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Posts posted by Mirallas

  1. Finally seen Civil War. If any of you are "team Cap" fans, you need to give your heads a wobble


    Same if you're team Ironman "omg you knew he killed my parents when he wasn't being himself omg omg I will kill you both now!"... what in the world. The whole movie was complete shit. Good thing I like Ant Man. I'm for whichever team has Ant Man in it, cause I couldn't care less for the silly plot of this film. Made even less sense than Batman vs Superman.

  2. Stop with the 120k a week crap. That was a journo making stuff up. The semi credible hour is said its 60k a week and 20-25m pounds. It's not 30m and 120k a week guys just relax.


    We need this type of player. If koeman likes him and can utilize him in his system then let's get him in.


    Yeah the 30m thing was actually in euros btw, and it was from some Italian source I have never heard of.

  3. Well... easy option of going to Russia, that may be how you see their competition, but within the competition he has won several titles and played as one of the stars of the team. He was brought in together with Hulk, but proved to be a much more effective signing than Hulk. Before that, he only played for Benfica for one season, I think, but in that season he has won the hearts of the Lisbon fans and they were aggravated by the fact that he left Benfica for Zenit (€40m! one year after a €7m transfer from Standard to Benfica), while he could have gone to the Primera Division. All in all I think there's worse transfers to get for that money.

  4. We make up part of Everton, we are the fans.


    "They", the people who know what they are doing brought you Niasse, and Mcgeady.


    Yeah, people aren't as easy to predict as cattle. Sometimes you see something in a person and you have a vision of how someone fits into the EFC of tomorrow, but for some reason it doesn't work out. Even if in McGeady's case you can go like "told you so", it's still hindsight talk.


    I think Witsel is a good choice for the holding midfield. But you never know do you.


    It's actually a Spurs-like transfer. A pretty expensive, but just below world class mercenary. (no coincidence that they have a contingent of 4 first team Belgians) That doesn't mean it's a bad thing, Spurs did great last season.

  5. If we end up paying him £100k plus a week I'll be very pissed off. There is much, much better out there for that kind of money. He's no better than Fellaini.




    I don't want to be nitpicky, but it's for these situations that I always talk in third person ("EFC"). They know what they're doing imo.

  6. BTW all these doom messages that they're spreading in the EU on Brexit and how baaaaad it is... all just typical pro-European propaganda. It all depends on how the treaties are re-negotiated, and I'm sure the best arrangements are being made, as Churchill would say. You can NOT speculate on "It will cost this an that economy so many billions of pounds/euros", simple as that. It's premature speculation by very biased people.



    Some interesting opinion here.



    Now that guy is basically just saying that if the UK doesn't police the EU, that another World War will break out. Can we have a facepalm emoticon, please?


    Look at those numbers, its possible that 100% of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland could have voted remain and if enough people in England voted leave, then leave it would be and you think that is democratic?



    I voted stay and my 3 neighbours across the street voted leave. Do you think that is democratic? :crying smiley:

  8. What is it with Iberian and Latin American players that they always feel homesick so easily... It's gotten to the point where I don't even want any of them to come to the EPL any more, because you know they'll do well for just one season and then just crash and wanna go back home to their mommies.


    (Not all of them, but in general they have it much worse than any other nationalities in the world. Deulofeu and Azpilicueta deserve a medal)


    Eastern Europeans, Dutchmen, Italians, Germans, Belgians, Scandinavians, Frenchmen, Japanese, Australians and North Americans all do perfectly fine.


    people are getting robbed here in the states from that game. putting lures up and people show up to get the poke and get robbed at gunpoint. i'm gonna pass on it.

    We don't allow easy gun ownership here in Europe, you should come catch your pokemon over here.

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