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Everything posted by StevO

  1. i'll go with £15m with no body leaving with a fee
  2. cahill is one of the best around in 451, but i think hes undervalued in a 442. he is still a very able and capable in a 442, just that he stands out more in a 451. i just hope we can keep him fit for a couple of years now
  3. never a truer word spoken, a shining example to prima donnas, and young kids who get ahead of themselves.
  4. great servant to the club, like many have said before, if you give 100% Evertonians will support you. great guy off the pitch as well as on it, im sure the lads will miss him too, they all say hes the joker and keeps them all smiling, brum have a top pro on their hands. ATB
  5. dont count on it just yet, hes only played in midfield for the reserves so far. when he starts playing centre half for the reserves we might see more of him at the back for the first team
  6. thats the problem claire, minus the rooney money we are no better off, we are actually worse. we are far from financially secure. and the current credit crunch could cause everton serious problems. and with city, i read in the papers before that they are putting the whole squad on the transfer list so a new manager can start from scratch! madness! petrov, elano, johnson, richards, all for sale!
  7. could be a good idea that carl. TT MOTM 2007/08 TT Player Of The Year 2007/08
  8. read my post fool, i said hes rubbish in posession, so why are you bothering to tell me about him being uncomfortable on the ball? and i think you'll see hibbert isnt slow. i dont think you have actually watched hibbert playing either. cant prove this though can i
  9. alwasy been a fan of brian kidds work myself
  10. cant believe manny finished 5th, but well done JL5
  11. fulham at home for me,3-0, they got a lesson on how to play that day. perfect performance for me. defender superbly fromthe front, didnt give them an inch, created a lot of chances and yak put in the perfect forwards performance showing he was worth every penny
  12. i'll give him his due in the european games he came on and scored some important goals. but have you honestly seen him produce anything against premiership opposition? for all his strength he is constantly going down, he does not chase down defenders, he should have had at least one goal against newcastle and frankly his composure and first touch do not exist, and that was against a shambles of a defence. when he gets the ball played to him in the air he complains, yet he can not control the ball when its played to him on the floor. he may be young and still learning, but we all know if vaughan had been fit victor would have barely got a contract
  13. i hope your right mate, id happily sell him for a fiver
  14. cheers lads, got my first wrinkle today
  15. when kendall was in charge we had able businessmen in the board room with the finances to back him. things are rosey on the pitch, but the pitch might as well be covered in daisies and dandelions if were driven to administration. no body wants a yank style take over like at the shite, but look at the yank take over at villa!!!
  16. honestly cant see anybody wanting to take a risk on him, but i hope. maybe if some one just offered to take him with no transfer fee we might just be happy to get him off the wage bill
  17. where did this west brom and stoke rubbish come from? no manager with a clue would pay £4m for victor. AJ still managed 10 goals this season when he hasn't played as often as would be expected. id only want to sell him if there was a profit to be made. he had a good season in his first year, then has a relatively poor one in his second season when he isnt even first choice anymore, now everone wants rid! do you want rid of cahill due to his foot problem? arteta because for most of this season hes been out done by pienaar and osman, even manny in his last 3 games looked better than arteta has all year. and one last thing, victor will never be half the player AJ is. dont want to keep knocking the kid, but his attitude stinks, the yak shows more of a work rate than that lazy overrated........... i'll stop there
  18. you really are so blinkered! the big clubs who have gone into debt are profitable enough to cover for them, but at least own assets to get out of it if need be! we dont own assets, our debts are getting deeper and deeper and we have nothing left to sell. things on the pitch are great right now, but tell me why smaller clubs with smaller stadiums, smaller fan bases and less success on the pitch can manage off the field with bigger wage budgets than we have? the people running everton the football team are doing a great job, the people running everton the business are heading further and further down the long road to ruin. just remember how good things are now when the only thing left to sell is the on field assets!
  19. a very good post! i agree with all of that!
  20. maybe they would give us manny and jauquim straight swap for arteta. i'll drive him to the airport
  21. 250 - the issues of us falling behind is in business terms, not on the pitch. deeper into debt every year, strange how we sell asset the club had yet the debts dont drop. they sell of the catering to an incompetant outfit sell of the merchandise to what seems like a fuck up of an operation. ok, the right people a running this club, doing a great job! these problems are being caused by KW, but BK gave that man the job, knowing he has a history if misleading fans at his previous club, and also has a history including bankrupting a company. good guy, good track record. hmmm
  22. i guess as with any property, if they sell it they wil have to pay the remaining balance
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