade game. And that is why I want to try this game. And thirdly is Battlefield 5! The trailer comes out today and we can only guess what the game will be about, but Battlefield 1942, Vietnam, 2 and 2142 were the games that introduced me to shooters and oh my goodness am I looking forward to this reveal! Rumors speak of a World War 1 theme. Not sure how you can give that a fun dynamic, but I trust DICE. Anyway, I'll leave a blanc space below for the trailer that will come out later today [ BF5 trailer here any moment now ] Edit: meanwhile, the teaser that does seem to suggest a historic theme!
  8. You can already save a lot of money by preordering through G2A. I won't post a link, because I don't want to interfere with advertizing on this site or maybe you have ethical reasons not to like G2A, but it's almost half price currently on the preorder of DOOM.
  9. Just one remark I'd have to make: Overwatch is on Open Beta this weekend. I'd highly recommend gamers to try it, even if it's just to realize they don't want to buy it. If you're not familiar yet with its concept: it's essentially a 6 versus 6 pvp multiplayer (or players versus AI) game where all players are specific characters with specific roles (healer/support, dps, sniper, builder, tank), so team balancing is a thing. I was looking forward to it a LOT, however it was a bit of a letdown for me, especially in how LIMITED the game is. The major issue at hand is the fact that this 6 versus 6 is literally the whole game, there's nothing else to do. So it's really repetitive and after a day you've seen the game, trust me I made a little video review for the subscribers of my youtube channel to see, cause I had a message about Overwatch that I thought prospective buyers might wanna see first. This is not meant to advertize my YT channel, it's just a "testimony" and I don't want to type out a whole essay on a video game. Sorry for putting my mouth a little too close to the microphone.
  10. Yeah true, and I'm always a fan of Perisic, I've enjoyed him since he played for my local club. However, I know by now what you guys tend to like and what you tend to dislike regardless of effectiveness and that's what gets me a little worried with Perisic. It tends to be a little more about perception of a player's attitude rather than anything else. I recall that for every goal he scored, he wasted so many chances, whether it be at Bruges, Dortmund, Wolfsburg or Croatia. Also; he's a mercenary. Like every other footballer in the world: don't expect club loyalty from him, but especially not from him. All that said, again, I'm still a big fan of the guy.
  11. He is quality, no doubt, but I'd warn you that Perisic is quite selfish. He's not much different from Mirallas imo.
  12. But I do sometimes wonder if you genuinely believe your own nonsense.
  13. Yeah, He's not a wideman or winger. Not sure where the article got the idea from but as far as I can remember the lad has never spent one minute of his life on a wing. He is 100% CAM and with good reason: he's slow. Put him on a wing and he'll be worthless. Might as well put my chubby ass on the wing, you'll get the same effect. The only way this guy gets through a defense is with passes. There's 2 players in the Belgian competition with pretty much exact same profiles: Praet and Vanaken. Both play for the best 2 teams in he country, they are young belgians, central attacking midfielders, their strongpoints are their passing insights, they're no dribbling wizards,.... and so on. Who is the best out of the two? Without a shadow of a doubt: Hans Vanaken. He's faster, is more insightful with the passing game and is physically a stronger player. Praet has been hyped since he played for youth categories as the 'next big thing from Belgium'. If you ask me: he's good in Belgium, let him stay in Belgium. That competition is probably the only one in which he'll excel, perhaps he might get a shot at the Dutch Eredivisie, but that's all he should attempt.
  14. Louis Van Gaal! Just for the laughs guys. And have Hein Van Haezebrouck run a year of apprenticeship to get to know the league the team and the EPL habits a bit. He'll be the next superstar manager for sure
  15. Heads up! This weekend is open beta weekend for DOOM: it features only multiplayer, more specifically deathmatch and some other mode that requires you to hold control over a moving zone. I thought I sucked at pvp fps'es, being more of a action adventure gamer/ mmorpg gamer. Turns out I'm allright: And the second heads up is for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege which has a "free weekend" meaning the full game is available for free this weekend (shots fired! Ubisoft isn't going to let Bethesda get all the attention this weekend ) Both can be found on Steam, though R6S can also be installed through Uplay alone.
  16. You personally don't deserve a player like Lukaku. Everton does, because luckily the team is more than just a bunch of Hafnias. And the Belgian thing doesn't determine anything, at most it brings new teams to my attention. I hate watching ManU or Arsenal play their football, even though ManU has 2 Belgians and Arsenal used to have Vermaelen, who now plays at Barca and I wholeheartedly hate what Barcelona did to football. I full-on root for Real in a classico, and Real has no Belgians. I sympathise with Valencia and they have no... ok they have 1 Belgian but that doesn't matter he never plays anyway. In Italy, AS Roma have a really good Belgian in Nainggolan, but I still sympathise more with Lazio or Juventus who have no Belgians. Wolfsburg in Germany has no Belgians either... Really in the end, having Belgians or not is literally 0 indicator of how much I like a team. I always start out as a neutral spectator and lover of the sport, then based on what I see I pick my teams. And that's a compliment to Everton. You can hate me for what you perceive me to be, but it doesn't really phase me.... based on every comment that I read from you, I don't rate the quality of your comments very highly, since you're one of those menucard-supporters who sort of pick a certain selection of facts to serve their underlying emotions, which in this topic is: You don't like Lukaku. Hence: you personally do not deserve a player like him. He's the best striker this team has had since Rooney and you can't even bring yourself to enjoying him when he does well.
  17. Mirallas as a 10? That's a new concept, isn't it? Instictively I'd switch Mirallas with Deulofeu in that line-up.
  18. Compose yourself, Haf, you're acting a bit like a chav right now. Would you have preferred him turning against the EFC fans or what? You don't deserve a player like Lukaku. It's allright to call out a bad performance, but you're a downright hater and have been since the beginning.
  19. ooh he feels empowered now You can tell that this was the moment you've been waiting for to unleash the good old Haf again.
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