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Everything posted by StevO

  1. phil brown will do me! can tell hes a good manager, he has a headsets on all the staff. wheres your headsets moyes?
  2. for supposedly the 5th best team in the prem, one point at home is a crisis to me. its a slippery slope and in three weeks time we could very likely be half way down that slope, and its very hard to get back up
  3. the point is we need to increase income by more than that. they say it will bridge the gap with the top 4, but it wont even bridge the cap with spurs! do you still believe all the crap KW told you? surely not, take a look at the published figures, they dont add up, yet you just think its people being negative. and i stand by your pointless comment, every single one of them.
  4. how can i possibly quantify it? im sure even the club cant put a specific figure on it? why do you find the need to even make that comment that it is pointless? you said that an increase in turnover is still and increase in turnover. that is a pointless statement when the costs need to be considered. more turn styles - either increased man power or increased maintenance of machinery. more toilets - increased costs of water bills and cleaning costs more food/drink stands - increased cost of staff and machinery larger capacity - increased cost policing, trafficing, stewards, cleaning. there is obviously an increase in costs, i dont see how its a pointless statement at all to be honest. do you not under stand - turnover minus cost equals profit? there has to be so many police per fan, so if the capacity can reach 50k there has to be police for 50k, we currently pay for policing upto 40k. there has to be so many stewards per fan also, and they dont work for free. hes not getting at the point that the debt wont increase at GP, the point is the revenue will on increase enough. we still wont compete with spurs and their little 36/37k seater stadium, due to us not having enough corp boxes. have you actually read his posts or have you just gone "oh look someone picking on kirkby again, must defend regardless"
  5. then the same can be said for fellaini, he was a risk, cost more than manny, manny spoke the language and already knew the system we played, no other club came in for fellaini too. any player is a risk. not gettin on fellainis case there, just a comparison.
  6. i believe cahill's is a samoan family tree
  7. i think it needs to be noted, the move would indeed increase match day revenue, but remember matchday costs are also vastly increased as are debts to be paid. so any old increase just wont do. it has to be significant.
  8. you will soon learn jim, your opinion doesnt matter. we have some elite blues on here who know more than you, live with it
  9. moutinho, woodgate, cana and a shiney new GP
  10. i'll add a few predictions too, aaron lennon, frazier campbell, micah richards. think all three will bomb
  11. hes not the best, but that is well wide of the mark
  12. got to be a contender for classic thread when this is done.
  13. stay away from stars, i believe stars are the sign of the arse bandit & the dyke in the tattoo world.
  14. are you trying to get us shut down
  15. where the hell is he? we need a bit more fish around here! all the best.
  16. i know one man, he knows a lot about football, he isnt an evertonian, and he happens to be the most successful manager the premiership has seen. im sure SAF knows a bit. you pick on pip for the long balls, yet lescott jags and yobo get away with it? if our whole back four play the long ball so often do you not think DM may have included it in his tactics? as others have said, you wont be convinced. shame really, coz you just sound a bit foolish with your constant hatred of him.
  17. how strange this whole thing is, i mean, you obviously have vast knowledge of the game, yet footballing idiots like, for example, sir alex ferguson, david moyes & sven goran eriksson seem to think he has plenty of ability. open your eyes mate.
  18. your telling me after a month everton have not found a translator? dont believe that for one second, guess you must have made that up. even i know two french fellas in the city who could manage that job. the point is we cant spend all our money on a guy who isnt ready, we dont have the funds for that kind of risk. im sure he'll come good, but waiting for that could be a big downfall
  19. fellaini should have had a pen, but the one with yak was just a shoulder barge, off the ball too, no pen for me.
  20. i dont think the captain is just for 90mins on a saturday. pip is the CLUB captain, he represents everton in nothing other than a professional manor. has immersed himself in the club since day one, actually plays the game for the love of the game, united are his team, we know that and he doesnt hide it, but he is there for the cause and has put most of our side to shame week in week out so far. hes not the most gifted footballer, but he is probably one of the hardest working. happy to see him lead the club out. i rate jags very highly, but im not sure if hes a captain. i dont think any of our other defenders rally the troops, ever. maybe cahill for me, but after pip the only other id have had was cars, and that cant happen now.
  21. phil neville, the lad cant do right in some blind eyes. stuck with the stagma of being a manc and the whole not good enough for them why good enough for us crap. tries harder than anyone else on the field but most just cant give him the credit he deserves. our player of the season so far, and the only one who seems as hurt at the final whistles as we do.
  22. i think the major problem here is that was cant afford to spend £15m on potential, if we are to spend that sort of cash they need to be the real deal, and now. panic buy, hopefully will come good thou.
  23. the first time i played with contact lenses, about five months ago. 7 a side, was on the right, brought the ball down on my right foot, turned, ball bounced twice and the volley, bottom corner. next time the ball was passed to me, normal service resumed, it went right under my foot.
  24. they can get top ten if they stay focused and not start getting carried away with it all. but phil brown wont let them get too carried away, a very sensible, good manager they have there.
  25. i thought fellaini did well today, he got a bout a bit, upset them in their box, got the tackles in and won a lot of loose balls in the midfield. arteta still cant hit a barn door with his set pieces. when you cent get a corner past the first man, than man being little robbie keane, its time for someone else to have a go. osman didnt turn up for the game. lescott looked better than he has lately. cahill done well for 80minutes. howard wasnt good enough for me, and a bit of ball watching cost us the game, on two occasions.
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