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Everything posted by StevO

  1. id say two midfielders and a right back
  2. i believe its a flattening of ones clothes, sometimes taken care of by ones self in the time between being mummys little boy and mariage
  3. not just as well when long serving loyal staff are losing jobs for a cheap buck
  4. just spent over an hour ironing, i fucking hate sundays! the blues made it much easier to cope thou
  5. its not the everton way? our previous investors may not have been foreign, but we were the mersey millionaires. we, as much as anyone, used to buy our success too. now im not saying sell up to anyone, but i dont think for one minute bill hasnt had english/british investment offered too him. i appreciate what hes done for us (thou most of it was done by david moyes) but talking about liverpool bringing in spanish dinnerladies, everton have sacked the majority of their local work force to bring in agencies to run different aspects of the club. there has been a drop in our corporate support over the last couple of years, a lady called rita london "looked after" our corporate supporters for over 20 years, they had a very well known head chef at everton (he now works for wigan in their successful corporate facilities) both of these were sacked, as were the waiters and other chefs, to bring in an outside catering company. what money was saved by using the catering company was lost again by the drop in clients. the bullens road stand will now have the front on show in celebration on Leict's architectural work (spelling). would they choose to drop all that advertising space? my cousin works for in marketing for one of liverpools casinos, they were sent fruit baskets and an offer to advertise in Goodison, at massively reduced rates. most of you probably wont believe me, but things arent so rosey behind the scenes at everton
  6. i think were pretty much thru now, one more win should put us top
  7. spot on carl! some people wont admit when lescott or yobo make a mistake, last nite they did but they got away with it, wont criticize them thou, solid most of the time. pip and nuno did well
  8. he should, but id be suprised if he did
  9. i thought our full backs were solid last nite, it was yobo and lescott who came closest to errors
  10. Well i keep saying vic is shit, and he keeps scoring, so i'll carry on saying hes shit and he can carry on scoring. i think its a fair swap. i too think he is more of an impact player at the mo, and doing it well
  11. pretty good, all along the lines of the singles really
  12. Appiah is mustard! i think it was pat who said poor mans essien, thats more than good enough for me. been touted as the next vieira when he was in italy too
  13. guess we do give them reason for calling us bitter! shame he still seems to be a PRICK
  14. fight club zed, i forgot that. one of the best plots to a film ive seen, and pitt is funny in a strange way! never seen revolver
  15. just took delivery of 3 albums the enemy - we live and die in these towns fionn regan - the end of history the wombats - a guide to love, ......... these titles might be wrong, cd's are in my car, cant be arsed looking
  16. if we just dont let carl in, all will be fine (dont take that serious carl)
  17. i think it would be unfair if billy davies got sacked. he always said since he went there it would take three years to get to the prem and it seems he shot himself in the foot getting up two seasons early
  18. i got another one, i wanted Huth not Lescott
  19. ive only been to one weekend game without a hangover - wrong everytime!
  20. we have no idea if AJ has asked for £x or if Everton have approached him with £x
  21. i think people know im a fan of hibbo (its just like me getting a game!) but if we could bring in hoyte i'll be happy to have hibbo in back up
  22. i had an arguement with my mate about calzaghe, the lads not lost a fight for ten years i think, but never had the recognition he deserves. its a shame, hes one of the greatest britains at his sport that we have seen, yet hes constantly over looked
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